Chapter 526

"Finally succeeded!" Tianhuo was overjoyed, he didn't care about thinking about the treasure map, and hurriedly checked the panel of the Xiantian Lingding tripod.

"Yeah, you've been urging me all the time, but now you really succeeded in urging me." Tian Ling said with relief.

Tianhuo gave a dry laugh, "Tianling, thank you for your hard work."

"Hee hee, it's good to know, this time the refining speed of the demon king's blood bead will be several times faster, just look forward to it!"

Congenital spirit tripod (spirit level), four god attributes + level x 200, damage bonus to monsters x 200%.

Additional Attributes: Attributes of the Four Great Gods +30000.

Additional ability: Transformation, using the power of the phantom fire, can transform itself into any form.

Explanation: The Xiantian Spirit Cauldron despises the world. In addition to its powerful alchemy power, it can also ignore the pressure from outside. After refining Ziji Spirit Fire and Illusory Demon Fire, it contains a powerful righteousness of heaven and earth.

On the panel of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, there is actually an additional attribute and additional ability. Obviously, they are all obtained from the Phantom Demon Fire!
Seeing such an attribute, Tianhuo looked forward to it very much. If he refined the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire and the Nanming Phoenix Fire, what would this additional attribute become?

Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't help but look forward to it, "Tianling, now you have the ability to refine the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire and the Nanming Phoenix Fire, right?"

"It's almost there. When you have a divine body, you will naturally have a great chance." Tianling said.

"Bahuang is full of vitality? It's not easy to enter that place." Prisoner Tianta interjected at this moment.

Tianhuo nodded slightly. Of course he understood that the Yanmen ruins had been sealed. If he wanted to get in, he had to find another way, or his strength had reached a certain level. Right now, even if he wanted to try, he had to solve the problem of this treasure first. Let's talk about it.

"Tianhuo, why are you in a daze? What do you think of this?" Twilight asked, interrupting the conversation between Tianhuo and the second daughter.

Tianhuo smiled, "What else can I see? Go for it!"

Before, Tianhuo would still hesitate, but now with the phantom demon fire, especially the ability to transform, Tianhuo believes that he can transform into an NPC-like existence again, just like wearing an exquisite mask, no one can find himself An adventurer from another world.

"Hey, I knew it, so I'll wait for your good news." Twilight smiled.

Tianhuo shrugged, "It's not too late, then I'm going!"

After saying that, Tianhuo directly used the city return technique, returned to Tianyanmen, and continued to walk towards the teleportation array.

The chaotic domain is surrounded by countless small forces, and the center is controlled by three major forces, forming a tripartite confrontation to occupy the center of the chaotic domain. Here are the most abundant resources, and here is the most exciting place in the chaotic domain. yearning area.

In other places, you have to worry every day, whether the city you are in will be occupied by other forces tomorrow, but here, you don’t have to worry, because no one can replace the status of the three major forces. After all, the leaders of the three major forces are all It is the strong man of the gods.

God Lord, the top powerhouse in the Chaotic Domain.

"Is it your first time to come to my Thunderstorm Pavilion? Sign up!"

Outside a city, Tianhuo's figure had just emerged when he heard this voice.

Tianhuo turned around suspiciously, only to see that the teleportation array of this city was actually built outside the city, and here is the outermost city of Thunderstorm Pavilion. He teleported all the way here and arrived here.

"Okay, don't stand there stupidly, come here!" The voice came again, Tianhuo looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a big open-air table at the gate of the city, except for the guards in armor. .

Behind the table, a man also wearing armor was looking at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo walked over. At this moment, he had already used the ability of the phantom fire to change his breath. In the eyes of these npcs, Tianhuo had become the same existence as them, and he could not see the slightest taste of an adventurer in another world.

"The entry fee for ten Lingzhu, you need to register your identity when you come here for the first time, what level of identity do you need?" the man said with a smile on his face, looking very enthusiastic.

"Is there a registration distinction for identity?" Tianhuo asked in astonishment. It was the first time he came to the territory of the three major forces, so he naturally didn't know this statement.

The man smiled, "That's right, ordinary identities with one thousand spirit beads can only be fixed in a certain city for activities, and those with high-level identities with one hundred thousand spirit beads can roam freely within the range of my Thunderstorm Pavilion. Of course, there are also the best Status, that is the status of the distinguished class, after the application, the priority of taking the teleportation array is free, and there is no entry fee in any city, etc., the treatment is very good."

Tianhuo coughed lightly, a high-level status requires one hundred thousand spirit beads, and the noble-level ones will naturally be very expensive, no wonder this guy looks so enthusiastic, it turns out that there are spirit beads that have been collected!

Tianhuo didn't ask about the price of the honorable status, it was enough for him to need a high-level one. Thinking of this, Tianhuo said: "Then please get me a high-level one!"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. In my Thunderstorm Pavilion, although it is calmer than other places, it is inevitable that there will be bandits and the like. If you have a noble status, even bandits will not dare to attack you, and With a distinguished status, even the headquarters in Thunderstorm City can freely enter and exit." The man continued, but his eyes were full of hope, as if he hoped that Tianhuo could apply for a distinguished status.

Tianhuo was amused in his heart, he didn't need to go to the headquarters of Thunderstorm Pavilion, but he just used a way to go to the mountains behind Thunderstorm City.

"There is also the biggest advantage. With the status of the noble class, you can enter Xiushan Wuhai, which is a unique place in the chaotic domain. Not only the scenery is amazing, but if you are lucky, you can also get divine beads or even better things. "After the man finished speaking, he laughed.

"Xiushan Wuhai?" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, it was the first time he heard this name, but he had a faint feeling that it seemed to be related to the treasure left by the spirit-loving treasure beast.

As soon as this idea appeared, Tianhuo fell silent and asked, "How many spirit beads do I need for a distinguished status?"

"Not much, just 1000 million spirit beads. The price has been reduced recently, so it's a good deal." The man laughed.

Tianhuo frowned without a trace, isn't that high? 1000 million, if you were an ordinary strong man, you might never see so many spirit beads in your life.

"Hehe, it's the most cost-effective here. If you go to Xiushan Wuhai and do it again, the price will increase ten times!" The man said again.

Tianhuo coughed lightly, and a storage bag appeared on the table in the restroom, "Then I will trouble you."

The man smiled, spread his hands to put away the storage bag, and then took out a jade pendant and handed it to Tianhuo, "Just hang it on your waist. This is the token of the noble status. With it, you will be the noble of my Thunderstorm Pavilion." guest."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, 1000 million spirit beads were exchanged for this jade pendant?But at this moment, Tianhuo couldn't help but admire Thunderstorm Pavilion's way of making money, and got 1000 million spirit beads in a few words. This kind of business is almost a no-cost business.

"It seems that Tianyan Sect also needs to find a similar way to make money, um, let everyone come up with ideas after returning." Tianhuo secretly thought.

"Okay, distinguished guest, there are teleportation arrays going everywhere in the city, please!" The man made a gesture of invitation.

Tianhuo was surprised again. In this small city, a teleportation array was built not only outside the city, but also inside the city. You must know that the construction cost of the teleportation array is very high!

However, Tianhuo didn't say much, but walked directly towards the city. At this moment, he was very curious about the so-called Xiushan and Wuhai. This noble token is just the ticket for that place. It should be worth the money!

"Dear guest, where do we need to go?" The teleporter said respectfully as soon as Tianhuo walked to the teleportation formation in the city.

Tianhuo was taken aback for a moment, even though he had the title and medal respected by NPCs, he had never felt such an honorable title as a teleporter. It seems that this distinguished status is somewhat famous!

"Please, I'm going to Thunderstorm City!" Tianhuo nodded slightly and said.

"Oh? The guests are here for the Xiushan Mist Sea, right? The Xiushan Mist Sea has begun to change in the past few days, and treasures will fly out from time to time. The guests have to hurry up. I don't know how long this situation can last." The teleportation array said Then, the teleportation array was launched for Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was stunned, and let the teleportation array send him away, but he was surprised in his heart. Hearing what the teleporter said, Xiushan Wuhai was near Thunderstorm City!Could it be the place indicated on the treasure map?
The scenery in front of him stabilized, Tianhuo walked out of the teleportation point, and continued to walk towards the teleportation array. If he wanted to reach the Thunderstorm City in the center of the Thunderstorm Pavilion, he could not teleport there in one go.

After teleporting for an unknown number of times, Tianhuo came to the outside of a city again. Looking around, there were endless city walls on both sides, and after a few miles, Tianhuo clearly saw the engraved words "Thunderstorm City" on the wall. big characters.

In Thunderstorm City, if it is transmitted from other places, it will fall outside the city, and identity verification is required to enter the city.

Tianhuo secretly compared the situation in front of him with the treasure map, and found that the treasure he pointed to was in the north, and he could reach it as long as he crossed Thunderstorm City.

Originally, Tianhuo wanted to bypass Thunderstorm City, but since he had already applied for the noble status and had Phantom Demon Fire, he naturally didn't need to make a detour, just go straight across Thunderstorm City, which would be closer.

In the eyes of dozens of guards, Tianhuo entered Thunderstorm City without hindrance, but found that there was a teleportation array beside him as soon as he entered the city.

"Distinguished guest, if this place is far from your destination, you might as well take the teleportation array!" The teleportation array is next to the city gate, so as soon as Tianhuo came in, the teleporter said to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, these cities are terrifyingly large, if they rely on walking, it will take a few days to get to the north city gate, and the teleportation array is naturally the best choice.

"Go to the north." Tianhuo went directly to the teleportation array without hesitation.

"Oh? Are you going to Xiushan Wuhai? Guest, then you are ready, I will send you directly to the teleportation point outside the north gate, and not far to the north is Xiushan Wuhai." The teleporter said, as if in Seek Skyfire's opinion.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, sure enough, the so-called Xiushan Mist Sea was actually the place pointed by the treasure map!

(End of this chapter)

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