The strongest saint

Chapter 527 Divine Pearl

Chapter 527 Divine Pearl
The scenery in front of him changed, and when it stabilized, Tianhuo reappeared outside the city, but this was the north of the city, and further north was the so-called Xiushan Mist Sea, which was also the place pointed by the treasure map.

Looking around, the north is a stretch of high mountains, and there are beast roars coming from time to time.

Tianhuo secretly clicked his tongue in his heart, Thunderstorm City was built outside the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan Mountain, the distance is extremely close, it is really unimaginable, if the monsters inside come out of the roar of beasts at close range, Thunderstorm City may also have a lot of trouble.

However, Tianhuo immediately felt relieved when he thought that Thunderstorm City was guarded by powerful gods and gods. Those kind of strong people could only look up to them!
Looking at the mountains in front of him, Tianhuo rubbed his chin. There are treasures flying out of Xiushan Wuhai these days, maybe it is something in the secret treasure of the spirit-loving beast. In order to reduce losses, he must hurry up.

"Dear guest, please come up!"

Tianhuo looked at the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan Mountain, and a voice came from the sky behind him. Tianhuo turned around and looked up, only to see a flying warship hundreds of meters long standing quietly above the city wall. None of them noticed the existence of this warship.

On the battleship, figures poked their heads out, glanced at Tianhuo, and then retracted.

Tianhuo was a little puzzled. This flying warship stopped here. Could it be a special pick-up?
With doubts, the sky fire rose from the sky, and landed on the flying warship in an instant. Only then did he realize that hundreds of people had gathered on the warship, and among these people, except for the guards in armor, the waists of the rest were All of them bear honorable tokens.

"Distinguished guest, please wait for a while, we will set off for Xiushan and Wuhai when people are almost here." A guard who looked like a leader smiled at Tianhuo.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and casually scanned the venue, only to see that those distinguished guests seemed to be strangers to each other, standing not far from each other, but no one spoke.

But these people's eyes were full of anticipation. Obviously, the temptation of Xiushan Wuhai was extraordinary. Tianhuo could tell that many people in the field were dressed in very ordinary clothes, and they didn't look like rich people. It seems that he lost his entire family and got the distinguished status just for Xiushan Wuhai and his party!

Tianhuo withdrew his gaze and waited quietly, but at this moment, something happened outside Nancheng that Tianhuo didn't know about. It all came from the fact that he had applied for a noble status token.

"Boss, your vision is really extraordinary. That ordinary-looking kid actually took out 1000 million spirit beads at random. It seems that he still has a lot on him!" Several guards surrounded Tianhuo. The men who handled the identity said adoringly one by one.

The man smiled mysteriously, "Sunshine? Boy, you flattered your ass, did you forget this thing?"

As he said that, the man casually took out a mace-shaped weapon, but it was obviously not an ordinary weapon, because there was a faint light surging on it, "Hehe, when that kid arrived earlier, the spirit-detecting mace emitted purple light. But the light of the highest level shows that that kid has an incomparably rich wealth."

"Ah? Isn't it? Boss, you are sure you are not mistaken. If so, what is the kid doing here?" Several guards were surprised.

The man smiled mysteriously, "The allure of Xiushan Wuhai is extraordinary. I have received the news that he has arrived on the flying warship. Naturally, he is here for the treasures of Xiushan Wuhai."

"You must know that some treasures cannot be measured by spirit beads." The man continued.

"Hey, but for us, Lingzhu is everything. Boss, why not us..." A guard said, wiping his neck.

The man smiled, "Hey, we can't take action against distinguished guests, but you should know that when the sea of ​​mist surges in Xiushan, the danger is infinite. If that kid is swallowed by the sea of ​​mist, it can only be his luck." Not good, right?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all understood what the man meant.

On Tianhuo's side, after waiting for a while, a strong man with a noble token came again, and the leading guard also waved his hand, signaling to the command cabin of the warship.

The flying warship moved slowly, gradually increasing its speed, and flew towards the misty sea of ​​Xiushan Mountain, and everyone on the warship became excited.

"One divine orb is equivalent to 100 million spiritual orbs, and getting ten is equivalent to picking up a noble-level status for nothing. You must work hard!" Beside Tianhuo, a thin young man murmured to himself .

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, the value of Shenzhu is so high?One divine bead is actually equivalent to 100 million spirit beads, isn't that equivalent to a hundred high-level spirit beads?Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem like much.

"If you get a green divine bead, then give it away..." The thin young man next to him continued talking to himself.

"Are you annoying?" Following the thin young man talking to himself, a strong middle-aged man next to him gave him a vicious look, as if he was blaming the young man for disturbing his tranquility.

The thin young man hurriedly shut up, bowed his head and remained silent, obviously not daring to offend others.

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, and continued to look into the distance, only to see that the flying warship had already flown over a series of mountains, and farther away, gradually a mist filled the air. As the mist moved, the high mountains below appeared and disappeared. Various strange mountain peaks emerge from time to time.

At this moment, everyone in the field fell silent, staring at the scene in the distance in disbelief, Tianhuo was also horrified, the Fufeng I saw on Long Island back then, and the beautiful scenery I saw in the Phoenix Clan, compared with the wonderful scenery in front of me , the difference is far, here is the real fairyland on earth!
"Everyone, here we are, please take care of yourself!" Just as everyone was immersed in the beautiful scenery, the voice of the captain of the guard came, and the warship stopped.

Hearing this, everyone jumped out of the flying warship without hesitation, and headed straight for the Qixiu Mountains below.

Skyfire also flew out directly with the crowd, but as soon as it left the range of the flying warship, it suddenly felt a huge suction force. Go, everyone is like this, they are all pulled straight to the ground by the huge gravitational force.

"What's going on? Why didn't the people in the Thunderstorm Pavilion talk about this situation!" There were angry curses, but they were helpless. Here, the flying ability seemed to be restricted.


Not long after, dull loud noises spread, and everyone fell heavily to the ground, and where they landed, the ground was a bit shorter than the surrounding ones, apparently after a long period of time, they were dropped from above The strong stepped on it abruptly.

Tianhuo stabilized his figure, and saw that there was actually a winding staircase extending along the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan in front of him, and it went straight into the thick fog. It was impossible to know what the end of the staircase looked like.

After looking at it, many people were already galloping towards the stairs. It seemed that they were not affected much at the moment, but they couldn't get into the air.

"The Eye of the Grave Sage!" Tianhuo did not move forward in a hurry, but directly cast the Eye of the Grave Saint. Immediately, the fog quickly faded away in Tianhuo's eyes, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

The lush and lush mountains can be seen everywhere, and they are the beauty of the world, which is no worse than looking at them in the sky.

After looking at it for a while, I saw that the people who landed together had already gone far away, and when they reached the distance, they scattered with the countless branches of the ladder.

"Brother, can we go together?" Tianhuo was about to take a step, but a shy voice came from behind him.

Tianhuo looked back suspiciously, only to see that thin young man looking at him expectantly, it was the one who was talking to himself on the warship and was yelled at by the strong man.

Tianhuo smiled. The young man in front of him was about 1.6 meters, shorter than himself. He looked eighteen or nineteen years old, and his figure was a little thin, but there was a firm look in his eyes. "Others want to act alone, don't you?"

The young man shook his head hastily, "I'm not familiar with this place. I heard that there are dangers everywhere, and I'm afraid that it may be dangerous to act alone."

Tianhuo shook his head slightly, it seemed that this guy was a bit timid!
"I'm not afraid of danger, but I'm afraid that if something happens to me, my little sister will have no one to take care of me, so I can't have an accident. Can we be together?" the young man continued.

The sky fire froze, and my heart couldn't help throbbing. I looked at the young man in surprise, and nodded slightly, "Then let's go together!"

It seems that this young man also has a story.

After receiving Tianhuo's affirmation, the young man was overjoyed, "Thank you, brother, my name is Yu Wu, and I just arrived at Lingshen."

Tianhuo laughed dumbly, "My name is Tianhuo, you should be able to see that my cultivation is not as good as yours, why would you choose to be with me?"

Yu Wu also smiled shyly, "It's luck here, and those people will definitely not be with me. I saw that my eldest brother is kind and full of righteousness, so I dared to speak."

Tianhuo secretly rolled his eyes, "I'm just asking casually, let's go, these stairs seem to extend to the top of the mountain, let's go up first and then talk about it."

Yu Wu nodded hastily, he didn't say anything because his cultivation base was higher than Tianhuo's, but listened to Tianhuo's arrangement.

Tianhuo walked in front, and from time to time used the eyes of the sage to look at the situation ahead. The rest of the team behind him did not notice any abnormalities in Tianhuo's eyes, and Tianhuo, under the eyes of the sage, had already seen gray-white beads in the dense fog Swipe across and disappear in the distance in a flash.

"Shenzhu! Tianhuo, take it!" Tianling's surprised voice sounded in her head.

"It's equivalent to 100 million spirit beads, forget it, the speed is too fast, I don't know where I went." Tianhuo said through voice transmission.

"Uh, even though I said that, if the current Xiantian Lingding cauldron swallows the divine beads, the promotion time will be greatly shortened. Of course, the number of divine beads required is not small, so get as many as you can." Tian Ling explained.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, in this case, he couldn't miss any divine beads he encountered.

While thinking about it, there was the sound of fighting in front of him, making the rest of the team behind Tianhuo hurriedly put on guard, "Brother Tianhuo, should we take a detour?"

(End of this chapter)

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