The strongest saint

Chapter 539 World Fragments

Chapter 539 World Fragments
Tianhuo was amused in his heart, it seems that the pavilion master did not hesitate to bleed a lot for the Dan Fang!Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't help laughing.

That's right, at this moment, the Pavilion Master of the Baibao Pavilion is secretly delighted that this mysterious elixir actually needs hundreds of kinds of divine materials to be refined. It is conceivable that the elixir refined must be against the sky!
If such a pill can be obtained, let alone 100 billion, even 1000 billion is worth it!That's why he said what he meant for the [-] million Lingzhu.

After the laughter, Tianhuo clasped his fists and said, "Then let's have another portion of Ziling Body Shaping Flower and Earth Fire Yaozhi!"

These two kinds of divine herbs were made up by Tianhuo. I just saw them in the pharmacopoeia given by Yao Lao. They are very precious and can be taken by both humans and animals.

Hearing what Tianhuo said, the pavilion master suddenly became excited, and lost his voice: "Can these divine materials be used to refine the magic pills that little friend Tianhuo needs?"

As soon as the words came out, the pavilion master hurriedly smiled awkwardly, and continued: "I didn't mean that, I meant congratulations, little friend, who is about to get the peerless magic pill."

Tianhuo smiled slightly, and said: "It should be, when the time comes, I will ask the strong alchemy sect to refine it."

The eyes of the pavilion master and deputy pavilion master lit up, they hurriedly added something to the list, and then sent it down. Not long after, someone came with a storage bag.

Tianhuo was slightly surprised. As expected of the headquarters of Baibao Pavilion, the efficiency is really high. In just a few minutes, more than 100 kinds of divine materials have been collected, and each of them has two copies.

After checking it, Tianhuo directly put the storage bag into the Glyph Sage Ring, let Tianling refine it, and gave the [-] million Lingzhu that he spoke to the Pavilion Master, before saying: "Senior Pavilion Master, I'll go and see How are they? If they are about the same, they should go back."

Hearing that Tianhuo said to go back, the pavilion master was immediately overjoyed. In this case, Tianhuo will naturally not mention the matter of the city anymore!

"Hehe, little friend Tianhuo must be in a hurry to refine the elixir. That's fine, then I won't keep it. Remember to come often if you have time in the future." The pavilion master laughed, but Tianhuo can tell that the pavilion master There was a strong sense of disobedience in the voice, it would be strange to welcome yourself!

To Tianhuo's surprise, from Tianhuo's point of view, women must be very slow in choosing things, but when Tianhuo walked out of the living room, he saw the three women just walking in. At this moment, the faces of the three women were full of joy , obviously picked something I like.

"Is that all right?" Tianhuo asked suspiciously.

The three girls nodded together and didn't say much, just pointing to their respective storage rings.

But following the actions of the three women, the expressions of the two waiters who were responsible for picking things for the three women changed, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Hehe, don't worry, the things the three of you choose will all be counted on my Baibao Pavilion." The Pavilion Master laughed.

"Then thank you senior, things are a little urgent, we're leaving now!" Tianhuo said while cupping his fists.

The owner of the pavilion hastily greeted him politely, but in his heart he longed for Tianhuo to leave.

Leaving the Baibao Pavilion, the four of Tianhuo set foot on the teleportation formation again. In the Baibao Pavilion at this moment, the pavilion master and the deputy pavilion master looked at each other and smiled, and they all saw the joy in each other's eyes.

"There are so many divine herbs for body refining, if this kind of elixir is refined, I am afraid that the main god will be moved, hehe..." The pavilion master laughed.

The deputy pavilion master also looked excited, "Find an alchemist to try it, I believe it will not be difficult!"

"Yes! Haha..." The pavilion master laughed unscrupulously, and then caught a glimpse of the two waiters who were still there, couldn't help but stop laughing, and asked, "What are you still doing here?"

The two were shocked, and hurriedly bowed and said: "Master Pavilion Master, it's about those three women. We were ordered to accompany those three people, but they took away things worth hundreds of billions of Lingzhu..."

The joy of the pavilion master and deputy pavilion master froze on their faces, gradually becoming ugly, but the pavilion master said it himself before, and the three girls can take whatever they like, free of charge!

As they said that, the two waiters took out the list and handed it to the pavilion owner anxiously. After the latter finished reading it, his face became even more ugly, and he said in a broken voice: "They... actually swept away my Baibao Pavilion. treasure!"

From the Pavilion Master's point of view, the three girls just wanted to pick some women's favorite things, but he was wrong. Although the things the three girls picked were few, each one was priceless!

"Others can be forgotten, but the world fragments..."

"This thing is the only thing left after the world is broken. There is only one piece in the world. It is a sacred object that my Baibao Pavilion has passed down for countless years. Although I don't know what it is useful for, it is too important. How did they find it? "The pavilion master looked extremely ugly, looked at an item on the list, and said to himself in a deep voice.

"Is there a way? Pavilion Master, we have already said what we said before, and it is impossible to take it back!" The Deputy Pavilion Master shook his head.

"Think of a way, the fragments of the world cannot fall into the hands of outsiders." The pavilion master said.

The deputy pavilion master smiled wryly, "I think it's better to forget it. It took a long time to sort out the relationship. If I go to get it back, I'm afraid I will offend others. It's not a good time. Anyway, the thing has been left for so many years. People know the usefulness, forget it!"

The pavilion master also smiled wryly, yes, who told himself that it was completely free!
When the two were heartbroken, the four of Tianhuo had already left the sphere of influence of Baibao Pavilion and were rushing towards Tianyanmen. What is the effect.

There is no need for Tianhuo to explain, Tianling has already received the storage bag into the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, presumably it will not be too long before Tianhuo can meet the divine pill.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Tianhuo found that the three girls were overjoyed along the way, and he couldn't help wondering: "You are so happy, did you get something good?"

"Hee hee, here you are!" Little Phoenix directly took out a dark piece of non-gold and non-wood, and handed it to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo took it suspiciously, "Is this from Baibao Pavilion?"

With that said, Tianhuo checked.

World Fragment: Purpose unknown.

"Well, Baibaoge must have thought that this thing was useless, so it was put on the counter, but my inheritance memory has stated that this thing is really amazing!" Little Phoenix said excitedly.

Tianhuo turned over and put it away, and said with a smile, "What's the big deal?"

"As the name suggests, this is what is left after the destruction of a world. Think about it, there is only a little thing the size of a palm left in a world. Can this thing be simple?" Little Phoenix teased.

Tianhuo frowned, it sounded very powerful, but its purpose was unknown, and it was useless to give it to him, but Tianhuo couldn't live up to Little Phoenix's good intentions, at worst, he would store it in the Ring of the Grave Sage.

Half a day later, the four of them returned to the Tianyan Sect's residence again. Today's Tianyan Sect's sphere of influence has stabilized, but its strength is constantly improving. Naturally, they are all super god-level exercises.

This kind of good momentum naturally made Tianhuo excited, but right now he can't take care of these things, the first thing to do is to hatch the Xuantu Black Beast first.

In the main hall, Tianhuo sat cross-legged, looked at the two drops of crystal clear liquid floating in front of him, and asked in doubt: "These two drops of water can really make the Xuantu Black Beast reach the hatching standard?"

These two drops of liquid were exactly what Tianling had just given to Tianhuo, saying they were the essence he extracted from the divine grass, but in Tianhuo's induction, there was almost no breath on these two drops of liquid, just like two drops of water.

"Eh? It's not water, it's the essence of the divine grass that I extracted. The Phantom Demon Fire is very powerful now. It directly refines the essence of these two kinds of divine grass to make the breath restrained, so you can't feel anything abnormal, but you Just try it and you'll know." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, and with a thought, the Xuantu black beast egg in Fanshen Palace appeared in front of him, and then controlled the two drops of essence to fall. With Tianhuo's expectant expression, sure enough, the two drops of essence fell into the egg!
Seeing this situation, Tianhuo hurriedly stared at the pet egg, "Mysterious earth black beast pet egg (evolving, not hatchable.)"

There is still no change. At the beginning, this guy was stronger than beasts such as swallowing stars. Later, the corpse that devoured the demon king evolved and became a pet egg. If it hatched again, it would at least be a super beast!
Under Tianhuo's attention, the pet egg gradually glowed with a khaki-yellow brilliance, and a tyrannical aura also quietly permeated at this moment. At this moment, the entire Tianyanmen resident sensed something abnormal.


In the Tianyan Sect's garrison, those disciples flying in the sky suddenly fell down and hit the ground one by one heavily. After getting up in embarrassment, they didn't have time to curse and turned their eyes to the direction of the main hall.

"What is the sect master doing? Shouldn't it be banned?" Both players and npc powerhouses looked at the main hall suspiciously, only to see that the entire main hall was covered by a khaki halo, and they couldn't The reason for the flight is all because of the aura that pervades the earthy yellow halo.

Tianhuo didn't notice the situation outside, he only felt his body was a little heavy at this moment, and he didn't care, this situation was the same as when he met the Xuantu Black Beast.

After waiting for a while, the earth-yellow halo around him showed no sign of fading, but became thicker and thicker. Tianhuo didn't know when this situation would end, so he looked at the ring of the sage.

In the Ring of the Glyph Saint, several scrolls are very eye-catching, and one of them is the transformation scroll of the mountain guardian beast. After using it, it can transform the pet egg into the mountain guardian beast egg.

At the beginning, Tianhuo had considered that when the Xuantu Black Beast could hatch, it would be directly transformed into a mountain-protecting beast. After all, this guy is extremely powerful and has the mysterious power of forbidden space. It couldn't be more suitable!
While thinking about it, the earthy yellow halo in the hall suddenly dissipated, and the pet egg also returned to normal.

Xuantu Black Beast Pet Egg (Hatchable.)
Seeing the suffix of the Xuantu Black Beast pet egg at this moment, Tianhuo was overjoyed, is it finally ready?Then I can also learn to fly under restricted air conditions!

Without hesitation, Tianhuo used the scroll in his hand, and immediately, a system notification sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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