Chapter 540
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on successfully using the Mountain Protector Beast Transformation Scroll to transform the Xuantu Black Beast pet egg into a Mountain Protector Beast egg and hatch it forcibly!"

A system prompt sounded, and then Tianhuo heard a cracking sound clearly.

Looking down, I saw a crack appearing on the Xuantu Black Beast Egg, and a powerful aura also came from that crack.

"It's hatched..." Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and the system actually let it hatch directly.

But it doesn't matter anymore, what Tianhuo needs is for it to hatch, and now it has become a mountain guardian beast. It will take protecting the Tianyan Sect as its own responsibility in this life. With its powerful strength, Tianhuo believes that the Tianyan Sect will become safer in the future.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to Tianyanmen for obtaining the mountain guardian beast!"

Another system notification sounded, but this system notification sound resounded in the ears of all the disciples of Tianyan Sect, just like getting the soul-suppressing tablet back then.

In the eyes of the players, the beasts protecting the mountains may be dispensable, but in the eyes of those strong NPCs, they are things against the sky. When they heard this prompt, they were all shocked, and looked expectantly in the direction of the main hall.

On Tianhuo's side, the Xuantu Black Beast has appeared and was hatched again. To put it bluntly, it was just an evolution. It was turned into a pet egg because of evolution. Now that it returns, it naturally has the memory before evolution.

"Master, how did I become a mountain-protecting beast?" Xuantu Black Beast said with some dissatisfaction. Although it was captured by Tianhuo with the scroll of God's enslavement at the beginning, but since seeing the corpse of the Demon King, Xuantu Black Beast has made up its mind. Determined to follow Tianhuo.

But now, after becoming a mountain guardian beast, its range of activities is limited to the strength range of the Tianyan Sect. To a certain extent, it is not free!

Tianhuo smiled, "Xuantu Black Beast, Tianyan Sect needs you more."

"Uh, but the range of activities is too small, isn't it?" Xuantu Black Beast said helplessly.

"Small? Today's Tianyan Sect has more than [-] cities, and its sphere of influence is hundreds of millions of miles. Isn't it enough for you to move around?" Tianhuo laughed.

Xuantu Black Beast's eyes lit up, and after a while, he suddenly said: "Hey, master, why don't we turn the entire chaotic domain into our territory? In that case, my range of activities will be even wider!"

Tianhuo was taken aback, stared at the Black Beast of Xuantu for a moment in astonishment, and then thought about it. Its idea is grand, but it is not easy to achieve this step. The reason why Chaos Domain has this name is because of its power. complex.

Those small forces may be negligible, but the existence of the three major forces is simply not comparable to today's Tianyan Sect, unless there are also a few powerful gods in the Tianyan Sect!
Yu Ling and Xiao Fenghuang are naturally not included in this list. Although their strength is unfathomable, if Tianhuo asks them to subdue those forces, they will definitely refuse.

Rubbing his chin and thinking for a long time, Tianhuo smiled and said: "Let's talk about it later, Xuantu, do me a favor!"

Time flies by like a fleeting horse, and months pass in the blink of an eye. During this time, Yu Ling and Xiao Fenghuang have been extremely bored. Every day, they watch Tianhuo torment themselves in the newly opened training ground.

On the fence of the practice field, Yu Ling, Xiao Fenghuang, and Yu Wu looked at the field boredly, only to see a khaki halo permeating the field, and the figure of Tianhuo was struggling to move in it.

"Not to mention, Tianhuo has made a lot of progress, and can go now." Little Phoenix teased.

"Hehe, that's right, when the Xuantu Black Beast concentrated its gravity here, the Skyfire couldn't get up directly." Yu Ling laughed.

Yu Wu at the side was full of worry, "It's been more than a month, brother Tianhuo will be fine, right?"

Xiao Fenghuang rolled his eyes, "Yu Wu, you have said this sentence hundreds of times!"

Yu Wu blushed, bowed her head and stopped talking.

In the arena, Tianhuo moved forward with difficulty. He asked Xuantu Black Beast for help a month ago, just to learn how to fly under restricted air conditions. According to Tianling, practicing under this kind of gravity is effective!

So for more than a month, Tianhuo has been immersed in the earthy yellow halo of the black beast of Xuantu every day. Speaking of it, Tianhuo rarely finds time to do these things, but since he has done it, he must stick to it.

After walking forward again for a while, Tianhuo stopped helplessly, and Xuantu Black Beast concentrated these earthy yellow halos in the field of hundreds of meters, the effect was extremely terrifying, thinking that he couldn't even stand up at the beginning!

"Tianling said to wait for a month, and now the time has passed, isn't it alright?" Tianhuo gasped and said to himself, during this time, he has been waiting for Tianling to refine the extremely mysterious pill.

According to Tianling, as long as the refining is successful, after taking it, the body can be transformed into an existence higher than the divine body, and Tianhuo is very much looking forward to it.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on your successful refining of the Extreme Profound Divine Pill."

While talking to himself, a system prompt sounded suddenly, and Tianhuo's exhaustion was swept away, "Tianling, how is it?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course it succeeded." Tianling said, and directly gave Tianhuo a golden elixir with flowing light.

After taking the elixir, Tianhuo felt a heavy breath spread instantly. Under this kind of breath, Tianhuo's fatigue these days seemed to disappear in an instant.

Extremely Profound God Pill (Top God Pill), after taking it, the attributes of the four gods +50000, 100% body training effect occurs, transforming the body into a high-level god body.

Seeing the attributes of the Extreme Profound God Pill, Tianhuo became excited, not to mention that the attributes of the four great gods would increase by 5, just the body training effect behind it made Tianhuo very excited!

Without hesitation, Tianhuo swallowed the extremely mysterious pill in one gulp.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on taking the Extreme Mysterious God Pill, the attributes of the four gods +50000, and stimulate the effect of body training."

As soon as the system notification sound appeared, suddenly, majestic power surged in the body!

Tian Ling got out of the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron directly, landed in front of Tianhuo, and shouted towards the ground: "Xuantu Black Beast, concentrate all your power on him, don't stop until I tell you to stop!"

The Xuantu Black Beast hiding in the earth has long known of Tianling's existence, so it naturally did so without hesitation. Immediately, the almost substantive khaki halo instantly enveloped Tianhuo.

In Tianhuo's body, a majestic terrifying power exploded, and Tianhuo even felt his body swell for a while, but the next moment, a terrifying pressure appeared out of thin air, and immediately pressed his swollen body back!
Tianhuo can't breathe, but fortunately he can breathe internally. At this moment, every cell in his body is tingling, but he can't open his mouth, otherwise, he will definitely growl in pain!

"Huh? Who is that little girl? She came out of Tianhuo's body." On the fence, Little Phoenix looked at Tianling in surprise.

Yu Ling and Yu Wu were also puzzled. Although they had known Tianhuo for a long time, they never knew about Tianling's existence.

"This person makes me feel like a spirit, but his body is a substance, which is too weird." Yu Ling frowned.

"Ah! Brother Tianhuo..." While Yu Ling and Xiao Fenghuang were talking, Yu Wu hurriedly stood up and stared at Tianhuo worriedly. Kung fu, has become a blood man.

Tianhuo closed his eyes and looked calm, as if he didn't know that he had turned into a blood man, and he was sensing the changes in his body at this moment.

In the body, the terrifying power wandered around, penetrated into every cell, and strengthened every inch of Tianhuo's body, and in the body, the terrifying power of the Xuantu Black Beast made Tianhuo unable to stand still, if not for more than a month of adaptation , I'm afraid that the bones of my whole body are broken at this moment!
However, because of the terrifying pressure of the Black Beast of Xuantu, Tianhuo found that the power that should have exploded in his body has become more and more docile, and under the baptism of this power, Tianhuo can clearly feel , Xuantu Black Beast's pressure on him is rapidly weakening, and his body is getting stronger and stronger.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have undergone the baptism of the Extreme Mysterious God Pill, your body has been tempered into a primary god body, and the attributes of the four gods +50000."

A system notification sounded, unexpectedly adding another [-] attributes of the four gods, but Tianhuo found that the surging power in his body had not weakened, and was still strengthening his body.

The primary divine body, which is only possessed by spirit gods, is not considered a real divine body. Only when one reaches the realm of a god can the divine body be more condensed and become a real divine body. Made it!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and the blood on Tianhuo's body had already solidified, and he looked a little scary. Little Fenghuang and others beside him had lost their previous worry, only Yu Wu was still full of worry.

"I said don't worry, this is a good thing, I feel that Tianhuo already has a divine body, and the divine body is still getting stronger!" Yu Ling looked at Yu Wu and smiled.

Yu Wu withdrew her gaze and lowered her head, said awkwardly, "I didn't."

Yu Ling smiled mysteriously, "Do you feel a little strange, why have you been so concerned about Tianhuo since you met him? Hehe, you will understand in the future."

Yu Wu didn't speak any more, she just lowered her head a bit, but her face was already flushed.

As for Tianhuo, ever since the system notification sound appeared, he felt indescribably comfortable all over his body, and what was even more astonishing, Tianhuo could clearly feel that even if he clenched his fist casually, he would have enormous strength surge!
This feeling came along with the successful tempering of the divine body. Tianhuo knew that there was nothing wrong with it, so he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. Right now, the effect of the extremely mysterious pill in his body has not stopped, and according to the instructions, he can push himself At the level of a high-level divine body, I don't know what it will be like to reach a high-level divine body!
However, in the anticipation of Tianhuo, Tianling in front of him frowned, "Xuantu Black Beast, you haven't eaten yet? This power is not enough!"

"Ah? I said, I've tried my best. Who made me a God Level 1?" From the ground, came the muffled voice of the Xuantu Black Beast.

Tianling's expression froze, and then changed into a look of helplessness, and murmured: "Forget about this, it's troublesome now..."

(End of this chapter)

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