The strongest saint

Chapter 554 times return

Chapter 554

"Travel to the sky!"

Tianhuo shouted in a deep voice, and then quickly disappeared in place, rushing towards the city where he came.

Today, Tianhuo's agility (god) is nearly 70. After performing the teleportation, ten seconds is a distance of nearly [-] miles. After several teleportation times, the city has already appeared in front of Tianhuo.

Reincarnated as Xiaoqi again, hung Xiaoqi's waist badge on his waist, and Tianhuo rushed towards the city, "I hope I can get in, if you can't get out of the restriction, Tianyanmen will be finished!" '

"Tianhuo, I've used my rallying skills, why don't you come? The Divine Cow Sect has already arrived at our camp!" Twilight broke dawn's anxious voice.

Tianhuo is also anxious, the current Tianyanmen can't stop the attack of the powerful gods at all!
"Hold on, I have a restriction here and can't teleport, I'll get out as soon as possible!" Tianhuo responded, and stopped in front of the city.

On the city wall, figures poked their heads out one after another, staring at Tianhuo who had turned into Xiaoqi suspiciously, "When did this guy go out?"

"That's Xiao Qi from the Second Squadron. Two days ago, the Second Squadron went out to check the beast tide, but he didn't come back. Didn't the Second Squadron Captain say that he was dead? He was still alive."

Listening to the discussion of the people on the city wall, Tianhuo suppressed the anxiety in his heart and shouted: "Please inform my captain, I'm back."

"Wait a minute, you're lucky, you're still alive!" A middle-aged man laughed, turned around and disappeared on the city wall.

Not long after, the substantive light at the gate of the city faded away, and the figure of the captain swept out of it. After looking at Tianhuo in astonishment, he said, "Are you all right? It's unbelievable!"

Tianhuo smiled, "Captain, I didn't dare to go deep, but I came back anyway, life-saving is the most important thing."

The captain looked suspiciously at Tianhuo again, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "It's actually a high-level spirit god, I really didn't misread you, haha, come on!"

With that said, the captain turned around and walked towards the city, and Tianhuo followed quickly. The next thing to consider is how to get out of the east city gate quickly.

"What are you thinking about?" The captain asked with a smile when he saw Xiao Qi, who was transformed into Tianhuo, was full of thoughts.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he said in a low voice: "Captain, do you still remember the place where I got the White Tiger Jade?"

The captain looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, nodded and said, "Outside the east city, what's wrong?"

"In the past two days, I kept thinking that there seemed to be something else in the stone that contained the white tiger jade. At that time, the smoke was too thick and I didn't pay attention. It was only these two days that I realized that I must have overlooked something." Tianhuo mysteriously Said.

The captain couldn't help thinking when he heard the words, and gradually, his eyes lit up, and said in a low voice: "The only thing that can accompany the white tiger jade is the heart of the white tiger. Could it be the heart of the white tiger?"

In an instant, the captain's face turned red with excitement, he looked at Tianhuo happily, and said: "We will find a chance to go out and have a look later, but you must keep it secret, you don't want your white tiger jade to fall into the hands of others, right?" ?”

Tianhuo smiled, "Captain, am I that stupid? Of course I know what to do."

The captain nodded in satisfaction, "I have a solution, follow me!"

The captain led Tianhuo directly towards the east gate, and when he arrived at the gate, he was stopped by the guards on duty, "Second Squadron Captain, don't you want to go out? This is against the rules."

The captain smiled helplessly, "Who wants to go out? Captain of the third squadron, I can't help it. When I went out to check the vision outside the city two days ago, I left a very important thing behind. Let me go out and get it back." !"

"Alright, keep fooling around. Your squadron will be on duty in a few days. Then you can go get it. Anyway, there is no one outside the city, and your things will not be picked up by others."

"Third brother, do you ever talk to your brother like this?" The captain put his arms around the man's shoulders and said with a smile, "If you are caught by a wild beast or something, who should I cry to? I'll be right back, and you Open the door, next time when the supplies arrive, your third squadron will pick them up first, how about that?"

The man rolled his eyes, but joy flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "Come on, you are still a dog skin plaster, go and come back quickly."

As he said that, the substantive light outside the city gate quickly faded away.

The captain was overjoyed, and hurried out with Tianhuo, he couldn't wait to find out if the heart of the white tiger really existed in that big pit!

Not far away, Tianhuo smiled, stopped and immediately used the city return spell. Seeing that the reading had already started, he said: "Captain, if you can't get along here in the future, you might as well come to Tianyanmen to find me. Remember, I Call Tianhuo!"

While speaking, Tianhuo's appearance changed rapidly, and in an instant, he had changed into his own appearance, while Tianhuo kept moving, and in the blink of an eye, the real Xiao Qi appeared beside him, the voice fell, and the reading of the city return technique was over. , white light appeared, and the sky fire disappeared immediately.

The captain stood there in a daze, why didn't he understand at this moment?That little seven is fake!And the person pretending to be Xiaoqi is actually an adventurer from another world!
In a daze, the captain couldn't help but smiled wryly and looked at the real Xiaoqi who looked haggard in front of him. These days, he was being played by others!
Tianhuo used the city return technique and returned to Tianyanmen in an instant. As soon as he stabilized his figure, a thunderous roar came from his ears, "Can't you find the Xuantu black beast yet? A bunch of trash!"

Hearing the roar, Tianhuo was astonished. Looking around, he saw that the entire Tianyanmen resident was shrouded in a khaki halo. Under this halo, no one could fly, even Shenjun Qiang The latter is no exception!
Naturally, Tianhuo couldn't fly, but when he heard the source of the voice, Tianhuo exerted force on his legs and jumped towards that direction. In mid-air, he clearly saw a big man with a strong figure, with the top of his head , with the words 'God Niu Sect Suzerain'.

The sky fire hit the ground heavily, and the ground trembled accordingly, attracting the eyes of everyone around.

"I'll go, you're finally back, most of the Tianyan Sect has been destroyed!" Twilight broke dawn and ran over with heavy steps, but his eyes were full of joy.

Tianhuo naturally saw the situation of Tianyanmen when he jumped up before. Yes, most of the buildings in the station had been destroyed, but Tianhuo understood that if it wasn't for the Xuantu Black Beast's attack, the invading enemy could not fly. The station has disappeared.

Without being able to fly, the members of the Shenniu Sect had no choice but to attack all the way, causing the speed to be greatly reduced. Otherwise, the lord of the Shenniu Sect might fly directly to the main hall of the Tianyan Sect and destroy it.

"It's okay, let them pay you back ten times!" Tianhuo said in a deep voice, his eyes shifted to the burly man, who was also staring at Tianhuo. For a while, the eyes of both sides intertwined in mid-air, and the hostility was also diffused. .

"Sect Master of Tianyan Sect? Hehe, he will soon become a handyman of my Shenniu Sect!" The big man sneered, seeing that Tianhuo was only a high-level spiritual god, his face was full of disdain.

"The tone is not small. Seeing that you have the cultivation base of a god, I can give you the position of an elder!" Tianhuo sneered, and in the middle of the hand, Yu Ling and Xiao Fenghuang appeared beside him.

As soon as the second daughter appeared, she was attracted by the shouts of killing around her, and after hastily sizing her up, she also shifted her cold gaze to the big man.

But under the icy gaze of the second daughter, the big man felt his scalp go numb, his body backed up involuntarily, and he murmured in horror: "Damn it, how is this possible!"

"I said, the Divine Cow Sect almost wiped out our Tianyan Sect, you won't sit idly by, will you?" Tianhuo looked at the second daughter and said.

As soon as the words fell, the figure of Little Phoenix suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had already stepped on the big man on the ground, "I'm so mad, you pay!"

Xiao Fenghuang and Yu Ling are both elders of the Tianyan Sect, seeing that most of the Tianyan Sect has been destroyed, how can they not be angry?What surprised Tianhuo was that he didn't even see how Little Phoenix made the move, he just felt that the god-level powerhouse was stepped on by Little Phoenix in a blink of an eye.

The voice and movement of the little phoenix made everyone who was fighting on the two sides stop. Starting from the surroundings, within a few breaths, the entire battle at Tianyanmen had stopped. His gaze shifted to Little Phoenix.

The master of the Shenniu sect tried his best to get up, but the petite figure of the little phoenix suppressed him like a mountain, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the suppression of the little phoenix.

"Stupid cow, don't look at where this is, you pay me Tianyanmen!" Little Phoenix spoke again, and Linglong's figure also jumped up, trampling the big man under her feet and sinking into the ground continuously.

Every time the little phoenix steps down, a shock wave visible to the naked eye spreads away, and the ground also sinks by a foot. After a while, the surroundings of the two have become a big pit. From the beginning to the end, the big man has no resistance at all. !

Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment. Seeing little phoenix's movements, they felt endless chills rising from the soles of their feet. It was really unimaginable. If this scene happened to him, then... what a tragic thing!
"Moo..." Suddenly, a painful cry came from the big pit, and the lord of the divine bull was trampled out of his original shape by the little phoenix. The suppression of Phoenix!
"I'm sorry... stop now..." Finally, the lord of the Shenniu Sect came from the pit with a crying voice.

"Hmph! Stupid cow, if Tianhuo said that it needs a strong god, I would burn you with a mouthful of Nanminghuang fire, and then treat everyone to eat beef!" Little Phoenix snorted indignantly, and swept out of the deep pit.

Seeing the little phoenix leaving his back, the master of the Shenniu sect hurriedly recovered his human form, quickly straightened the broken clothes, and jumped out of the deep pit with a bitter face. He never thought of it, the one who looked the most bully Such a terrifying strongman unexpectedly emerged from the Tianyan Sect, without even the slightest resistance!
You know, in order to be able to attack the Tianyan Sect, the Shenniu Sect spent a lot of effort to repel those forces that also wanted to attack the Tianyan Sect. If they had known earlier, why would the Shenniu Sect waste all that effort?

It's good now, I'm afraid I will lose my wife and lose my army! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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