Chapter 555

The head of the Shenniu Sect looked at Tianhuo bitterly, then secretly glanced at Little Phoenix in horror, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, I made a mistake, so let's go now. As for the damage caused, I will definitely pay for it!"

Little Phoenix stared, "Say it again!"

The head of the Shenniu Sect trembled all over, and hurriedly said: "I was wrong, sir, don't be angry, can I pay for it?"

Little Phoenix was about to speak, but Tianhuo waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "I said before, I can give you the position of elder, you don't have to think about anything else."

The meaning of Tianhuo is obvious. Today, Shenniuzong has no other choice but to surrender or be exterminated!

The head of the Shenniu Sect struggled, and endless regret emerged in his heart. If he had known that there was such a strong man in the Tianyan Sect, he would not have dared to come if he had given himself a hundred galls!

It's just that it's too late to regret, the choices I have to face now are not what I want!

"Hey, our Tianyan Sect has super god-level exercises, and you don't want to?" The fat man said with a smile, but his eyes were full of confidence. He believed that no one could resist the temptation of super god-level exercises.

However, unexpectedly, the master of the Shenniu Sect snorted coldly, gave Fatty a contemptuous look, and then shifted his gaze to Little Phoenix. At this moment, there was no fear in his eyes, and he sneered: "Then Kill me, but you don't want to feel bad, when the time comes, the adults of the Prisoner Dragon Sect will come to you!"

Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and it was good not to mention the Prisoner Dragon Sect, but as soon as the Prisoner Dragon Sect was mentioned, his anger gushed out uncontrollably, and he said in a deep voice, "The Prisoner Dragon Sect? One day I will destroy it!"

The head of the Shenniu Sect slowly turned his head, looked at Tianhuo with contempt, and sneered, "It's up to you?"

Tianhuo walked out slowly, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said: "Then you just wait and see! But now, let me go in!"

Before the words were finished, a series of pure white jade-like roots appeared abruptly, instantly wrapping the suzerain of the Shenniu Sect. Without waiting for the latter's reaction, the roots disappeared as soon as they were wrapped around him.

It was the first time for Tianhuo to receive a strong man at the level of a god to the palace of the gods, but with the roots of the tree of the gods, he didn't have to worry at all. Even the gods couldn't break free from the shackles of the tree of the gods. The Primordial Divine Tree is no longer the original Spirit Tree.

Putting away the master of the Shenniu Sect, Tianhuo's eyes suddenly flashed with hope. It may be difficult for him to deal with the Prisoner Dragon Sect now, but the countless affiliated forces under the Prisoner Dragon Sect are all prisoners. As part of Longzong's strength, if he went to disintegrate them one by one, wouldn't he be completing the task?

Thinking about it, Tianhuo turned to look at the members of the Shenniu Sect, and suddenly smiled and said: "What about you? Join my Tianyan Sect or die?"

Not to mention the astonishing strength of the little phoenix, just the method used by Tianhuo to make the suzerain disappear has already made these people's scalps tingle, not to mention that with the disappearance of the suzerain, no one can suppress them anymore, so the invading enemies are all Hastily knelt down, "This subordinate has seen the sect master!"

"The head of the Shenniu Sect is in the realm of the gods, and the deputy head and the nine elders are all in the realm of the gods. It can be regarded as the largest sect under the Prison Dragon Sect." Twilight broke the dawn and watched everyone prepare to join, and couldn't help laughing.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have done your homework well, hehe, next step, I plan to subdue those sects that are attached to the Prisoner Dragon Sect one by one!"

"What?" Many senior officials of Tianyan Sect, including Twilight Breaking Dawn, looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, suspicious of their own ears at the moment.

Tianhuo smiled, didn't mention this matter, and said: "Little Fenghuang, can you please run along with me? Let's go to the Shenniu Sect to take over the resident."

Xiao Fenghuang looked at Yu Ling, saw that Yu Ling didn't say anything, nodded and said: "As you arrange."

Tianhuo was overjoyed, if others were to follow these members of the Divine Cow Sect, they would probably fail to subdue them because of their strength, but it would be different if the little Phoenix made a move.

However, Tianhuo didn't plan to go there in person. Anyway, the Shenniu Sect is not far from the east of Yintian River, so Wu Ping, the deputy head of the sect, can just go there. The disciples of Tianyan Sect will also be able to practice Yan Jue at that time.

Wu Ping, Gong Ming, and Xiao Fenghuang led away the senior officials of the Shenniu Sect, while Tianhuo stayed behind. After randomly arranging personnel to repair the destroyed buildings, they returned to the main hall with Twilight and Lixiao and others.

"Twilight, have you figured out all the forces attached to the Prisoner Dragon Sect?" Tianhuo asked expectantly as soon as he sat down.

"Necessary, this is not difficult." As he said that, Twilight took out a thin booklet and handed it to Tianhuo, before continuing: "The east of Yintian River and extending all the way to Death God Ridge belong to the Prisoner Dragon Sect. The sphere of influence extends farther from north to south, and the Prisoner Dragon Sect is stationed in our northeast."

Tianhuo opened the brochure and checked it, and saw that it clearly introduced the various forces under the Prisoner Dragon Sect, and the Shenniu Sect was naturally among them, and the Shenniu Sect was hundreds of miles east of the Yintian River. Wait for sect.

In the first-level area, just like the second-level area, the sects that control more than [-] cities are the first-class sects. A force like the Shenniu Sect, which has a strong king and ten gods, is actually only a second-class sect. Waiting for the sect, obviously because the number of cities under their control has not yet reached [-].

Hearing this news, Tianhuo felt a little nervous. Compared with the Shenniu Sect, although the three major forces in the Chaos Domain have more cities, they are probably about the same in number of strong people. In other words, the three major forces in the Chaos Domain, But it is equivalent to the strength of a second-class sect!

From Tianhuo's point of view, the three major forces are guarded by gods and strongmen, and they are already very powerful existences. However, they are nothing compared to the forces in the Eastern Continent.

From this point of view, the power of Prisoner Dragon Sect is really extraordinary. It seems that his own path is still very difficult!

Tianhuo took a closer look and found that all second-class sects must have a strong god, while third-class sects must have at least one high-level god.

From this point of view, although the number of Tianyanmen's cities is close to [-], the number of top powerhouses is far inferior to those in the east!If Yu Ling, Xiao Fenghuang and Nine Souls Yinglong who are stabilizing their realm are not counted, the Tianyan Sect is not even comparable to other third-class sects.

Looking at the booklet in his hand, Tianhuo rubbed his chin helplessly. It seemed that his plan to attack those affiliated forces of the Prisoner Dragon Sect had to be postponed!

Reluctantly put away the brochure, Tianhuo said with a dry smile: "I don't know if I don't read it. I was shocked when I saw it. We still lack top experts. They may be strong enough in the chaotic domain, but compared with those in the east, they are still far behind. .”

Mu Hui and the others nodded, and the fat man smiled and said, "I still want to see you, the sky is so hot, when you will reach the god, we will definitely be invincible!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes, how can it be so easy to reach the realm of the gods, now the experience points required are too much, and there is still a bottleneck in the breakthrough of each realm.

"Now the chaotic domain is even more chaotic. Countless forces from the east are rushing in, wanting to get a piece of the pie. One of the three major forces, the Thunderstorm Palace, has changed hands, and the other two forces are also in danger. Although we have resisted the God Niu Sect's attack now, Attack, but there will definitely be other forces coming, Tianhuo, make plans early!" Twilight broke dawn.

Tianhuo looked at Twilight in astonishment. He had only been away for more than ten days. Unexpectedly, the Thunderstorm Palace, one of the three major forces, disappeared. Could it be because the owner of the Thunderstorm Palace has not returned yet?It's normal for someone to take it away if there is no god-king and strong man in charge.

"Yeah, our Tianyan Sect is considered the calmest. People have been joining our Tianyan Sect these days. It should be the tranquility of the Tianyan Sect. However, once the war like before broke out, I'm afraid our city will quickly Fallen." Wu Chen also said.

Tianhuo looked at Yu Ling. Right now, Nine Souls Yinglong can't make a move. Yu Ling and Little Phoenix can only guard the sect. Temporarily, the Tianyan Sect can maintain this state in the chaotic domain, but once the chaotic domain stabilizes, it will inevitably Facing countless powerful gods, it will be troublesome at that time, so we must be prepared before then.

And the best way, of course, is to recruit the strong gods!
Thinking about it, Tianhuo slowly stood up, "Twilight, there should be some forces targeting Raging Fire Hall and Shentu Hall, right?"

"That's necessary. These two major powers both occupy more than 30 cities, comparable to the top ten sects, but there is only one god guarding them. Which of the powers in the east is not jealous?" Twilight broke dawn and shook his head.

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, "It's a good opportunity, you guys are busy with your own work, I'll get in there, I hope there's still time! Yu Ling, please sit in Tianyanmen for a few days."

With that said, Tianhuo ran directly towards the teleportation array.

Twilight Lixiao and the others looked at each other, and they all became astonished. After a long time, the fat man suddenly laughed and said, "As expected of Tianhuo, there is a way for this. !"

"Do you need to guess? I'm just curious, Tianhuo is only a high-level spirit god, can it deal with the god?" Twilight broke dawn doubtful.

Amid everyone's doubts, Tianhuo had already rushed towards the Shentu Hall. The reason why he went to the Shentu Hall first was naturally because the Fan of the Sage of Grammar was there and in Shentu Yun's hands.

Tianhuo's guess was right, the Raging Fire Hall and Shentu Hall were worrying about the incoming enemy.

In the Shentu Palace, Shentu Shenjun looked ugly and paced back and forth in the hall, "How could this happen? Yin Tianhe is fine, how could it be crossed all of a sudden?"

"Report..." Shentu Shentu was talking to himself, but a subordinate ran in anxiously, bowed and said: "Hall Master, Xiaoyunzong has issued an ultimatum, and we are given an hour to surrender."

"Get out!" Shentu Shentu roared, and directly shouted back his subordinates, but his face was even more ugly, because Xiaoyun Sect is a first-class sect in the East, and the offenders this time were led by two powerful gods, and he In Shentu Hall, there is only himself as a god.

Roaring, Shentu Shenjun gradually calmed down, and said to himself: "This is the only way..." Friends - add official account - just enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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