The strongest saint

Chapter 561 Underground Palace

Chapter 561 Underground Palace
The master of the Baibao Pavilion gave Tianhuo a token and left, which made Tianhuo puzzled for a while, and when he looked at the token, a system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ear.

"Ding! The system prompts: The Baibao Pavilion in the Chaotic Domain wants to merge into the Tianyan Sect, do you accept it?"

The system prompt sound made Tianhuo stunned, and the token in his hand was the suzerain order of Baibao Pavilion!

These days, the chaotic domain is in chaos, and the Baibao Pavilion has merged all the pavilions under it to exist as a sect in order to resist the attacks of those forces in the eastern continent. But right now, the owner of the Baibao Pavilion directly gave this token Sent it to myself.

Tianhuo looked at the place where the master of the Baibao Pavilion disappeared, and was puzzled, but he still chose to accept it.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on conquering the Baibao Pavilion, including the 14 cities under it."

"Huh? Shouldn't it be more than 100 million or even 200 million?" Tianhuo became more confused. According to his previous thinking, Baibao Pavilion should have a city of about 200 million. Why is it so small?

In doubt, it happened that Wu Ping and others had come back and walked into the main hall, "Master, it has been done."

Tianhuo nodded, "Senior Wu Ping, what happened to Baibao Pavilion? Do you understand?"

Wu Ping smiled, nodded and said, "The power of the Baibao Pavilion spans the east and the chaotic domain. There are the first ninety pavilions in the east and the last ten pavilions in the chaotic domain. What's the matter? Sect master."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, so that's the case, I thought that all the Baibao Pavilions were in the chaotic domain!
"I've inquired about it, but I only got this information, and I don't know the rest." Wu Ping continued.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin. The owner of Baibao Pavilion gave himself all 14 cities for no reason and merged them into Tianyan Sect, but he ran away. This is a bit weird!It's just that the guy ran too fast, and now Tianhuo couldn't chase him back to ask.

After thinking for a while, Tianhuo vaguely felt that it had something to do with the Baibao Pavilion in the east, but it was not a big problem when the soldiers came to cover the water and soil. Thinking of this, Tianhuo ignored it, turned his head and said: "The chaotic domain will be unified soon, It's a pity that without the natural barrier of Yintian River, I plan to relocate the sect's residence, where do you think it will be?"

Today, the Tianyanmen's residence is no longer suitable to stay here. It is necessary to find a place with a barrier. Otherwise, if the strong people from the east of the Tianhe River are invited to invade, the Tianyanmen will have no advantage in terms of location.

Many high-ranking members of Tianyanmen also had the same idea, but there was no suitable place for where to relocate.

"Why don't we organize people to investigate the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan Mountain? There is a natural barrier there, which can be attacked in advance and defended in retreat!" Yue Xiao said. Learned a lot about Chaos Domain.

"I think it's feasible, but I heard that flying is not allowed in the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan. It's inconvenient for us, but if we find the reason, it will be easy." Wu Ping nodded.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, he had long thought of going to Xiushan Wuhai to investigate, but he just couldn't get out to investigate, and this investigation did not know how long it would take!

"There is no better place than the forbidden place in the world, Tianhuo, you will not forget it, right?" At this moment, Tianling's voice rang in Tianhuo's mind.

The sky fire froze, and then the eyes lit up. Since the Temple of War God left by itself, the forbidden place in the world has been able to fly, and there is a mysterious forbidden place composed of twelve cities around it. There is indeed no safer place than there!
Now that the three major forces have fallen into his hands, the twelve cities are naturally his own, and the forbidden land in the world is at the junction of the former three major forces, and it can be regarded as the center of the chaotic domain, which is the most suitable!
I think that Tianhuo didn't spend much time in order to enter the forbidden place in the world. It was difficult to get in and out there. In an instant, Tianhuo affirmed, and said: "I thought about it, so I moved to the forbidden place in the world. I will wait for Shentu Shenjun and the others to come back. At that time, Senior Wu Ping, you should negotiate with them and move there as soon as possible."

"Master, are you leaving again?" Wu Ping asked after hearing what Tianhuo meant.

Tianhuo smiled, "It's not far this time, I'll just go to Baibao City to have a look."

Wu Ping nodded, didn't say much, but remembered the place Tianhuo said, and just wait for Shentu Shenjun and the others to discuss it when they come back.

As for Tianhuo going to Baibao City, it is naturally for the Nanming Huanghuo and Bahuang Vitality Fire underground in Baibao City. I have long heard that some unknown changes have taken place there. If you run away, you will lose a lot.

"Baibaocheng? Tianhuo, I think you have to take me with you." At this moment, a teasing voice came from outside the hall.

Hearing this familiar voice, Tianhuo froze, and hurriedly looked, but saw a horse leading the way with a smile coming from outside the hall.

"You're finally here? Huh? Spirit God!" Tianhuo smiled playfully, and suddenly the smile froze on his face, because Tianhuo saw that he had already reached the junior spirit god!
"Haha, I've been here for half a month. You're busy, and I didn't bother you. I just took this opportunity to upgrade." He took the lead and laughed.

Tianhuo was surprised, the reborn is different, and the speed of upgrading is extraordinary, but Tianhuo also knows that with the greedy soul of the legion, the Emperor Blessing Pill he gave him, and his passive skills, it will naturally upgrade quickly if he takes the lead.

"Fuck me, the sky is so hot, take me too!" The fat man trotted over and said expectantly.

Many high-level members of the Tianyan Legion know that Yimadaoxian is a living map. Now that they see Yimadaoxian, they will go to Baibao City. Everyone is looking forward to it, and naturally wants to go. After all, they can guess that there must be good things there.

Before Tianhuo could speak, Fatty had already been pulled back by Twilight's ear, and said with a smile, "Tianhuo, come on!"

Tianhuo smiled, motioned towards Yimao, and then walked side by side towards the teleportation array.

"Take the lead, how does it feel to stay at Tianyanmen?" Tianhuo smiled as he walked.

He took the lead and shook his head, "You should ask me how I feel in the Tianyan Legion. I only care about the Legion. Hehe, to be honest, it feels really good to be admired."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but take the lead, "Do they worship you?"

"Haha, that's a must. I gave the legion a lot of dungeons and ways to unlock quests. Everyone will naturally admire me." He took the lead and laughed.

"Be careful if you talk too much, you will miss out. After all, the matter of rebirth is too unimaginable. It should be said to be shocking." Tianhuo also shook his head and smiled.

The smile on his face remained unchanged, "No, as long as you don't tell, others won't know, and they will only regard me as a shareholder of "World of Destiny"."

Tianhuo shook his head again, what he said first made sense, if he didn't say it, who would have thought that he had been reborn first? "Okay then, tell us about our trip."

Yima took the lead and thought for a moment before saying: "At the beginning you made a fortune in silence, and only after you recovered the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire did the Tianyan Sect disciples find out about it. Later, many players went to the underground palace to check, but there was nothing there. , that's all I know."

Tianhuo looked at the lead, and felt a little strange in his heart. Compared with some kind of magic fortune teller, it seems that the lead is more like a fortune teller!
"Have you ever been to that underground palace?" Tianhuo continued to ask.

"No, I just saw the video posted by others on the forum. I think it was crazy at the beginning, just because you got the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire in the underground palace, and you just lured the players to dig out a passage." Immediately aftertaste said.

Tianhuo smiled, "Eight Desolation Vitality Fire? Didn't you know there is Nanming Huanghuo?"

The first step stopped, and he looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, "Isn't it? In that case, you actually hid the harvest? I understand, you guys have never talked about Nanming Huanghuo, so I don't know .”

Tianhuo nodded, according to his own temperament, he really wouldn't say much, let alone tell outsiders that he had obtained Shenhuo. I'm afraid others would have noticed the news leaked out.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo's heart became more relaxed. It seems that the two kinds of divine fire are in his hands this time!
Soon, the two had already teleported to Baibao City. The palace was located underground in Baibao City, but unfortunately, the entrance has been sealed by the people of Baibao Pavilion. Right now, Tianhuo has to find a way.

"Let's take the lead, I'll go down and have a look first, you can find a place to rest and wait for me." Tianhuo turned his head and said.

Immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "I have an extra skill called Shadow Follower, which can follow you for a period of time, no matter what the conditions are."

Tianhuo was dumb, then nodded, and directly used the escape technique to sink into the earth, and just after he escaped, as expected, he followed him down as he said earlier!

Although surprised, Tianhuo didn't ask any more questions, and fled quickly towards the direction pointed by the Prisoner Tower. Not long after, broken walls and ruins buried in the earth appeared in front of him, scattered in this land.

Skimming countless broken walls, a palace inlaid in the earth also appeared in the eyes of Tianhuo's sage. The way to enter is indeed blocked to death.

"Have you arrived yet? It's so pitch black that you can't see anything!" came the leading voice.

"It's almost there, wait for me to see, and find a breakthrough." Tianhuo said, looking intently at the palace buried in the earth, hoping to find a way in.

However, after escaping around the palace, Tianhuo became helpless. This palace is too magical. It has been buried in the ground for an unknown number of years, but it is still intact. The gate is sealed again, and there is no crack around the hall. Come on, how do you get in here?

"Are you there? I remember that in the original video, the entrance was on the left wall of the main hall. You opened that entrance. Now you can try it too." Said immediately. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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