Chapter 562
"Is it the wall on the left?" Tianhuo looked a little weird, and immediately told himself the future, and now, he had to do it according to the future.

"Well, take a look first." He said immediately, he couldn't see the situation in the distance clearly underground, so he couldn't help at the moment.

But for Tianhuo, he told himself that the news was already very useful, at least it would save Tianhuo a lot of effort, before he took the lead in rebirth, he must have searched here for a long time before finding a breakthrough on that wall.

When he came to the wall on the left side of the main hall, Tianhuo carefully looked at the wall and searched around along the wall.

Not long after, Tianhuo noticed something unusual. On this wall, a place with a diameter of about two meters was a bit hot, while other places were completely cold!
"I found it, it should be here!"

With this discovery, Tianhuo was overjoyed, the place with a diameter of two meters can actually make Tianhuo feel hot, this is not normal at all, if you want to say where to break through, it must be here!

Without hesitation, the phantom demon fire in Tianhuo's hand rose up, rushing towards the hot place, and with the appearance of the phantom demon fire, the surrounding soil was quickly burned back, and several While breathing, a void has formed around Tianhuo and Yimadao, and it keeps getting bigger.

A terrifying scorching aura filled the void, but for Tianhuo and Yimadao, they didn't feel anything unusual. After all, this was Tianhuo's own flame, and in peace mode, it would naturally not cause any harm to them.

On the wall burned by the Phantom Demon Fire, the wall slowly reacted, and the wall slowly softened like steel being melted, and after a while, it turned into liquid and slowly flowed down.

"It's really useful, it's enough to go on like this for an hour." Tianhuo said with a smile.

It was great joy to take the lead, "I heard that you got a lot of treasures in addition to the divine fire. What I was looking forward to was those treasures. Hehe, I am afraid no one knew about it except you, but now, I can know too."

Tianhuo smiled and said, "Then just wait and see!"

Under the control of Tianhuo, the Phantom Demon Fire concentrated within a diameter of two meters, melting the wall non-stop. Tianhuo was looking forward to it, not to mention the two kinds of Shenhuo, what made Tianhuo look forward to was the one he had seen before. At the end of the passage, the mysterious treasure house at the end is where the treasures of Yanmen in ancient times are located!

"Come on, I can't wait, hehe." Seeing more and more walls being melted, he took the lead and encouraged Tianhuo, his expression became excited.

Suddenly, the sunken wall that had been melted by the sky fire suddenly swelled up, as if something was about to come out of it, and the sky fire and Yima led the way back, but just as they retreated, they saw a mass of golden The flame directly broke through the wall and shot out!

"Nanming Huanghuo!" Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, and was about to suppress Nanminghuanghuo, but saw Nanminghuanghuo burrowed into the soil in a flash, and fled towards the sky. The majestic and vibrant flames came out of the hole in the wall!
"Damn!" Tianhuo cursed secretly, and now he understood that the reason why the wall in front of him was hot was because these two guys were burning inside and wanted to break the wall!
Well now, I actually helped these two guys instead. Nanming Huanghuo sank into the ground above in a flash, and disappeared in an instant. Looking at the Bahuang vitality fire that was emerging, he also wanted to get away from it. go!
"Sleepy!" The corner of Tianhuo's mouth twitched slightly, and he hurriedly cast his golden words towards Bahuang Vitality Fire, who also wanted to escape. Suddenly, a golden light surged, instantly trapping Bahuang Vitality Fire in place.

But before Tianhuo could take the next step, the light condensed from Jinkou Yuyan shattered quickly, and Bahuang was angry, shaking slightly towards Tianhuo as if provocative, then flashed, and wanted to leave again!

"Second goods!" Tianling's voice sounded, and it was unclear whether he was talking about the fire of heaven or the vitality of the eight wildernesses, and as the sound appeared, the Xiantian Lingding cauldron also appeared instantly, and with the opening of the cauldron's mouth, the eight wildernesses who were about to leave The vitality fire was put in.

Everything happened in an instant, Tianhuo looked up, and Nanming Huanghuo had already disappeared. Fortunately, it was not without gain, at least he got the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire!

Beside him, Yimadaoxian stared blankly at this scene, his eyes fell on Tianhuo, and Tianhuo, with a wry smile on his face, also took a look at Yimadaoxian, and said: "So it's not that I kept it secret, but that I didn't get Nanming at all. Phoenix Fire."

Immediately took the lead and smiled resentfully, looked at the place where Nanming Huanghuo left, and said: "Yes, I also understand, then forget it!"

Tianhuo shook his head helplessly, "This is the second time that Nanming Huanghuo has run under my nose, and I don't know if I will have a chance to meet him in the future."

He didn't speak at first, but Tianling's words sounded in Tianhuo's mind, "You better hope that you don't meet each other. The top ten divine fires are incompatible with each other. Except for the eight wild vitality fires, any other two divine fires must meet. mutually exclusive."

"The Eight Desolation Vitality Fire is the only unique flame that can coexist peacefully with other divine fires. If you collect it together with Nanminghuanghuo this time, you will not be able to refine other divine fires in the future, so I hope you refine it first. Bahuang is alive with vitality, and in the future, we will find a divine fire that is stronger than Nanming Huanghuo." Tianling continued.

Tianhuo shook his head hastily, the strength of Nanming Huanghuo had already left him with lingering fears, this time it left directly without attacking him, otherwise it would definitely be a big trouble.

"Let's talk again, Tianling, how long will it take to refine the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire?" Tianhuo asked.

"Speaking of refining, I have to tell you some unfortunate news." Tian Ling's voice became awkward, and she continued: "I have wiped out the devil energy contained in the Extreme Heaven Demon Cauldron before, and turned it into the Extreme Heaven Divine Cauldron, but After trying these days, I found that the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron cannot refine the Extreme Heaven Divine Cauldron at all."

"Huh? You mean the Xiantian Lingding cauldron is not as powerful as the Jitian Shending cauldron?" Tianhuo said in surprise.

"Hee hee, that's the case. I'm afraid we will have to wait until the Innate Spirit Cauldron evolves to refine the Extreme Heaven Divine Cauldron." Tianling laughed.

Tianhuo nodded, "It doesn't matter, anyway, there are quite a lot of gods in the sky, and now I only have three in my hand, and I can collect more by then."

"Well, it will take a long time to refine the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire this time, just wait slowly, I'm busy." Tianling said without responding.

Tianhuo didn't pay too much attention to it, anyway, he already got it, just wait and see, right now, he naturally went in to see the hidden treasure house.

Stepping into the hall together with Yima Xianxian, I saw more than a dozen charred corpses in the hall, and beside those corpses, the destroyed teleportation array was also placed quietly. Obviously, after Tianhuo left here, eight Huang Shengjihuo and Nanminghuanghuo killed these people.
After scanning the empty hall for a while, Tianhuo directly led the horse and walked towards that passage, and returned here after a few months. There is no change here, the only difference may be that there are two kinds of Shenhuo missing.

Not long after, the two had reached the end of the passage, looking at the flame sign on the wall, Tianhuo directly took out the order of Yanmen's sect master, this time, there will be nothing to stop them, right?
In the suspicious eyes of the first horse, I saw the token slowly fly to the symbol, and then the token seemed to melt, and it was perfectly combined with the symbol, and then, starting from that symbol, the golden runes began to flash get moving.

In the expectant eyes of the two, with the flame symbol as the center, the golden runes slowly spread out in the flickering. Wherever they passed, the stone door of the secret room in front of them quickly turned into gold as if it had been coated with color. .

In a blink of an eye, the entire stone gate had turned golden, and at this moment, the sound of rubbing against the boulders sounded, and the stone gate was slowly raised.

In an instant, a majestic and heart-warming aura diffused from the opened stone gate. At this moment, Tianhuo and his wife felt that the pores of their bodies were open, and their spirits were lifted.

Such a scene made the two of them look forward to it even more. Judging from the breath that diffused out, I'm afraid there is an astonishing treasure in it!

The stone gate rose slowly, but Tianhuo and Tianhuo couldn't wait to bend down and look through the crack of the door, but they saw the mist in it, it was difficult to see the situation inside, through the mist, they could only vaguely see boxes placed in it.

Finally, the stone gate was completely raised, and the two looked at each other and rushed out together, "Skyfire, the harvest time has come."

Tianhuo smiled, and before he could reply, Tianling's excited voice sounded, "Mitian Shenwu, these are Mitian Shenwu! Send..."

Following the appearance of Tianling's voice, the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron also rushed out of the Tianhuo Dantian, opened its mouth, and actually began to absorb the mist in the hall.

Under Tianling's control, the absorption speed of the Xiantian Lingding Cauldron was extremely fast, and the fog in the field instantly formed a tornado rushing towards the mouth of the cauldron, and everything in the hall was also shrinking under the dense fog. becomes clearer.

Before Tianhuo had time to look carefully at the situation in the hall, he saw that he immediately picked up a fingertip-sized bead from the ground, and swallowed it directly with his eyes shining. Immediately, his whole body glowed with an upgraded light !
Tianhuo looked at the leader in astonishment, but the latter smiled, turned his head and said: "It's full of treasures, you work hard, and you can see clearly when the fog is collected."

As he said that, he took the lead and looked around again, while Tianhuo said via voice transmission: "Tianling, what is the mist?"

"Hee hee, let me tell you this, even a world is alive. When life comes to an end, this world will gradually become dilapidated and eventually destroyed. Rejuvenated." Tianling smiled.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, looked at the mist pouring in continuously, and said, "Is this thing useless to us? Could it be useful for other things?" Take it! Follow it~ click/official account on Chinese website (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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