Chapter 563
"It's useless? Then you're wrong. I'll put away Mitian Shenwu now and keep it for you. One day you will worship me because of it." Tianling said playfully.

"And you guessed right. Apart from this function, the Mitian God Mist has a greater effect, but it's useless to tell you. Anyway, you just need to know that all the treasures here combined cannot compare to the Mitian God Mist." Ling continued.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled, seeing his sight getting clearer, he said: "Then you keep it well, I think these treasures in front of you are more useful."

In front of him, boxes were placed neatly around the hall, but the most eye-catching thing was the mysterious item covered by a big red cloth in the center of the hall.

He took the lead and was looking back and forth around the thing covered by the big red cloth, but he didn't take off the red cloth for a long time, and finally moved his gaze to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo approached and saw that the thing under the red cloth was only two meters high, but he didn't know what it was.

Immediately, a statue appeared in front of the two of them, but the strange thing was that the statue seemed to be unfinished, and even its appearance hadn't been carved yet.

"I'm going, so it's this thing!" Yima took the lead and turned his gaze to Tianhuo in astonishment, and said with a smile: "So you got this thing here."

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, he didn't even know what it was, but it seemed that he had already got it before Yimadang was reborn!
"Oh, Tianhuo, this is the statue of the space god, the one ranked last among the top ten group artifacts, you will recognize the owner with blood!" At this time, the voice of Prisoner Tianta came.

Tianhuo didn't respond, but was shocked in his heart, it turned out to be a group artifact again!In this way, I have already obtained the third group artifact!
The Nine Dragons Battle Banner is effective for the Tianyan Legion, and the Soul Suppressing Monument is effective for the Tianyan Sect in the second-level area. Now, the Tianyan Sect in the first-level area will finally have the Zongmen artifact!
Smiling at the first horse, Tianhuo said: "This is a very good thing."

As he said that, Tianhuo spit out a drop of blood and landed on the statue, and saw the blood instantly sink into the statue, and then, the whole body of the statue seemed to melt, and began to flow rapidly, and in the flow, unexpectedly slowly changed It became like a sky fire.

Looking at the changes in the statue, Tianhuo was astonished. It wasn't that the statue was not completed, but that whoever took the lead would take on the appearance of that person. It's amazing!

In a few breaths, the change of the statue has stabilized. At this moment, the statue has changed drastically. It has become a sky fire with a book of sages in one hand and a pen of sages in the other. It is the same size and size.

"This... the one I saw before was holding a fan." He looked at the statue first, murmured, and then turned his gaze to Tianhuo.

Tianhuo smiled, "It's not bad to take the Fan of the Grave Sage until we go back, but it seems a little ostentatious to leave it like this in Tianyanmen."

Immediately rolled his eyes and said: "The more ostentatious ones are yet to come, hehe, you will know when you get back."

Tianhuo took a suspicious look first, but didn't say much, put away the statue and looked at its attributes.

Space God Statue (Advanced Artifact, exclusive to Tianyan Sect.)
Placed in the Zongmen's resident to take effect, the bonus to all Zongmen members: experience value +200%, cultivation point +200%.

Special ability: break through the air, automatically connect to all areas under the sect, and teleport regardless of distance and area.

Gather space, ignore regional restrictions, and make the sect consistent.

"Eh? Is there any attribute bonus? Only experience and cultivation points." Tianhuo said in surprise, and then his eyes fell on those two special abilities.

The space god statue ranked tenth in the top ten group artifacts should not be weak, but after a closer look, Tianhuo faintly understands, but it still needs to put the god statue behind the sect to be sure, and it will be natural to try it when the time comes. understood.

Putting aside the matter of the statue, Tianhuo asked, "What did you pick up and eat on the ground just now?"

Immediately rolled his eyes, "Don't say it's so ugly, okay? It's a god bead, and a god bead increases one billion god experience points."

Tianhuo looked at the leader in astonishment. Shenzhu knew it, but he didn't know that Shenzhu had such an effect. One billion God's experience points could be increased by one piece?
"Hey, these boxes are full of divine beads. Let's send them out. In the future, you don't need to fight monsters to level up, just swallow the divine beads. Unfortunately, there is still a bottleneck. By the way, I heard from Twilight that you have White Tiger Jade? The bottleneck of the gods!" He took the lead in teasing.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and his eyes were also filled with surprise. If a single divine orb can increase one billion experience points, so many divine orbs in front of him may be enough for many people to break through to a very high level. Of course, the premise is that There is no bottleneck.

After the surprise, Tianhuo directly took out a white tiger jade and handed it to the leader, "I have obtained the divine orb before, but it seems that its attributes are unknown. How do you know that it can increase experience?"

Immediately took a strange look at Tianhuo, then smiled and said: "Shenzhu is only useful for spirit gods and above, when you looked at it back then, it was not yet the realm of spirit gods?"

Tianhuo suddenly realized that he opened the box next to him casually, and sure enough, he saw that it was full of off-white orbs, which were the lowest level of orbs that Yu Wu had mentioned back then!
But when he looked at the attributes, Tianhuo was overjoyed. Sure enough, it was clearly written that a piece would increase the experience value of God by one billion!
Tianhuo is now a high-level spirit god, and only needs more than 300 billion god experience points to fill up the experience bar, that is to say, more than 30 god beads are enough!
"Hey, but don't be too happy too early. For players, the spirit god realm can swallow this kind of off-white one. When they reach the god realm, this kind of off-white one is useless. At that time, they need green ones." The words made Tianhuo's excitement dissipate in an instant.

Tianhuo grabbed a handful of divine beads and swallowed them directly. Immediately, the experience bar jumped upwards until it reached the peak. Then, Tianhuo took out another white tiger jade and crushed it.

As soon as the white tiger jade was shattered, the milky white halo enveloped Tianhuo in an instant, and at this moment, an extremely powerful feeling emerged in Tianhuo's heart again, as if just holding it casually could destroy the world.

"Ding! The system prompts: The realm has been improved. Congratulations, you have reached the early stage of the gods. The attributes of the four gods are +8000! Affected by the holy-level exercises, you can get an additional attribute of the four gods +16000!"

"Ding! The system prompts: Realm breakthrough, congratulations on getting the opportunity to exercise, do you want to exercise?"

Two system prompts sounded, and Tianhuo stared at the first one. When he broke through to the spirit god, there was no prompt at all. Could it be that the power of the holy-level kung fu is revealed after the gods?

Thinking about it, Tianhuo looked at the back one again. Last time, he took the Extreme Profound God Pill and directly raised his physical body to an intermediate divine body. Now he actually has the opportunity to forge his body given by the system?Shouldn't there be a chance to break through and become a high-level divine body?
But faced with such an opportunity, who would refuse? "Body forging!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo immediately felt his whole body become numb, as if there were countless ants crawling in his body, every inch of skin and every cell was like this, but fortunately, he didn't have the pain he felt when he took the extremely mysterious pill. pain.

However, in the eyes of the first horse, what he saw was another situation. He saw that Tianhuo's eyes were slightly closed, but a majestic aura had already surged around him, and a milky white halo was walking on the surface of Tianhuo's body. The circle seems endless.

After looking at it for a while, they crushed the White Tiger Jade first, and immediately, the same situation happened to both of them.

Both of them accepted the systematic body forging, and for a while, the hall became quiet, leaving only the whistling momentum of the two of them, which made the boxes in the hall tremble.

I don't know how long this situation lasted. I saw that the aura exuding from the whole body gradually subsided, and he also slowly opened his eyes. The joy after the breakthrough was densely covered on his face, but then he looked at Tianhuo suspiciously, "I'm all It's over, you haven't..."

Tianhuo could no longer hear the voice of taking the lead. At this moment, the numbness all over his body had already disappeared, replaced by incomparable comfort. Every cell was being strengthened, and the aura exuding from his body was getting stronger and stronger, with no tendency to weaken at all.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, a system notification sound came from Tianhuo's ear.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on going through the baptism of body training. Your body has been tempered into a high-level divine body, and the attributes of the four gods are +150000. Under the influence of the holy-level exercises, you will get an additional attribute of the four gods +150000."

Tianhuo was overjoyed, but before he opened his eyes, the system notification sounded again!

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on activating a small amount of Yunlongguo's power during body forging, the high-level divine body has been strengthened, and the attributes of the four major gods have increased by 50000."

"Huh?" Tianhuo opened his eyes in astonishment. He just broke through to the gods and possessed a high-level god body, but his four god attributes directly increased by 374000!

After the astonishment, Tianhuo was overjoyed. The difference in realm caused every level of powerhouse after the spirit god to have a world of difference in power. For example, the self-destruct of the thunderstorm god before, the power was simply destructive, and the spirit god, God, it's not a little bit weaker.

Right now, he has successfully broken through to the early days of the gods, and has at least a high-level divine body that is only possessed by the strong gods. From the perspective of the gods, the sky fire is no less than the strong gods!
Surprised, Tianhuo and Yima Xian frowned together, looking outside the hall, although they couldn't see anything unusual, but outside, there was an extremely tyrannical aura emerging.

Sensing that powerful aura, Tianhuo and Yima took the lead and hurriedly put on guard, but at this moment, an angry voice also came, "Who dares to move the things in my Baibao Pavilion!"

"It's a strong god, hurry up!" Tianhuo's heart tightened. Although he had already reached the realm of gods, it was impossible to fight against the strong god!
As soon as the words fell, the ring of the sage on Tianhuo's finger released a terrifying suction force, and immediately, the surrounding boxes rushed towards the ring of the sage.

"I'll go, Tianhuo, you still have to take care of these things at this time!" Yimao said helplessly, the muscles on his face trembling. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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