The strongest saint

Chapter 564: Help of Natural Selection

Chapter 564: Help of Natural Selection
Tianhuo quickly collected the surrounding boxes, but when he heard the helpless voice of the leader, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said, "Stop making sarcastic remarks, help me to collect them!"

Immediately took a look outside the hall, the powerful aura was getting closer and closer, but Tianhuo didn't seem to stop taking all the things here, making Yimai speechless for a while, so he had to run to the side and start collecting.

"That's right, these are all divine beads, the number is at least tens of millions, which can make everyone in the legion skip the level of spirit god!" Tianhuo said non-stop.

"Shenjun is coming outside, I'm afraid I won't be able to run away for a while." Yi immediately said, rolling his eyes.

Tianhuo was silent, he had already collected these boxes as quickly as possible, he only hoped that he could succeed before the arrival of the god king, even a single god bead could not be left to others!
Finally, Tianhuo and Yima took the lead to put away all the boxes, and were about to use the back-to-city technique to leave here, but the previous yell sounded again!
"court death!"

Amidst the stern shouts, a skinny old man rushed into the hall as fast as lightning, and a terrifying aura erupted, filling the entire hall in an instant, and the city return spells of Skyfire and the lead were also interrupted.

"Your uncle!" Immediately scolded angrily, "You are the uncle who wants to die, Tianhuo, let's kill him!"

Tianhuo looked dignified, and waved his hand towards Yima, but his eyes were fixed on the thin old man in front of him. He saw that this guy was seven or eight points similar to the owner of Baibao Pavilion, and he couldn't help but wonder, Baibao Pavilion, When did you have a strong god?

"Hmph! Hand over the things, who dares to touch the things in my Baibao Pavilion?" the old man sternly shouted, his eyes swept over Tianhuo and Yimadangxian, and then became contemptuous.

"Baibao Pavilion? I haven't seen you in Baibao Pavilion, have I?" Tianhuo squinted his eyes. At this moment, Tianhuo faintly felt that the arrival of this person might have a lot to do with the fact that the owner of Baibao Pavilion gave him 14 cities. Great relationship!
"Hmph! This old man came from the Eastern Continent, so of course you won't see him before. Don't talk nonsense. If you don't want to die, hand over everything here!" The old man snorted coldly.

"Damn, old man, you're robbing!" he said angrily.

"Hmph! Little bastard, try saying it again!" The old man was furious, staring at the lead with cold eyes.

Tianhuo laughed, "Come to my territory and act wildly so confidently? By the way, let me tell you by the way, Chaos Realm is my Tianyan Sect's territory. You Baibao Pavilion, go as far as you can!"

"Tianyan Sect?" The old man's eyes were fixed, and killing intent instantly filled the air, "It turned out to be you! I killed you and took back my territory of Baibao Pavilion here!"

"Afraid you won't make it? Tianhuo, kill him, the help of natural selection!" Yima took the lead and raised his head, then cast a skill on Tianhuo.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on being assisted by the natural selector, all attributes will be doubled within 60 seconds!"

All attributes are doubled!Not only the attack and defense, but all the attributes are doubled. For a moment, a terrifying aura erupted from Tianhuo, making the expressions of the old man who rushed over change slightly.

However, the old man had no choice but to shoot an arrow on the string, so he had to bite the bullet and blast towards Tianhuo at an unabated speed. Tianhuo raised his right fist violently, and a big word "kill" condensed out on the fist surface. Blast out, fiercely clash with the old man!
In an instant, the air that was originally as calm as the surface of a lake, with the bombardment of the two, seemed to be smashed into by a huge boulder, rippling in all directions, and a terrifying air wave swept away in an instant. Back off!

But he took the lead, and under the billowing air waves, he was directly thrown out, and he was forced to stop in front of the wall.

"I'll go..." Immediately stabilized his figure, panting with difficulty, then looked at Tianhuo in astonishment, "My natural help is so strong!"

Tianhuo and the old man also retreated slowly. With the doubling of all attributes, Tianhuo's strength is already stronger than the sum of swallowing stars and those auxiliary skills. It is beyond Tianhuo's expectation to be able to meet the strong god at this moment .

As he was retreating, the old man's face became serious, and there was a big difference in the realm, but the opponent was able to draw with him, how could this be possible?

"60 seconds, I hope I can scare this old guy away!" Tianhuo secretly said in his heart, he didn't bring other strong people by his side right now, as long as the support skills of leading the way passed, he would have no ability to deal with the old man, so he had to hurry up!
Thinking of this, Tianhuo had a thought, and the Star Devouring Moon Beast suddenly appeared beside him. Tianhuo turned over and said with a playful smile: "Old guy, if you don't have a mount, don't say I bully you!"

As he said that, the Book of Grammar appeared in Tianhuo's hands, and the seventh and eighth pages were opened by Tianhuo one after another. In an instant, two strings of poems poured out one after another. The string of poems seemed to have eyes, and they blasted into the old man's body with a twist! -
382560! -987520!

Immediately, two damage values ​​of hundreds of thousands appeared above the old man's head, making his scalp tingle, but he saw that Tianhuo actually kept moving, and opened the book of sages again!
On the sixth page, "Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, call it immediately. Jun Moxiao, who is drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times."

The whole poem instantly enveloped the entire hall, words were flying in the hall, and above the old man's head, a string of dense damage values ​​popped out immediately.
13850, -14630...

"Ah! The old man fought with you..." Facing the dense damage value, unexpectedly, the old man didn't run away, but stepped forward, took out a battle knife in his palm, and waved his hand in a half-arc arc. The attacks came flooding in.

"I'm coming!" Without waiting for Tianhuo to dodge, he had already stepped forward, facing the terrifying air wave in the hall, and directly met the semi-arc attack.

puff!As soon as he met him, the body that took the lead flew upside down, and his health was emptied in an instant, but unexpectedly, even though the life was empty, the lead did not hang up, but landed firmly on the ground with a smile on his face, " Haha, I will take all the attacks, and Tianhuo, you work hard and kill him!"

Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and then he remembered the attributes that he showed himself first.

The power of natural selection: Passive skill, if the sage of the sage does not die, the natural selection will not die.

Taking the lead is using this passive skill, as long as Tianhuo survives, he will not be able to die no matter what!It is simply a bug!

It is not difficult for the god and strong man to attack with anger, and it is not difficult to kill the god and strong man in an instant, but the old man couldn't help being shocked when he saw that he was all right in the first place, but he didn't wait for him to think about it.

Page ten!
"Rizhao incense burner emits purple smoke, and I can see the waterfall hanging in Qianchuan from a distance. It is flying down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling for nine days."

A waterfall appeared out of thin air. Between the waterfall, words surged one after another, filling the entire hall in an instant, and above the old man's head, one after another critical strike damage also appeared.
112300, -108460...

The damage of each critical strike is about [-], which makes Tianhuo look happy. In this case, only the tenth page can erase more than half of the old man's life!

The old man had already greatly reduced his speed in the waterfall, as if his movements had been slowed down countless times. This time, he didn't dare to waste any more time to make a move, but turned around and fled towards the outside of the hall, but the current speed was too much. slow!

Before the old man was swept out of the hall, the 49 damages in the whole poem were over, and the old man's HP was less than 200 million!

The old man looked anxious, he didn't know how many times Tianhuo could use such a powerful attack, if he didn't leave now, he would really hang up here!

Tianhuo breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the old man was about to run away, it was just as he wanted, otherwise if he persisted for a while, he would be lost.

As soon as I thought about it, there was another shout in the lead: "Come on! Come on! Uh? Chase!"

The old man had already left the hall, but seeing that Tianhuo had no intention of chasing after him riding the Star Devouring Moon Beast, he looked at Tianhuo suspiciously first.

Tianhuo smiled, do you want to say nothing?There are only a few of his powerful attack skills, and he criticizes those who cannot cause millions of damage in such a short period of time.

Right now, the old man has escaped from the hall and got into the passage. The battle this time has exceeded Tianhuo's imagination. After all, it is enough to scare away even the strong gods!

If the battle continues, Tianhuo will have to use props, which is not worthwhile.

Just as he was about to speak, Tianhuo frowned, because he saw that the old man turned back and threw a pill into his mouth at the same time, "The two little bastards were almost bluffed by you. , How could it be possible to maintain such combat power? Now you are at the end of your skills!"


A green health recovery appeared above the old man's head, and the old man had already returned to the hall, staring at Tianhuo with a gloomy expression, and when he raised his hand, an extremely sharp aura appeared on the saber, shaking the air in the hall tremblingly !

Tianhuo's expression turned cold, and his voice became cold. What he hates the most is when others scold him together with his parents!

"Do you really think I can't kill you? Titles, Ten Thousand Slashes, Command the World, Supreme Legion!" Tianhuo's cold voice came out, and three titles appeared one after another above his head!
900000, -1800000!

It's a pity that Tianhuo found that the effect of the title of killing thousands of people did not appear, but the problem is not big anymore, because the old man lost a full 270 million health points, even if he recovered 100 million before, at the moment, there are at most about 30 left !
The sudden damage value made the old man startled again, and he swallowed a mysterious elixir again with pain. Immediately, his health recovered to 100 million again!

And the old man raised his saber angrily, "I don't believe in evil, so go die!"

"Hey, if you don't believe it, you have to believe it, Skyfire, let's continue, and the time will pass!" - just enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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