Chapter 565
The old man in Baibao Pavilion was so aggrieved that he originally planned to escape, but found that Tianhuo was at the end of his skills, so he turned around and turned back. He wanted to kill Tianhuo, but he didn't want to have 30% of his health wiped out by Tianhuo's title.

Fortunately, he knew that Tianhuo must have no means this time!

That's right, seeing the old man taking the elixir again and causing his health to recover 100 million, Tianhuo was already speechless, and when he was about to use the Sky-breaking Demon Arrow, a burst of laughter rang out, and immediately, Tianhuo also heard a burst of laughter. A system beep appears.

"Ding! The system prompts: The natural selector is too late for you. Congratulations on completing the cooldown of all your skills."

Following the system prompt, Tianhuo saw that in his book of sages, the cooling time of the few pages that had just been used on paper before had passed and could be used again!

And the terrifying aura on the old man's saber erupted, instantly draining the air in the hall, and the terrifying attacks that could destroy the world quickly gathered on the saber.

Tianhuo frowned, "It's too late, you should go down!"

Before the words fell, the tenth page of the Book of Grammars was opened again. Immediately, a waterfall reappeared in the hall, and the old man's health was emptied in the blink of an eye, and the terrorist attacks that were gathering in his hands dissipated in an instant!
There was still a look of resignation in the old man's eyes, but his body had already collapsed, his breath dissipated, and he had no vitality.

In the hall, the waterfall gradually dissipated, and everything slowly returned to calm. Only the corpse of the old man was left on the ground, but his eyes were staring without the slightest expression.
Tianhuo didn't look at the old man's body, but turned his head and gave Yimadao a thumbs up. Originally, he just wanted to do his best to scare the old man away, but unexpectedly, with the help of Yimadao, he killed the old man directly.

You know, this old man is a real god-king powerhouse!And myself, but just entered the gods.

"Haha, do you know how powerful I am?" He walked over immediately and began to pack up the items that the old man dropped.

Tianhuo nodded heavily, "It's beyond my expectation, it's amazing to take the lead!"

Baiju Guoxia: Active skill, after casting, all the skills of the sage profession will be cooled down instantly.

Help of Natural Selection: Active skill, after being used, it doubles all attributes of professional players of the Grave Sage, and lasts for 1 minute.

Taking the lead is the use of these two skills, not to mention skyrocketing all stats of Tianhuo, but also cooling down the skills at a critical moment, in order to launch the second round of attacks, otherwise, Tianhuo may be short of two more sky-shattering magic arrows.

"Well, before I was reborn, I had never heard of such a profession as the natural selector. After my rebirth, I got it by accident. I was excited for a long time, but I didn't expect that after completing this profession, I would become the assistant of the sage Occupation, life only exists for the sage of literature, the sage of literature is born, and the sage of literature is destroyed, speechless!" He took the lead and shook his head while packing up the spoils.

"Haha, you didn't play the game for a few months because of this, right?" Tianhuo laughed.

He took the lead and shook his head with a smile, "Can't I go on vacation?"

Tianhuo also smiled, stopped joking and took the lead, watched him finish packing up the spoils, and said: "Let's go, go back."

"Well, by the way, there is something. Didn't you get more than [-] sets of two-piece artifacts? Tell the madman and leave one set for me." Said immediately.

"Haha, after all, you are also the deputy commander of the army, so you need me to talk about this?" Tianhuo laughed.

He took the lead and shook his head helplessly: "That guy wants to compete as soon as he sees me. I can't stand it, so I let you play."

Tianhuo nodded, Mu Yichen was called a martial madman, not for nothing, "Okay, but you have professional suits, what do you need Jitian two-piece suit for?"

"Hey, I can choose to fuse my professional suits once. In terms of weapons and armor, the Jitian two-piece suit is the best choice, but like you, my suits are not complete. I will find mine when I return to the city next time." Career suits, hurry up too!" He took the lead and laughed.

"Well, I'll go back to Shentu Shenjun, and he has the Fan of Wensheng." Tianhuo said, and cast the return spell.

After reading the article of returning to the city, the scenery in front of Tianhuo's eyes changed rapidly, and then he had returned to Tianyanmen, and left immediately, looking for his natural selection suit. After checking the sect system, Tianhuo found Shentu The five Shenjuns haven't come back yet. They can't use the city return technique, so they have to rely on the teleportation array to rush back. The speed is naturally much slower, and there is no system prompt sound at the moment. I'm afraid the five people haven't succeeded yet.

Tianhuo is looking forward to his fan of the sage of sages, but at the moment he is a little confused. After all, he has the main weapon and the second-hand weapon. If he is equipped with the sage's fan, he may not be able to equip the sage's pen and the sage's book at the same time. , In this way, I don't know if it will affect my suit attribute bonus.

Speaking of the Wensheng suit, Tianhuo felt helpless. He only encountered two pieces in the chaotic domain. Even if he added the two pieces of the Wensheng gate, it might not be complete. I really don’t know what is left and where it is. .

Thinking about it, Tianhuo walked towards the main hall, nothing happened at the moment, and simply waited for Shentu Shenjun and the others to come back.

In Tianyan Palace, many high-level officials are busy with the relocation of the residence. At the moment, there is no one in the hall. Tianhuo thought for a while, and put aside the matter of the space god, and waited until the residence was moved before taking out the statue. There is no need to rush now.

Quiet at this moment, Tianhuo couldn't help but took out the novice Yiyi. This dress has developed to the extreme. For today's Tianhuo, the grade and attributes are too low, but it can be integrated into other equipment. Tianhuo can't help but think about it. It is a good choice to integrate the novice's weirdness into the robe of the sage.

It's just that Tianhuo doesn't know at all whether it will affect the attributes of the suit after being integrated.

Novice Yiyi, defense (spirit) +100%, strength (spirit) +850, intelligence (spirit) +774, constitution (spirit) +600, agility (spirit) +850, negative state resistance +10%, ignore target defense +10%, Damage Reflection +20%.

Special effect: All attributes can be integrated into other equipment, and disappear after integration.

Looking at the attributes of the novice Yiyi, Tianhuo still chose to give up after a long time. The attributes of this equipment are already dispensable to him, so there is no need to take this risk at all.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations to Tianyanmen for conquering Wangshenzong, including the 33 cities under it."

As soon as Tianhuo put away the novice's Guiyi, a system prompt sounded, Tianhuo couldn't help being overjoyed, did Shentu Shenjun and the five finally finish the previous Thunderstorm Hall!
As a result, Chaos Realm has almost fallen into the hands of Tianyan Sect, and the remaining small forces are simply trying to survive in the cracks at the moment, and I am afraid they will come to seek refuge in a few days!
The Tianyan Sect currently owns more than a million cities, more cities than any of the top ten sects. However, unlike the top ten sects, there is no affiliated force under the Tianyan Sect!
Of course, Tianhuo doesn't care about these things, the more cities he owns, the faster the Tianyan Sect will develop, and the day when all the strong ones come out will be the shock of the Destiny Continent!

Thinking of this, Tianhuo couldn't help getting up, directly opened the Zongmen channel, and said: "Senior Wu Ping, let us know that all forces in the chaotic domain will come to surrender within three days and join our Tianyan sect. We will take this opportunity to sweep the chaotic domain. "

"Master, what about those forces from the east?" Wu Ping asked.

"Speak out, too. This is the territory of our Tianyan Sect. If any force dares to set foot, don't blame us for being rude." Tianhuo said, his strong self-confidence was fully revealed in his words.

"I understand, sect master, let's do it now!"

The conversation between the two was not concealed, and all the disciples heard it clearly. For a moment, hot eyes shot out from everyone's eyes, "The main sect is to unify the chaotic domain!"

Tianhuo ignored the lively Zongmen channel. In fact, when the five people were sent to subdue the former Thunderstorm Palace, the Chaos Domain had already been unified. These days, small forces have been coming to seek refuge.

Under the dissemination of Wu Ping, this news quickly spread throughout the chaotic domain. For the local forces, it seems that this has been expected for a long time, but for those forces from the east who want to get a piece of the pie, Tianyanmen Provocative!

Naturally, Tianhuo has his own intentions in doing this, because Tianhuo has already seen that the completion progress of the task assigned by his Luoshen has become 2.5%!

Tianhuo only subdued two first-class sects and one second-class sect under Prisoner Dragon Sect, but he has made 2.5% progress. Obviously, one first-class sect can increase his tasks by 1%!

Therefore, Tianhuo's provocation of those forces from the east at this moment is to subdue those forces directly here!After all, if you go to the Eastern Continent to subdue the forces under the Prisoner Dragon Sect, it will be infinitely more difficult if you don't have the home court advantage.

It has been nearly a month since Yin Tianhe became normal. During this period of time, there are countless forces pouring in. If they are not cleaned up, the chaotic domain will remain chaotic.

However, there is no need for Tianhuo to worry about the rest of the matter. There are seven powerful gods, and their actions are enough to settle everything. What Tianhuo needs to do now is to improve the completion of the task as much as possible.

Judging from the current situation, it is only necessary to snatch over a hundred first-class sects from the affiliated forces of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, and the task will be completed. At that time, that is, when he finds the God of War, Tianhuo is already looking forward to that day. It's been too long!
"Sect Master, we are back!" In the anticipation of Tianhuo, outside the main hall, the five Shentu Shenjun landed and walked straight towards the main hall.

Tianhuo was overjoyed, the fan of Wensheng came!

But before Tianhuo could open his mouth, he saw the five people's faces were very unnatural, and their eyes were full of horror. Just as they were about to ask questions, they saw another figure in a white shirt descending behind the five people!

(End of this chapter)

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