The strongest saint

Chapter 570 The Wronged Demon King

Chapter 570 The Wronged Demon King

The phantom that suddenly appeared above the middle-aged man's body actually looked exactly like the middle-aged man!
The majestic aura swept across Xu Ying's body, and the sky fire above was horrified to find that with the appearance of this figure, he felt his scalp explode, and he couldn't feel the slightest resistance in his heart!

"Little god, dare to disturb this king?" A calm but majestic voice came out of Xu Ying's mouth, which made people feel the urge to worship!

Tianhuo suppressed the negative feelings in his heart, swallowed with some difficulty, and said via voice transmission: "Tianling, what's going on?"

"He is sleeping. This is a phantom formed by part of his soul, but don't underestimate this phantom!" Tianling said solemnly.

Tianhuo nodded secretly, of course he didn't dare to underestimate it, because in this phantom, Tianhuo sensed an aura that was countless times more terrifying than that of the middle-level demon general, even though this aura was very subtle, Tianhuo knew it was powerful.

The sound transmission with Tianling was just a thought away, and Demon King Xuying didn't notice any abnormalities at all, but anger gradually welled up in his calm eyes, "It's you who broke my big deal!"

Hearing the angry voice of the Demon King, Tianhuo calmed down instead, shrugged and said, "Sorry, that's just the first step!"

The demon king froze for a moment, and suddenly raised his head and laughed, "Haha, I really don't know where your courage comes from, those who don't know are fearless!"

After the laughter fell, Demon King Xuying shifted his eyes to Tianhuo again and became icy cold, "Don't say you are just a god, even if you are a god king, you can't take my blow and die!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the demon king Xuying suddenly raised his palm. In an instant, the terrifying coercion approached Tianhuo. The terrifying coercion, under this kind of coercion, it seems that I will be smashed to pieces at any time, and the coolness can't help but rise from the soles of my feet!
Moreover, the movement of the demon king's phantom seemed slow, but when he raised his hand, an attack that Tianhuo had never seen had roared in. Although he couldn't see the attack, Tianhuo could clearly feel that his head had become a little bit weaker at this moment. It was so heavy that it seemed like he couldn't think anymore, but that attack hadn't arrived yet!

Such a situation happened to him before the attack came. If the attack fell, it would be hard for Tianhuo to imagine what would happen to him?Anyway, it is certain that it cannot withstand this attack.

In the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron, Tianling was extremely anxious. If she hadn't encouraged Tianhuo to come here, Tianhuo would not have encountered such danger. All of this was her own fault!
"Tianhuo..." Tianling shouted anxiously, but this couldn't help Tianhuo at all.

The invisible attack was like an invisible streamer, and the air where the attack passed was distorted, pointing directly at the sky fire, and the latter had already lost the ability to think under the pressure of the attack!

"Wow! Good stuff!" Suddenly, a little boy's voice emerged in Tianhuo's mind, and then Tianhuo saw a little boy in armor appearing in front of him in an instant, just in time, the attack also arrived!

Tianhuo wanted to shout, but at the moment he couldn't even speak, so he could only watch the little boy's movements in horror, this poor little guy, there must be nothing wrong!
Under Tianhuo's horrified and unbearable eyes, the little boy actually opened his mouth and swallowed the whistling invisible attack, and at the same time he pursed his mouth, showing a look of enjoyment!
Tianhuo was astonished, this little boy was naturally the weapon spirit of the sky seal, and he had become weaker and weaker after losing the sky seal of his body, but Tianhuo couldn't imagine that this already very weak weapon spirit could swallow the demon king's mysterious The attack was swallowed, and he also acted like he was enjoying it!

"Wow! It's delicious. I haven't tasted a soul attack for many years. If I had encountered it earlier, I wouldn't have to be so weak!" The sky sealer swallowed the attack and murmured to himself , and at the same time shifted his gaze to Demon King Phantom.

"Oh, what a strong soul breath, this is... the Demon King!" Looking at the phantom of the Demon King, the Sky Imprinter suddenly cried out excitedly, and then under Tianhuo's astonished eyes, the little boy opened his mouth again!

This time, as the little boy opened his mouth, the phantom of the demon king below unexpectedly began to deform in an instant, was directly stretched by the mysterious force, and then turned into a stream of air and directly entered the little boy's mouth, without even a chance to scream!
"Well... this time I can recover my losses over the years, Tianhuo, remember to call me if there is such a good thing in the future." The little boy smiled at Tianhuo, and then got into the Prisoner Ring.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, looking at the field where there was no phantom of the demon king, he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, it was an extremely powerful phantom, and it was swallowed by the spirit of the sky seal in a daze?

In astonishment, Tianhuo saw that the face of the devil lying quietly on the platform turned pale in an instant. In Tianhuo's anxiety, he did not see him wake up. There was a riot.

Such a change made Tianhuo hurriedly put on guard. What the sky sealer swallowed was just a phantom formed by the demon king's soul power, and what was lying quietly at the moment was the demon king's body!

But at this moment, the aura emanating from the demon king's body was extremely violent, and even the seven or eight demon spirit beads floating around him trembled with the aura of riot.

"You still don't do it? He has lost half of his soul, and he has already suffered backlash, so he won't be able to wake up for a while." Tianling urged.

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, unable to wake up?Is there a better chance than this?
Without hesitation, Tianhuo didn't even bother to collect the seven or eight magic beads, and directly took out the Book of Grammar and opened the seventh page! -

A total of 100 million damage values ​​emerged from the top of the devil's head, which made Tianhuo slightly startled. Sure enough, right now is the moment when the devil is weakest. The so-called killing you while you are sick, Tianhuo opened the book of sages again without hesitation. Page ten! -
1000000! -1000000...

In an instant, the waterfall in which the words surged appeared, entangled around the Demon King's body, and damage values ​​emerged one by one from the top of the Demon King's head again, and each damage value was actually a full 100 million, not much, not much. few!
"Haha, this guy has been backlashed and has entered a certain state of weakness!" Seeing the damage value above the devil's head, Tianhuo immediately understood.

However, to Tianhuo's surprise, the tenth page has 49 consecutive damages, and each damage value is 100 million. It stands to reason that it only takes 9 times to obliterate the devil, but with the one on the seventh page, it is already 50 times The damage value popped up, but the Demon King didn't die!

"Don't stop, right now he has eight magic beads to protect him, which is equivalent to nine lives!" Tianling's voice came in a timely manner.

Tianhuo frowned, that's how it is!But in this state, where can you stump yourself?
The sixth page of the Book of Grammars was opened, and each word also caused damage once, a total of 49 times!
"Grape wine luminous cup, if you want to drink the pipa, immediately remind me. Drunk lying on the battlefield, Lord Mo Xiao, how many people have fought in ancient times." Big characters lit up in this underground world, and on the devil's body, dense damage values ​​kept taking off. out.

Finally, a crisp system notification sounded in Tianhuo's ear, which made Tianhuo overjoyed. It was the first time he had picked up such a big bargain, and it was time for a bumper harvest again!
"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the Demon King, the title of Demon Slayer has been upgraded, the current 9 stars, please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the Demon King and making a great contribution to the Destiny Continent. The Destiny Medal has been upgraded to level 8."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the devil king, the title commands the world to activate the hidden effect!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the devil king, you will get a reputation value of 500 million, and a crime value of -300 million. As the first player to kill two devil kings, you will get reward points +3."

"Ding! The system prompts: The title Punishment God Envoy has been upgraded, currently 3 stars, please check the title panel for details."

"Ding! System prompt: Gwen Sheng's sorrow is activated, pick up 3 pieces of equipment, Demon King God's Blood Bead x 1, Treasure Box x 2, Mysterious Item x 2, Demon Spirit Orb x 8."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on killing the demon king, the completion rate of the task delivered by Luoshen has increased by 90%!"

"Eh? That's okay too?" Tianhuo looked at the last system prompt in astonishment, which actually increased the completion of that task?
In astonishment, I saw the roots of the Hunyuan Divine Tree suddenly appearing, and took away the demon king's body in one roll, and Tianling's voice also came, "Aren't you leaving? Waiting for that intermediate demon to beat you in the future?"

The overjoyed Tianhuo naturally didn't forget the threat of the intermediate demon general. Hearing this, he smiled softly, then dodged and sank into the cliff on one side, and galloped towards the exit of the shortcut.

This time, the harvest was beyond Tianhuo's expectation. Originally, he just wanted to ruin the good deeds of the Demon King and leave. How could he have thought that he was forced to come here by the middle-level Demon General, and killed another Demon King by luck.

Not to mention what the Demon King revealed, two titles were directly upgraded, one title activated the hidden effect, and the Medal of Destiny was even upgraded. These are extremely rich gains. The most important thing is that the tasks assigned by Luoshen have increased by [-]% The progress is not far from completion!

This is enough to show that a Prisoner Dragon Sect is no match for a Demon King in Luoshen's eyes. Perhaps this is why the completion of this task has increased by 90%!
However, Tianhuo was a little dissatisfied that killing such a top-level boss had no experience points or cultivation points this time. It seemed that because of the big deal, Tianhuo gave up only thinking that he already had a generous reward.

Walking all the way in the earth, Tianhuo has already left the intermediate demon general behind him at this moment, let him go, I don't know if he will be pissed off when he sees that the demon king is dead, you know, Tianhuo Will return here, most of it is the credit of the magic general!If he hadn't chased him, Tianhuo would have gone to the exit long ago.

The results of it?This devil is very wronged!
(End of this chapter)

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