The strongest saint

Chapter 571 The Hidden Effect of the Title

Chapter 571 The Hidden Effect of the Title

Walking underground, the smile on Tianhuo's face never stopped, leaving Tianling speechless for a while, "Can you stop laughing?"

"Hey, I can't help it!" Tianhuo teased.

Tianling rolled her eyes, "It's all thanks to the seal of the sky. If he hadn't swallowed the demon king's soul to protect himself, you would have been pinched to death by the demon king."

"Haha, of course I know, but he swallowed part of the demon king's soul and is digesting it!" Tianhuo laughed, of course he knew that if it wasn't for the unexpected performance of the sky seal, he would be finished, how could there be such a thing? Looking for a cheap chance?

It's just that the sky seal is absorbing those powers, and has fallen into a deep sleep, otherwise, Tianhuo would have to thank him very much.

"Ah..." Suddenly, an indescribably angry roar came faintly, Tianhuo couldn't help turning his head to look, but he had already escaped a long way, and he couldn't see the source of the roar through the ground.

"Haha, Tianling, do you think that mid-level demon will be pissed off?" Tianhuo asked playfully without stopping.

"I don't know about this, but I know that he is still your big trouble. No matter where you go, he will find you." Tian Ling's words had a taste of gloating.

"Eh? At least he doesn't dare to come to the Dragon Clan, right? By the way, what is the realm of the god king?" Tianhuo said, thinking of what Tianling said before, the strength of the intermediate demon general is comparable to the powerhouse of the god king realm.

"Of course it's a realm above the gods, but since the Great War between Heaven and Earth, there have been very few god kings and powerhouses, not to mention that there are no chaos domains, and I'm afraid there are not many in the eastern continent." Tianling sighed secretly.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and said to himself: "Is it above the gods?"

Now I am just an intermediate god, far away from a god king, let alone a god king!

Thinking about it, Tianhuo checked the harvest this time, first of all, those titles and medals.

Title: Demon Slaying (9 stars), obtained after killing a certain number of demons. After using this title, the favorability of npcs will be increased, and it will have a deterrent effect on demon monsters. Additional effects: four attributes (God) +1200, damage reduction + 20%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

Title: Command the world, can not be upgraded, after using this title, it will have a deterrent effect on the enemy, reducing the enemy's overall attributes by 10%, and will have an increase effect on one's own side, increasing the overall attributes by 10%.Additional effect: skill range × 2.

God of Punishment (3 stars), obtained after the crime value is lower than -1800 million. After using this title, the favorability of good NPCs will increase. Additional effects: four attributes (God) +4000, life recovery +33%, mana recovery +33%.Note: This title can be upgraded.

Destiny Medal (Level 8), dedicated to those who have made special contributions to the Destiny Continent, after wearing it, the four attributes (God) +2160, life recovery +8%, mana recovery +8%, use requirements: none.

Wearing effect: With this medal, you can gain the respect of npc.

The title of Demon Slaying is not very useful to the current Skyfire, but the Evil Punishment God Envoy is of great use. Although the bonuses of the four attributes of the four gods can be ignored, the recovery of life and mana makes Skyfire invincible!
And what surprised Tianhuo was Commanding the World. When he was awarded this title before, the extra effect had not been activated. Now that it is activated, the range of action of the skill that Tianhuo has been yearning for has been increased!
If the extra effect of this title had been activated when dealing with those ordinary monsters before, then it is not difficult to imagine that Tianhuo must have dealt with those ordinary monsters before the demon generals arrived. good thing.

After putting away the title panel, Tianhuo looked at the Ring of the Glyph Saint. Although there were not many things revealed by the Demon King, Tianhuo believed that every piece was a treasure!
3 pieces of equipment, demon king's blood bead x 1, treasure box x 2, mysterious item x 2, and magic spirit bead x 8. Among them, the demon king's blood bead, Tianhuo, has already been obtained, and this time it is the same, there is no difference.

The treasure box needs to be opened with reward points, and it is not yet the time to open it, so Tianhuo doesn't need to look at it. He casually glanced at the three pieces of equipment, one high-level artifact and two intermediate artifacts, which are of no use to Tianhuo. Mailed directly to Twilight Breaking Dawn for processing.

What Tianhuo is looking forward to are two mysterious items and the magic orb!

Those eight identical beads lay quietly in the ring of the Glyph Saint. Under the induction of the mind, I can still sense the majestic aura contained in the beads. I think they are not mortal things, but I don’t know the power of this monster. Can humans use the condensed beads?

Magic Bead: A mysterious bead formed by gathering the essence of [-] monster powers. Taking one will directly elevate to a great realm.

Note: There is no limit to the number of times you can take it, but the highest level can only be promoted to the junior god, so it is valid under the god.

"Yeah?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the Demon Spirit Orb, which was formed by gathering the power of ten thousand monsters, and it could actually raise a level!With this kind of thing in hand, I can completely create gods!
A look of astonishment appeared on Tianhuo's face. Right now, he has reached the middle-level god realm. If he takes one, he will be directly in the early stage of the gods!

This is a good thing, a strange thing that can ignore the existence of bottlenecks. If you get it earlier, Tianhuo will even directly cross the realm of spirit gods and gods!It's a pity that now, I can only take one, after all, it is useless beyond the early stage of Shenjun.

"Oh, so the effect of the magic pearl is like this, it's no less than the top-level magic pill, it's amazing!" Even Tianling sighed, and then said: "Hurry up and take one!"

Tianhuo took out a magic spirit bead and inspected it carefully, he was very curious, this is a strange thing produced by gathering the power of monsters, and there is no restriction on consumption, "Tianling, how do you think humans can take this thing? "

Tianling was silent for a moment, then understood what Tianhuo meant, and couldn't help laughing: "It's the same when power is traced to its source. Don't you think that the magic spirit beads should contain magic energy?"

Tianhuo nodded, he really thought so before!But it seems that I was wrong, "Then I can swallow it, will it be okay?"

"Eh? Let's wait until the Dragon Clan. I don't know if the mid-level Demon General will be able to find you right now. If he comes here when you are raising your level, it will be bad." Tianling said bitterly.

Tianhuo touched the tip of his nose and put away the magic pearl. He couldn't wait to leave here, he didn't even bother to check the remaining two mysterious items, and quickly ran towards the exit.

For a full day, just when Tianhuo thought he had made a mistake, he saw that the shortcut above had come to an end, and at the end, there was also a huge light gate of several tens of feet!
"Is this also called a shortcut? It took me more than a day, but I didn't find where it was close." Tianhuo muttered, looking around and seeing no mid-level demon general before plundering from the ground without any trace. Without hesitation, he got into the light gate.

The feeling was exactly the same as before. After passing through the light gate, Tianhuo instantly came to a world filled with light mist, and a thick refreshing breath floated in the air, just like a fairyland on earth.

"It has the breath of the dragon clan, so it shouldn't be wrong!" Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo nodded and looked at it intently. His vision passed through the mist, and he saw that there were many floating peaks in the distant sky, which were faintly visible under the shroud of mist, and below, there were mountains, rivers and rivers densely covered.

"It's similar to Long Island in the second-level area, but the air is more mysterious." Tianhuo murmured.

"Almost? Tianhuo boy, then you are wrong. One year of cultivation here is at least equivalent to ten years in a second-level area. Is this also called almost?" the figure of Master of Everything came from the mist and smiled.

Tianhuo smiled, that's only for the local powerhouses, for the players, the so-called cultivation speed has no effect at all, what the players need is just a lot of experience points.

"How's the situation inside?" Wan Shitong asked, changing the subject.

As soon as the situation inside was mentioned, Tianhuo immediately lifted his spirits, and looked at Wanshitong with some seriousness, "Senior, you really don't know?"

Seeing Tianhuo's solemn expression, Wanshitong looked up and down Tianhuo, and saw that the latter did not appear to be in a panic, so he wondered: "It doesn't look like you escaped, let alone in danger, what's going on? ?”

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, shook his head and smiled wryly: "I almost got hurt by you, my little god, unexpectedly met an intermediate magic general inside!"

"Huh?" Wanshitong was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. Indeed, the strength of the mid-level magic general is not ordinary, at least even the powerful gods can't match it.

"Let's not talk about it, there is actually a demon king hidden inside!" Tianhuo continued.

"What!" Wanshitong turned pale with shock, and grabbed Tianhuo's arms, "Which demon king is it? Tell me!"

Tianhuo rolled his eyes and suddenly smiled, "Hehe, I was lucky, I killed him in a daze."

Wan Shitong's expression froze on his face, and his fear gradually turned into astonishment. He looked at Tianhuo in disbelief and said, "Are you sure it's the Demon King? Isn't it a Demon Lord or a high-level Demon General?"

Without waiting for Tianhuo to reply, Wanshitong hurriedly said: "No, I have to report to Master Zulong, let's go!"

Before the words were finished, Wanshitong had already grabbed Tianhuo and stepped into the air. When his figure flickered, Tianhuo felt that the scenery in front of him was changing rapidly. After a while, he had already landed on a floating peak.

On the floating peak, more than a dozen dragons quietly guarded the teleportation array in the center, which is very similar to the situation in the second-level area. When these dragons saw the arrival of Wanshitong, they hurriedly bowed down, "Meet the Great Elder!"

Wanshitong waved his hand, led Tianhuo directly towards the teleportation formation, and disappeared in the teleportation formation in an instant.

Tianhuo was stunned. He knew that Wanshitong's status in the Dragon Clan was unusual, but he never expected that he was actually the No.1 Great Elder under the Dragon Emperor!
But before Tianhuo asked, he had followed Wanshitong to a cliff, and when he looked back, he saw clouds and mist lingering between the cliffs. Obviously, this was also a floating peak, but when he looked in front of him, Tianhuo was stunned. The mountains are densely covered, this is clearly a floating continent!
"Don't be surprised, this is jointly built by Lord Earth God and Lord Zulong. Let's go, go to Dragon Emperor Hall." Wanshitong took a look at Tianhuo, and then moved his gaze to the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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