The strongest saint

Chapter 572 The Vision Comes

Chapter 572 The Vision Comes
The continent where the Dragon Clan is located in the first-level region is vast and boundless in the sky. At this moment, as the passer-by is flying over this continent, Tianhuo really wants to know, where is the specific location of this continent?

This huge and boundless continent is floating, and the humans living below must be able to see it. Could it be that the dragons have moved away from the human habitation area?
Doubtful, Wanshitong's speed slowed down, and he saw a huge mountain peak hundreds of miles ahead, and on the top of the peak stood a quaint hall, which was the goal of this trip, the Dragon Emperor Hall.

Wanshitong took Tianhuo directly into the hall, but the hall was unexpectedly deserted, only a middle-aged man with sharp brows was reading books alone.

"Dragon Emperor, I'm back, where is Master Zulong?" Wanshitong asked after scanning around casually.

Tianhuo was a little surprised that Wanshitong spoke so casually to the Dragon Emperor, but what surprised Tianhuo even more was that the middle-aged man didn't raise his head, "I'm reading a novel given to me by Master Zulong, don't disturb me, Zulong My lord went to the dangerous building."

"Oh, let me watch after you finished reading!" Wanshitong responded, and rushed out with the sky fire, flying towards the distance.

From the beginning to the end, the Dragon Emperor never raised his head!
A strange feeling surged in Tianhuo's heart. Are there novels in the game?

In doubt, Tianhuo has been pulled away by Wanshitong. Not long after, Tianhuo can already see a straight lone peak appearing in the distance. The huge mountain peak is much higher, and on this isolated peak, a small three-story tower stands tall.

The small tower is not big, only more than ten meters high. It looks a bit dilapidated, and there are even cracks in many places, as if it will collapse at any time.

On the top of the small pagoda, Weihai Yunlong in human form stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes staring at the sky, his eyes sometimes showed bitterness, sometimes joy, and his expression was uncertain.

"Lord Zulong!" Wanshitong and Tianhuo stopped a few hundred meters away from the small tower, and Wanshitong volleyed in the air and bowed in salute.

"I've seen you, senior!" Tianhuo also clasped his fists in salute.

Weihai Yunlong slowly withdrew his gaze, nodded slightly towards the two, "Come on!"

Wanshitong didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly led Tianhuo up to the small tower. This is the dangerous building that the Dragon Emperor said.

"Lord Dragon Emperor, Tianhuo said that the devil king appeared in that shortcut, and I specially brought him to see you!" After going up the dangerous building, Wan Shi Tong saluted again.

Weihai Yunlong glanced at Wanshitong, then turned his gaze to Tianhuo, smiled slightly, and said, "I know, isn't this purposely giving Tianhuo a chance to kill the demon king?"

The sky fire stagnates, all of this was arranged by Weihai Yunlong?

However, Weihai Yunlong just smiled mysteriously, without further explanation, and said with a smile: "Your so-called vision will appear in two days, Tianhuo, while there is still time, you should first break through to the realm of the gods!"

Tianhuo was even more puzzled, it seemed that Weihai Yunlong knew that he had the magic pearl!But thinking that he had secretly arranged for him to kill the Demon King, Tianhuo felt relieved, and took out a Demon Orb and swallowed it while nodding.

The magic orb melted at the entrance, and in an instant, a majestic force poured out all over Tianhuo's body. For a while, Tianhuo only felt his body swell, which was very similar to when he took the extremely mysterious pill!
The majestic power was rampant in Tianhuo's body, and it couldn't be vented at all. Even if he already had a high-level divine body, Tianhuo felt a little about to explode at this moment, and he couldn't help being shocked. Is it dangerous to take these things?

Just thinking about what to do, suddenly, Tianhuo felt his whole body loosen, and the majestic power in his body seemed to find a vent, and quickly merged into his body, and the feeling of swelling also quickly faded away.

"Ding! System prompt: The realm has been improved, congratulations on reaching the late stage of the gods, the attributes of the four gods +32000! Under the influence of the holy-level exercises, you will get an additional attribute of the four gods +64000!"

As the feeling of swelling faded away, a crisp system prompt sounded in Tianhuo's ears, and he easily broke through to the late stage of Tianshen, but the majestic power was only integrated into a small part, and the more majestic Still sweeping through the body.

Tianhuo didn't have time to rejoice over the [-] attributes of the four gods. Although there was no more pain, it was also uncomfortable to let the majestic power in his body sweep through him. At this moment, he felt that the days were like years, and he didn't know how long this situation would last. .

Time passed minute by minute, but from Tianhuo's point of view, he seemed to have passed day after day. Fortunately, every once in a while, the majestic power in his body was reduced by one point, and merged into his body. , that power is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, it didn't know how long it took before Tianhuo felt the power sweeping through his body disappear, and then, the system notification sounded again in Tianhuo's anticipation.

"Ding! The system prompts: The realm has been improved, congratulations on reaching the early stage of the gods, the four god attributes +96000! Affected by the holy-level exercises, you will get an additional four god attributes +192000!"

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have become the first player to reach the realm of the gods, and get reward points +1."

The effect of the magic spirit beads is the same as that of the attribute description, allowing Tianhuo to successfully reach the early stage of the gods. Although it is not a direct promotion, but a slow promotion, but it has really reached the realm of the gods. In this way, there will be more Tianyanmen. A powerful god.

"Ding! The system prompts: Realm breakthrough, congratulations on getting the opportunity to exercise, do you want to exercise?"

Tianhuo was overjoyed, and a more exciting system notification sounded. Now that he has a high-level divine body, if he exercises his body again, he will not be able to reach the indestructible body that only the main god can have, right?
Thinking of this, Tianhuo became excited. The high-level divine body is already the strongest divine body in the Destiny Continent. Even if it becomes a god king or even stronger, the divine body is still a high-level divine body, and it is impossible to break through unless there is a great opportunity.

And after reaching the realm after the gods, since they are all high-level gods and difficult to break through, it is almost impossible to kill the opponent with physical strength at the same level. This is the case, and powerful weapons have become the pursuit of many strong people. After all With powerful weapons and your own strength, you can easily deal with the same level of powerhouses.

However, at this moment, after breaking through to the early stage of Shenjun, the system prompt for body training sounded again. How could Tianhuo not be happy?Not to mention anything else, even if you activate some of Yunlongguo's power again, it will benefit you infinitely!

"Body forging!" In surprise, Tianhuo directly chose body forging!
"Huh? Don't waste such an opportunity, let's talk about it later!" Suddenly, Weihai Yunlong's voice sounded next to Tianhuo's ear, and then a system notification sound came.

"Ding! The system prompts: Body training has been interrupted, body training failed!"

Hearing the system notification sound, Tianhuo opened his eyes fiercely, looked at Weihai Yunlong, and couldn't help feeling angry in his heart. Finally, he had the opportunity to exercise the system, but he actually interrupted himself!

"Haha, don't be angry, this kind of physical training can't improve your divine body, it's better not to!" Seeing Tianhuo's angry eyes, Weihai Yunlong was not angry at all, and laughed.

Tianhuo frowned, it's useless to be angry now, it has already been interrupted, hoping that Weihai Yunlong can give himself a reasonable explanation, "Senior, why is this?"

"Why? Hehe, do you know why the physical bodies of the strong on the mainland stop at high-level divine bodies?" Weihai Yunlong asked back.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, he already understood what Weihai Yunlong meant, and said, "Because you accepted the forging of the main god of the system?"

"Hey, that's right, that's the reason. The so-called main god of the system is the rules, and the rules are made for those who follow the rules. The real strong should not pay attention to the rules." Weihai Yunlong laughed. .

Tianhuo frowned, he didn't understand Weihai Yunlong's words, but it seemed to make sense, after all, he was a master god-level powerhouse, so he couldn't be wrong.

Thinking of this, Tianhuo also put down the matter of body forging, and it seemed that he wanted to find other ways to strengthen his divine body.

"Master Zulong, then the great elder and I have no chance of cultivating an indestructible body?" At this time, the voice of the Dragon King sounded from the side, and Tianhuo noticed that the Dragon King had arrived on the dangerous building at some time.

Weihai Yunlong glanced at the two of them, then shook his head slightly, "My dragon body is already strong, why should I care about the immortal body? Immortal body, that's just a title, do you think it's really immortal?"

After the words fell, Weihai Yunlong's gaze became erratic. Indeed, those main gods all had indestructible bodies, but in the World War, several main gods were still destroyed!
Tianhuo also nodded thoughtfully. The strength of the physical body is also a part of strength. Even if he has an indestructible body, he still cannot be indestructible when facing a more powerful enemy.

Several people fell silent, as if they were thinking about Weihai Yunlong's voice. After a long time, the Dragon Emperor shook his head and smiled at Tianhuo, "I didn't notice your arrival before, less... Tianhuo, I'll give you the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, it's you!" Pay for clearing that shortcut for us."

As he said that, the Dragon Emperor secretly glanced at Weihai Yunlong, as if he was worried because he almost made a slip of the tongue.

Tianhuo took the Nine Dragons Battle Banner suspiciously, how about Tianhuo?What do you mean?I don't know what the Dragon Emperor wanted to call himself before.

However, the third part of the Nine Dragons Battle Flag has already been obtained, and Tianhuo didn't think too much about it. He looked at the Nine Dragons Battle Flag in his hand expectantly. I'm afraid that the attributes of all legion members will skyrocket!
Put the Nine Dragons Battle Flag directly into the backpack, and immediately, as Tianhuo expected, a system notification sound appeared.

"Ding! The system prompts: Found the third part of the Nine Dragons Battle Flag, is it fused?"


As soon as Tianhuo's words fell, the three of Weihai Yunlong turned their gazes to the sky in unison. They couldn't help but looked up in doubt, and suddenly said in shock: "The vision has begun?"

(End of this chapter)

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