The strongest saint

Chapter 586 The World of Water

Chapter 586 The World of Water
Wenshengmen, as always, was calm. Wenchi, who had been haunted by demonic energy, had returned to normal with the help of Tianhuo. All cleaned up.

These are all things after Tianhuo left, Tianhuo naturally doesn't know, but Tianhuo doesn't care about these, what Tianhuo cares about is only the parts of his Glyph Saint suit.

In today's Wensheng Sect, Wen Yue is no longer willing to continue to be the head of the sect. After Wen Chi was restored, he couldn't wait to return it to Wen Chi.

Wen Chi, that is the No. 1 Wen Shengmen in the eyes of outsiders, and also the master of Wen Hao and Wine King.

However, Tianhuo knew that the real strongmen of Wenshengmen were hidden in the forbidden area. Among other things, there were even strongmen who participated in the great war between heaven and earth in ancient times, which showed that Wenshengmen's background was extraordinary.

Leaving Death God Ridge, Tianhuo used the stepping sky and moving all the way to Wensheng Gate.

Wen Shengmen, as always, is filled with the atmosphere of books, and the sound of reading is constantly flowing, and the sky fire is flying across the sky, flying straight towards the mountain of books.

"Shushan has roads as the path... Eh? Skyfire!" A familiar voice came, and then two figures stepped into the air to meet the skyfire.

"Haha, Senior Wine King, Senior Wen Hao, long time no see!" Tianhuo was naturally delighted to see his old friend again.

"Engong!" Another figure in a green shirt stepped into the air, flying towards Tianhuo excitedly.

"Hey! Isn't this Qingsong, it has become a spirit god!" Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and the young man was none other than Qingsong, a scholar who was disliked by Zhao Dashan in Tianyan City.

Seeing Qingsong, Tianhuo couldn't help but miss the days when he first entered the game. Looking back at this moment, it was very fun at that time. When he rescued Zhao Rou, Qingsong was even more grateful to deliver Wen Shengzhi to himself. The seal of the holy match, but Tianhuo is still grateful.

"Qingsong has met benefactor!" Qingsong bowed a long way.

Tianhuo waved his hand, "How are you all these days?"

"Haha, Brother Tianhuo, I heard that you unified the Chaos Domain, that's amazing!" The Wine King laughed loudly, "If there's nothing urgent, follow me to taste my newly brewed good wine, how about it?"

"Tianhuo, Wendian welcomes you!" Before Tianhuo could reply, Wenchi's voice sounded from heaven and earth.

Tianhuo shrugged his shoulders towards the Wine King, and said with a smile: "I'll go to meet the senior sect master first, and the two seniors, let's continue later!"

The two of them naturally didn't dare to stop them, after all it was Master who was calling Tianhuo!
Landing at the foot of the Book Mountain, Tianhuo quickly swept towards the mountain. With his current speed, he arrived in front of the Wen Hall within a few breaths. The door of the hall was wide open. In the hall, Wen Chi and Wen Yue were sitting opposite each other.

"Hey, you're amazing, I think you should find a chance to come here in one fell swoop and take the territory of the Prisoner Dragon Sect into your pocket!" Wen Yue said with a smile.

Wen Chi waved his hand, "Come on, sit down and talk."

Tianhuo was also polite, sat down directly, and smiled at Wen Yue. He didn't know what was going on in Wensheng's forbidden area, and thought that the strongest person in Wenshengmen was Wenchi, but Tianhuo and Wenchi knew it very well and wanted to destroy Prisoner Longzong, with the current Tianyan Sect, it is impossible.

"You two seniors, are you safe?" Tianhuo said with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, nodded in unison, Wen Chi said: "It's amazing to have reached the realm of the gods so quickly, and has transformed the power of the gods!"

"Senior, it's absurdly praised. This level of really nothing." Tianhuo shook his head and smiled.

Wen Chi also smiled, and suddenly said: "This behavior is the remaining two suit parts, right? Do you know the source of the Wensheng suit?"

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought about it, could it be that the Glyph Saint suit had a mysterious source that he didn't know about?According to my own thinking, the Glyph Sage suit should be the suit used by the previous Glyph Sage. Could it be that I was wrong?
Looking at Tianhuo in a daze, Wen Chi smiled and said: "Back then, Master Glyph Saint independently resisted the Demon Emperor, but his strength was not as good as that of the Demon Emperor and he fell. , so that someone can inherit his mantle and kill the Demon Emperor."

Wen Chi said calmly, but when it fell into the ears of Tianhuo and Wen Yue, it caused a wave of fluctuation in their minds, and they were unable to speak for a long time.

Tianhuo was horrified. From the mouth of God of War, he learned that his father had severely injured the Demon Emperor, but he didn't expect that besides his father, there would be someone who could fight against the Demon Emperor independently!Although Wen Sheng was defeated, one can imagine his strength!

For a while, Tianhuo was inevitably excited. It seemed that he had chosen the right choice, Wen Sheng, and he was stronger than he imagined!

"Although the Glyph Saint suit consists of fifteen pieces, it should be stronger than it is now. After you collect them all, you must find a way to make them stronger. That way, you will have the capital to compete with monsters." Wen Chi Then he said.

Tianhuo nodded subconsciously, now he has thirteen pieces on his body, two of which are in the seal, but when he gets the two pieces in the forbidden area, he should be able to unseal the seal naturally, and then he can do the power of the suit Quest, activate the set bonus.

"You know where the forbidden area is, go there by yourself, but don't let others find out." Wen Chi said, picking up the teacup on the table, ignoring Tian Huo.

Tianhuo smiled and understood what Wen Chi meant. He was an outsider after all, and only the owner of the Wensheng Gate could enter the forbidden area of ​​Wensheng Gate. If he took him there, others would gossip, and it would be different if he sneaked in.

Standing up and clasping his fists, Tianhuo immediately hid his figure and swept towards the forbidden area. When he came here for the second time, nothing changed. There was also no one guarding the forbidden area, and Tianhuo entered it smoothly.

"Little friend Tianhuo is here!"

Before Tianhuo got close to the people in the forbidden area, voices of joy came, and then, figures rushed out of those secret rooms.

"Haha, it really is Tianhuo, huh? They have reached the realm of the gods!" Everyone exclaimed, making Tianhuo's heart warm. These people did not regard themselves as outsiders!

Destiny Continent is a real world, and these NPCs are also real, but they exist in a different way from the players. Seeing the enthusiastic greetings from everyone, Tianhuo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Tianhuo has met all the seniors!" While sighing, Tianhuo sincerely bowed and saluted.

The faces of the more than 100 Wenshengmen ancestors who were hiding here were all joyful, and Wenxie, who was very senior, walked out of the crowd, "My friend Tianhuo, you came just in time. You haven't shown up since you left, and we're worried what he might do inside, so please go and see it as soon as possible!"

"Yes, little friend Tianhuo, these monsters have endless tricks, you must be careful!" Everyone reminded.

Wen Xie waved his hand, and continued: "If you meet him, you can lure him out, and if you don't see a big word, smash him to death!"

Tianhuo smiled and cupped his hands, "Seniors, I'm going right away, and please wait for my news!"

Everyone nodded hurriedly and watched Tianhuo go into the wall before discussing again, and before Tianhuo's eyes, the passage that he came from last time appeared again.

In the hall at the end of the passage, there were two remaining light clusters quietly floating, but the figure of the demon king was still missing, which made Tianhuo heave a sigh of relief. After all, the middle-level demon generals are comparable to the early god king Or, if he meets the Demon Lord, Tianhuo will have no chance of winning.

There was no sign of the demon king, and Tianhuo checked with the eyes of Wensheng, but still found nothing unusual, so he walked towards the two light clusters, which were his last two suit parts!
Slowly approaching the two light groups, Tianhuo's heart inevitably became excited. It has been so long, from Xinshou Village to now, and finally he can gather all the Wensheng suits!
At the moment when Tianhuo's probes hadn't touched the light ball, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. Then, Tianhuo found himself on the endless sea!

"Oh... it's still like this!" Tianhuo shook his head and sighed secretly. Last time, he entered a scorching world and got a part. Now, he has entered another world. According to his experience last time, Tianhuo knew This is not an illusion, but a real existence, maybe it is the small world built by Wen Sheng before his death.

Quietly suspended in mid-air, Tianhuo began to look around intently, but within the reach of his eyes was the vast ocean, nothing else at all!

But Tianhuo knew in his heart that as long as he broke through this small world, he would be able to obtain a part of the Glyph Saint suit. Silently, Tianhuo said: "Tianling, let you choose a direction this time."

Surrounded by the boundless sea, Tianhuo had no idea at all, so he simply let Tianling choose a direction at will.

"I won't do it, you choose yourself, and you noticed that the water is so calm, it's weird!" Tianling said.

Tianhuo slapped his forehead, yes, he always felt that something was wrong, it turned out that the boundless sea was so calm, it was very abnormal!

After a moment of silence, Tianhuo didn't think too much, and rushed out in front of him. Tianhuo believed that as long as he chose the right direction, there would definitely be changes.

Sure enough, just as Tianhuo skimmed not far away, he saw ripples gradually appearing on the water below, and with this change, Tianhuo couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, maybe a monster will appear in the next moment!
Looking forward to it in my heart, the speed of Tianhuo did not decrease, and kept moving forward, while the ripples on the water surface became stronger and stronger, and after a while, waves had formed. The originally peaceful world was now filled with the sound of water.

Suddenly, roars of beasts came from the bottom of the water, and in the blue sea, there were faintly huge figures walking in it, following closely behind Tianhuo and chasing after them.

Tianhuo smiled knowingly, what he was waiting for was this time, if these monsters did not appear, he really didn't know what to do, but since they appeared, it would be easy to handle!
(End of this chapter)

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