The strongest saint

Chapter 587 Refining Divine Fire

Chapter 587 Refining Divine Fire
The calm water surface has turned into a roaring sea, under the waves, huge figures are swimming and chasing after them.

After a long time, seeing more and more figures gathered under him, Tianhuo finally stopped, raised his figure a little higher, and watched intently.


Amidst the terrifying roars, those behemoths appeared!
Breaking through the sea surface, huge squid heads several feet in length drilled out. Immediately afterwards, densely packed tentacles shot out from the sea, rolling towards the sky fire.

Looking at those countless tentacles and the dense markings on them, Tianhuo felt his scalp go numb in an instant, and his figure suddenly rose again. It is a male. If you kill 900 million, you will be a male among males!"

The big characters that shone with golden light appeared out of thin air, instantly printing the world into gold, and under the cover of the big characters, those tentacles were blasted down abruptly, and at the same time, damage values ​​appeared one by one on the top of those huge heads. .
244120, -241500...

After a few breaths, the HP of all the monsters had been reduced by half, and Tianhuo was relieved when he saw the big characters blowing down the tentacles of those monsters. He was really afraid of dense objects!
"The eyes of Wensheng!"

Water reckless beast (divine beast, phantom), attribute is unknown.

"Huh?" Since Tianhuo transformed into a god attribute, even the attribute of the demon general can be seen, but facing the monsters in front of him, it is still unknown.

But it's the same as last time, the suffix of these monsters also has the word 'magic', if it's the same as last time, I'm afraid these are all illusions, just like the last time I met the flamingo.

Fortunately, these monsters do not have divine power attributes, which can be seen from their own damage values. In this case, it will be very easy to deal with these monsters.

However, just when Tianhuo was about to make another move, Tianling's anxious voice came, "Tianhuo, I'm in trouble, it's a critical moment to refine the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, you must not make a move, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted, and you will still lose all your strength." It will be backlashed, causing damage to the Innate Spirit Cauldron!"

Tianhuo, who was about to make a move, was startled, and looked at the monsters below who were attacking with tentacles again, dumbfounded, "Why at this time?"

"I still want to ask you why you are preparing to make a move at this moment. Remember, don't!" Tianling said, a light film suddenly appeared, wrapping the sky fire.

Tianhuo was dumbfounded, and asked dumbfoundedly: "Can this thing defend against the attacks of these monsters below?"

However, Tian Ling didn't respond, she was obviously busy refining the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, and Tian Huo smiled wryly, unable to move, he could only watch the countless tentacles attacking him!

Originally, one more poem would be able to deal with them, but now, instead, I have to watch myself being beaten!


Huge tentacles struck one after another, piercing the air and making chilling howls of tigers, and looking at those ferocious tentacles, Tianhuo simply closed his eyes, "Let you all groan for a while, wait for the refining to be completed!" , I want you to look good!"

As soon as the self-talking sound fell, a tentacle had already reached in front of Tianhuo, and it instantly wrapped the light film under the sweep, and with a sharp pull, it fell towards the sea.

Tianhuo smiled wryly in his heart, looking at the terrifying tentacles outside the light film, he really wanted to smash it with a big word, but unfortunately he couldn't move at the moment, otherwise he would fail!

In the past when refining the Phantom Demon Fire, there was no such restriction, but Tianhuo also knew that what he wanted to refine now was the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, one of the top ten divine fires, so naturally it was not comparable to the Phantom Demon Fire.

After thinking about it, Tianhuo had already been pulled into the sea by the tentacles together with the light film, but the light film Tianling applied to herself was good, not to mention waterproof, it even blocked the tentacles from the light film.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's whole body shook, and he felt a terrifying heat wave sweeping through his body, as if he was about to burn himself, and the intense burning pain spread to every corner of his body.

If you look from the outside, you can even clearly see that flames are drilling out of every pore of Tianhuo at this moment. At this moment, Tianhuo seems to have become a burning man.

Tianhuo was in unbearable pain, he clenched his teeth and clenched his fists to endure, he could even sense that all the cells were shrinking rapidly at this moment, and his body was turning to dryness, upon discovering this situation, Tianhuo couldn't help being shocked, "It's over!"

In Tianhuo's heart, he was thinking of a solution quickly, but at the next moment, he felt a burst of coolness emerging from the burning pain, and wherever he passed, his severe pain was instantly smoothed away, "Is this... vitality?"

The meaning of coolness came from nowhere, and it soon permeated the whole body of Tianhuo, and wherever it passed, those dry cells were quickly repaired, and within a few breaths, they had returned to normal!

"Okay!" Suddenly, Tianling's relieved voice sounded in Tianhuo's mind. All this happened too quickly, but when she saw Tianhuo's body, Tianling was taken aback. Fortunately, just as Tianhuo was about to At the moment when it dried up, the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire was successfully refined!

After the severe pain left, only indescribable comfort remained in Tianhuo's body. Before Tianhuo could sense the changes in his body, the system notification sounded.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on refining the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, you have obtained 500000 attributes of the four great gods, and the small realm +1."

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations, you have reached the middle stage of the gods, the attributes of the four gods +192000! Affected by the chaos-level skills, you will get an additional attribute of the four gods +576000!"

Two system prompts sounded one after another, and Tianhuo could not close his mouth in surprise. The first one, Bahuang Vitality Fire actually added 50 attributes of the four gods to himself, which Tianhuo never expected. The demon fire has only increased by [-]!

However, what surprised Tianhuo even more was the benefit of breaking through to the middle stage of the gods. Originally, more than 19 attributes of the four gods had been added, but under the influence of the Holy Word of the Extreme Heaven, there were actually more than 57 more, which is more than the top ten gods. One of the Eight Desolation Vitality Fires has more added!

It's just refining the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, and it's fine if the realm breaks through to the middle stage of the gods, but the four extra god attributes I have are actually a terrifying 1268000!It's almost catching up with the four god attributes in my body right now!

Before, Tianhuo envied Fatty Dujie for getting 63 of the Four Great God Attributes, but not long after, what he got was even bigger!
Character name: Tianhuo
Occupation: Vincent
Auxiliary occupation: Ding Sheng (spirit level)

Boundary: The middle stage of the gods

Shenyuan: 97377
Divine Power: 98775
Strength (God): 3245014, Constitution (God): 3244590, Intelligence (God): 3287530, Dexterity (God): 3244998
Reputation: 27341200
Sin: -24458503
Pets: Diyan Linhuang Beast (Top Divine Beast), Nine Souls Yinglong (Holy Beast, Sleeping), Qiankun Tiger (Super Divine Beast)

Mount: Star Devouring Moon Beast (Intermediate Divine Beast)
Puppet: Kaitian Zhanhu (Super Artifact)
Gangs: None
Battlegroup: Tianyan Legion (Supreme Legion)

Zongmen: Tianyanmen (Master)

Shenyuan and Shenli have skyrocketed from more than 6 to more than 9. It doesn't seem like much, but the attributes of the four gods have all exceeded 300 million. If this continues, Tianhuo feels shocked when he thinks about it. Break through [-] million?Is that too much?

However, when he thought about Tatiannuoyi, Tianhuo became excited. The higher the four attributes, the stronger his Tatiannuojiao!
"Huh? Tian Ling, after refining the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire, the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron didn't evolve?" Suddenly, Tianhuo discovered a problem, such a terrifying divine fire was refined, but the Xiantian Spirit Cauldron did not upgrade.

"Yeah, do you think it's so easy for the Xiantian Lingding to be promoted to the god level?" Tianling asked back, but she felt emotional in her heart. Before Tianhuo found the God of War, she didn't even know that Tianhuo was the Tianhuo in ancient times.

At that time, Tianhuo was carrying nine extremely heavenly divine cauldrons. In their eyes, that was the same existence as the congenital spirit cauldron. She kept telling Tianhuo that Tianhuo was the second person in the world to have the congenital spirit cauldron, but now she found that she wrong.

Suddenly, Tianling thought of a possibility, since the nine divine cauldrons had returned to Tianhuo, what would happen if all the nine divine cauldrons were refined into the Xiantian spirit cauldron?
As soon as this idea appeared, Tianling couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart, but she also understood that with the spirit-level innate spirit cauldron, even if one of the top ten divine fires was added, it was impossible to refine the extremely heavenly divine cauldron , at least, wait until the Innate Spirit Cauldron evolves!

Tianhuo didn't know that Tianling had already made up his mind, and said, "That's it! Do you need a divine orb?"

"Shenzhu is necessary, and it is a high-grade one. Ordinary ones are not very useful." Tianling said.

Tianhuo rubbed his chin, "In this case, maybe we should go to Xiushan Wuhai for a walk. With Yunchuan Zhou, maybe we can explore the truth of Xiushan Wuhai."

While talking to herself, Tianling rolled her eyes, "You don't have to think so far, do you? Don't even look at where you are now."

Following Tianling's voice, Tianhuo slowly put down his hand, but saw that the light film around his body was likely to shatter at any time, and the surrounding light was also dimmed a lot. It was obvious that he had been dragged into the deep sea by the monster.

"Try the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire." Tianhuo smiled, concentrating on it, the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire burst out of his body abruptly, and swept across a radius of several miles in an instant!
chi chi...

There was a chirping sound, and the surrounding monsters instantly turned into fly ash, and the light returned to normal in an instant. When Tianhuo turned his head to look, he froze in place.

I saw myself in a huge puddle dozens of miles away. Under the spread of the wild life fire, the seawater in a radius of dozens of miles was burned to nothing, and the seawater in the distance could not approach, which led to this big puddle. pits appear.

While Tianhuo was horrified, system notification sounds rang out in his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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