The strongest saint

Chapter 589 The Demonic Beast

Chapter 589 The Demonic Beast
"I go!"

Tianhuo cursed secretly, but he could no longer dodge, and was instantly stabbed in the chest by the horn of the earth armored rhinoceros that shot from several miles away. In an instant, he felt a terrifying force coming from his chest, and his body shape, and flew out uncontrollably.

A severe stabbing pain appeared in his chest, but immediately afterward, a sense of coolness suddenly appeared, and instantly wiped away the stabbing pain, obviously it was the effect of Bahuang's vitality.

But the body is still flying upside down, under this huge gravity, Tianhuo has no way to stabilize his body.

And the Earth Armored Rhinoceros came in close pursuit and swept to the place where Tianhuo was about to fall in an instant, obviously wanting to strike Tianhuo again!
Tianhuo discovered the intention of the earth armor god rhinoceros, and couldn't help raising his brows, "You still have to make progress! Refuse!"

The big characters whizzed out, instantly blasting the earth armored rhinoceros who was about to stab the unicorn towards Tianhuo, and pushed it straight to more than ten meters away, and Tianhuo took advantage of this opportunity to land steadily, gasping for breath, another The word "ding" flew out.

"Gravity is too strong. If you don't adapt as soon as possible, you will be in trouble when you encounter a large number of earth armored rhinoceros. Look, you will pant like this if you move casually." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, flipping through his hands, and the eighth page of the book of the sage of literature was turned, "Qinghai Changyun dark snow mountain, the lonely city looks at Yumen Pass in the distance. The yellow sand wears gold armor in a hundred battles. If you don't break Loulan, you will never return it."

The whole poem blasted into the Earth Armored God Rhinoceros in an instant, and above his head, a damage value of 900 million burst out.


"Ding! System prompt: get 50 repair points, and get an additional 250 repair points."

Like the monsters in the Water Spirit Realm, there is no god experience here, only cultivation points, but Tianhuo doesn't care, and heaves a long sigh of relief, "I'm already a high-level god body, but I can't help the gravity here, how can I adapt?"

"A high-level divine body can also be divided into strengths and weaknesses. A high-level divine body like yours can only be regarded as average. If it is stronger, you will naturally not be afraid of the gravity here." Tian Ling said.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly. Last time Weihai Yunlong interrupted his body training and told himself that he needed to find other ways. Wherever he was free right now, he had to take one step at a time, hoping not to encounter a large-scale monster once.

After all, these monsters have lived here for a long time, and they have already adapted to everything here. From the speed of the earth armored rhino before, it can be seen that they have an absolute advantage here.

After resting for a while, Tianhuo returned to the set of footprints, looked at the place where the footprints stretched away, Tianhuo stepped up and followed, and wanted to see who was in front of him.

Tianhuo's speed is very slow, but after a few days, he has gotten used to it a little bit. At least he doesn't need to rest now, and his speed has increased several times, which is not a small improvement.

However, in the past few days, he has not met other earth armored rhinoceros, let alone caught up with the owner of those footprints. After all, those footprints were all a long time ago, so it is not easy to catch up.

"If you don't use the cloud-piercing boat, forget it. If this continues, I really don't know how long it will take to break through this earth spirit realm." Tianhuo said helplessly. He wanted to use the cloud-piercing boat to fly there before, but Tianling tried his best to stop it.

"Why do you always value time so much? You have made great progress in the past few days, keep at it!" Tian Ling said, rolling her eyes.

Tianhuo felt helpless, time was everything, he was eager to rescue his father as soon as possible, so naturally he didn't want to delay any longer, but what Tianling said was right, the progress these few days was indeed not small, at least he didn't feel much heavy anymore.

Suddenly, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, and he saw a gully appearing tens of miles ahead, straddling the ground, far away, and couldn't see the depth of the gully clearly, but Tianhuo was secretly happy in his heart, Said: "Tianling, I'm afraid I have to use the cloud piercing boat this time, hehe."

Tianling didn't respond, and seemed to be very speechless to Tianhuo. Not long after, Tianhuo had arrived in front of the ravine, and the ravine was bottomless, bigger than the canyon in the third-level area, and the footprints on the ground disappeared since then.

"Tianling, do you think that person jumped over it? It is more than ten miles wide, and it is very likely to jump over it." Tianhuo looked at the opposite side and asked.

"Roar!" Suddenly, Tianhuo faintly heard a roar coming from the canyon. It was the Earth Armored Rhinoceros, but it was too far away, and the roar sounded a bit vague.

"Go down and have a look. According to past experience, you have to kill a thousand earth armor gods to lead out the boss, and then you have a chance to break through the earth spirit realm." Tianling said.

Tianhuo nodded, and in the blink of an eye, the cloud-piercing boat appeared in front of him, floating quietly, and as Tianhuo turned up, he controlled the cloud-piercing boat to land slowly.

The more you descend, the dimmer the light becomes, but in the eyes of Wen Shengzhi, it has no effect at all. After descending for dozens of miles, it finally lands at the bottom of the canyon, but there is a faint black air everywhere at the bottom of the canyon. Diffuse, it is impossible to figure out the source of these black air.

"Demon Qi, it must be the Demon Lord!" Tianhuo frowned, feeling bad, and sure enough, the Demon Lord came here anyway!
Tianling also raised her heart, "Be careful, you are not the devil's opponent yet."

Tianhuo nodded heavily. Those Wen Shengmen seniors said before that they would take action after they lured the Demon Lord out, but they never thought that the Demon Lord would actually come to the Earth Spirit Realm.

So if you meet the Demon Lord, you can only rely on yourself!

"Tianling, what realm is the devil equivalent to a human being?" Tianhuo looked around and asked.

"A low-level demon king is equivalent to a strong man at the peak of a human god king. Even a low-level demon king, if you don't use auxiliary skills, you will be difficult to deal with." Tianling said solemnly.

Tianhuo took a deep breath, there was a big gap in each small realm, especially the further back, the gap became more obvious, and each big realm was even more different, I was only in the mid-stage of the gods, but The demon king is at least the late stage of the god king, the gap is very big!
Now I have twelve effective Glyph Saint suits, but unfortunately there is no bonus of Shenyuan's divine power. In other words, Tianhuo only relies on its own strength. With the bonus of the suit, in that case, there is no need to worry.

Gathering his mind, Tianhuo turned his head and looked at the two sides. He couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from from above, and he didn't know which way to go at the moment.

"Roar!" Suddenly, another beast roar came from one side, Tianhuo's eyes lit up, he turned around and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Not long after, Tianhuo was able to see the roaring Earth Armored Rhinoceros from a distance, and as the distance approached, that guy also found Tianhuo, and his red eyes were fixed on Tianhuo.

"Huh?" Tianhuo's heart jumped. The earth armor god rhinoceros he met before had red eyes, but the one in front of him...

While in doubt, he saw black air gushing out of the earth armor god rhinoceros's eyes, and then his body exploded violently, turning into thick black air and floating in the air, and there was no more to say.

"What's the situation?" Tianhuo stared blankly at the earth armor god rhinoceros that exploded into black mist, and saw that the thick black air gradually merged into the air, but the earth armor god rhinoceros completely disappeared.

"This is a side effect of the failure of demonization. It seems that the demonic energy in the air comes from this way!" Tianling said solemnly, the meaning is obvious, the demon king is in this canyon!

Tianhuo raised his brows, and a serious expression appeared on his face, "The devil..."


As soon as the words fell, there was another roar of a beast that was several times more powerful in the distance, and then Tianhuo saw that an earth armor god rhinoceros that was dozens of times larger in size appeared from the black air, with blood red eyes tight Staring at Tianhuo, killing intent quietly spread.

"Boss!" Tianhuo squinted his eyes slightly. This time, he didn't even need to kill the mobs, and directly encountered the boss. However, this boss was full of demon energy. Obviously, he was the only monster that was successfully demonized!

After being demonized, the monster's strength will skyrocket. Tianhuo has already felt the threat from the earth armored rhinoceros in front of him. The powerful aura is no less than that of an intermediate demon general!

"You have to be careful, this guy is hard to deal with..." Tianhuo swallowed, and said with difficulty.

Tianhuo was on alert, of course he could see it, but he didn't know why the Demon Lord demonized all these monsters, and where was he at the moment?
"Roar!" There was another roar, and then the earth armored rhinoceros galloped out. With four hooves moving, the ground trembled slightly, and the speed of this guy was extremely fast, like a shell flying out, crushing the ground. A big arc of air came directly towards the sky fire.

The figure of the Earth Armored Rhinoceros has not yet arrived, but the billowing air waves have already swept away. The violent power surged in the air, and ripples visible to the naked eye filled the air.


Tianhuo yelled intently, and a huge "Zhi" character hundreds of meters flew out, and met the Tujia Shenxi steadily, but unexpectedly, it just blocked the Tujia Shenxi's figure in place and blinked In a short time, the big characters dissipated, and the figure of the latter came suddenly again.

"It's really strong!" Tianhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and flipping his hands, the eighth page of the Book of Grammar was opened.

The damage value of more than 100 million came out from the top of the earth armor god rhinoceros, which made Tianhuo slightly relieved, and it was not as difficult as he imagined!After all, this guy hasn't transformed his divine power yet.

But as soon as the damage value came out, the Earth Armored Rhino suddenly accelerated, and the huge mountain-like figure instantly arrived in front of Tianhuo, which caught Tianhuo off guard, and the opponent was too big to dodge, and was immediately hit by the bombardment.

The figure was blown away, Tianhuo felt his eyes were staring, and his mind was dizzy, but he regained his clarity in an instant, but the figure that flew upside down was not so easy to stabilize.

Taking advantage of Tianhuo's stature, the Earth Armored Rhinoceros leaped forward, and hit it again with a sharp bullet!

Tianhuo's pupils shrank, the gravity was too strong, and he couldn't exert his due speed. This is too bad, and I'm afraid there will be no chance to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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