The strongest saint

Chapter 590 Return of the Universe Tiger

Chapter 590 Return of the Universe Tiger

Seeing that the huge body of the Earth Armored Rhinoceros was about to hit him again, Tianhuo's pupils shrank, and the big word 'reject' appeared in front of him immediately.

As soon as the big characters appeared, they met the rushing Earth Armored Rhinoceros. Amidst the rumbling sound, the big characters were broken, and the Earth Armored God Rhino stepped back a few steps.

Seeing this, Tianhuo didn't care to stabilize the figure that was flying upside down, "Tun Xing, Di Yan, open the sky and fight the tiger!"

The three beasts appeared abruptly, and a powerful aura spread out. The Star Devouring Moon Beast's figure flickered, and it reached under Tianhuo in an instant, and held Tianhuo firmly, "Master, are you alright?"

Tianhuo was about to speak, but a system notification sounded in his ear.

"Ding! System prompt: Congratulations on activating the bonus of the mount's divine power attribute. The divine power attribute is being transformed, and the bonus cannot be obtained until the transformation is completed."

"Huh?" Tianhuo was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. As long as the transformation of the Star Devouring Moon Beast is completed, he can increase his divine power and divine source attributes. At that time, wouldn't his strength skyrocket?
However, in Tianhuo's great joy, he saw that the Star Devouring Moon Beast turned into a ray of light and disappeared in an instant, and returned directly to the mount fence!
The overjoyed Tianhuo was dumbfounded, but right now is not the time to think too much, when he poked his hands, the fire of vitality enveloped his whole body, "I don't believe that you dare to hit me like this!"

The Eight Desolation Vitality Fire protects the body, but at this moment, the Earth Armored God Rhinoceros has been entangled by the Diyan Linhuang Beast and the Kaitian Zhanhu, and there is no chance of hitting the skyfire.

Naturally, Tianhuo was so happy, the literary sage's pen fell into his hand, and when he raised his hand, strokes whizzed out one after another.

"Ten steps to kill one person!"

Dao Dao strokes came in a flash, sinking into the body of the earth armor god rhinoceros one after another, and with each stroke sinking, I saw the black glow on the latter's body flashing, as if trying to resist the strokes of the strokes, but it was of no avail at all. The value has popped up! -
281530, -279650...

Nearly 30 damage values ​​emerged from the head of the Earth Armored God Rhinoceros one by one, and under the attacks of Kai Tian Zhan Hu and Di Yan, a large amount of damage values ​​also emerged.

Tianhuo was delighted, even if this guy was demonized, if it died, he should have broken through the Earth Spirit Realm, and he should be able to get the last part of the Glyph Saint suit by then, right?
Thinking of collecting the last suit, Tianhuo couldn't help but get excited. At that time, the seal of the Glyph Saint's Match will be released, and the same will be true for the Glyph Saint's Fan.

"It's you? There is a way to heaven and you don't go, hey, you're courting death!"

Suddenly, an icy voice resounded in the canyon, and then the Earth Armored God Rhinoceros who was about to die quickly retreated, and while it was retreating, a figure shot out from the cliff not far away, stably It landed steadily on the back of the Earth Armored God Rhinoceros.

"Devil Lord!" Tianhuo's pupils shrank, unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Demon Lord actually appeared!
"The eyes of Wensheng!"

Demon Monarch (Elementary), Shenyuan 195000, Divine Power 195000.

Secretly using the Glyph Saint's Eye, he clearly saw the attributes of the Demon Lord, but after seeing it, Tianhuo's heart shuddered, "That's bad!"

The Demon Lord has [-] more divine power than himself, which is obviously not something he can deal with. With his own divine power, it may be difficult to cause harm to the Demon Lord!
"Hmph! Back then you spoiled my good deeds, yet you still dared to come here, boy, do you think your life is too long?" The demon lord snorted coldly, staring at Tianhuo with killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Tianhuo clenched his fist without a trace, fighting?I am not the opponent of the devil, escape?Under such a terrifying gravity, he couldn't escape, so he could only hope that the Star Devouring Moon Beast could bring him surprises.

It's just that on the mount panel, the Star Devouring Moon Beast suffixed with the words 'transforming', I don't know how long it will take to succeed.

Seeing that Tianhuo didn't reply, Mojun snorted again, "Boy, leave your last words!"

Tianhuo raised his head slowly, looked at the Demon Lord, and said calmly, "What do you think I should leave behind?"

"Haha, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have ruined my good deeds, and now, I'm going to die!" The devil laughed, and jumped directly from the earth armor god rhinoceros, and in an instant, he was a few meters away from Tianhuo. He pinched his fingers into a sword and stabbed directly at Tianhuo's eyebrows.

"Reject!" Tianhuo raised his head fiercely, his eyes froze, and he opened his mouth to cast golden words.

As soon as the word 'reject' appeared, he blocked the demon king, and the latter's two fingers protruded, smashed the big character with one finger, and attacked Tianhuo at an unabated speed.

Tianhuo's heart sank, the power of the demon king was really extraordinary, before he had time to think about it, he rushed out against the huge gravity, avoided the attack of the demon king at the very moment, but Tianhuo felt uncomfortable all over because of the huge gravity.

Being avoided by Tianhuo, the demon lord sneered, and with a turning point, he came to Tianhuo again, his right hand turned into a fist, and he punched Tianhuo's chest with lightning speed.

Tianhuo was in pain all over his body, and more than 1 damage value appeared on the top of his head, but this damage value shows the source of God, just one punch, and the source of God of Tianhuo has been reduced by more than 1. Dead.

However, after being punched by the Demon Lord, Tianhuo's figure was blown away again, but the Demon Lord kept chasing him with one step, without giving Tianhuo a chance to breathe.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and the divine source of Tianhuo had not yet recovered, the Demon Lord had already arrived in front of him again, and more terrifying attacks gathered between his fists, and another punch came!
Tianhuo only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then heard a deafening collision sound, and saw the figure of the Demon Lord retreating a few steps, and at the opposite of the Demon Lord, there unexpectedly appeared a majestic tiger-like beast at some point!

"Qiankun Tiger!" When Tianhuo stabilized his figure, he looked at the sudden figure in astonishment. It turned out to be his pet Qiankun Tiger!
"Master, are you okay?" Qiankunhu turned his head to look at Tianhuo, with joy in his eyes.

Tianhuo nodded, the lost divine source has recovered, but he was astonished in his heart. At the beginning, this guy said he was going to do something, but he never disappeared. He sensed it in the Water Spirit Realm before, and it had already left when he chased him. Came to the earth spirit realm!
Seeing Tianhuo lower his head, Qiankunhu shifted his gaze to the Demon Lord, "Devil Lord? Hmph, this time you will find that you have met a demon!"

As soon as the words fell, the Qiankun Tiger suddenly appeared in front of the demon king, and he wanted to swallow it with a big mouth, but the latter's reaction was also very fast, his figure flickered to avoid it, and a thick demonic energy surrounded him. It surged and spread hundreds of meters around him in an instant.

Tianhuo raised his brows, "Can demonic energy protect you? Eight wildernesses are alive!"

The Eight Desolation Vitality Fire that shrouded Tianhuo's body suddenly bounced away, colliding with the demonic lord's soaring demonic energy in an instant, and the demonic energy quickly melted away, while the Eight Desolation Vitality Fire swept towards the Demon Lord, but it was caught The Demon Lord blocked it a few meters away.

Taking advantage of the skyrocketing vitality, the universe moved, and a palpitating aura rushed into the demonic energy in an instant. Only two screams were heard, but the figure of the demon king flew upside down from the demonic energy out.

There was deep joy in Tianhuo's eyes. Although he didn't know why the Qiankun Tiger became so powerful, there was no doubt that it must have something to do with what it said at the beginning that it had something to do. A right hand man.

In the midst of joy, a system prompt sounded in his ears, and Tianhuo was even more delighted, has the transformation of swallowing stars been completed?

"Ding! The system prompts: Congratulations on creating the Slayer Saint Elves!"

"Eh?" Tianhuo was dumbfounded. What he expected was the completion of the evolution of swallowing stars, but he didn't expect that it was actually the killing saint elves hatched on the Hunyuan Divine Tree, but then Tianhuo became suspicious again. Then the fruit, wasn't Yu Wu's younger sister Yu Yan devoured it?
Afterwards, Yu Wu stayed in the Fanshen Palace and waited for her sister to wake up. The killing saint elf that appeared right now, shouldn't it?

Thinking of this question, Tianhuo hurriedly looked into the Fanshen Palace, but saw the two sisters Yu Wu and Yu Yan embracing each other and crying, but there was no sign of killing the holy elves?
However, Tianhuo discovered that at this moment Yu Yan was actually exuding a terrifying murderous intent, even if he was in his own territory, that killing intent made him terrified.

While looking at it, Yu Yan suddenly raised her head, as if she could sense Tianhuo's thoughts, and said, "Thank you."

The remaining face of the killing saint elf, the early stage of the god king (changes with the master's strength), was born from the gathering of endless killing energy, and he was born to control the killing intent.

Summoning effect: Divine source +100%, divine power +100%, ignore target defense +50%.

Tianhuo saw Yu Yan's attributes at a glance, and his expression became weird in an instant. She is a human being, and she turned into a killing holy elf, and even became his own pet-like existence. host!

Only in this way, how would I face Yu Wu?

"Bastard, if you have the ability to do it yourself, what's the point of relying on pets?" Tianhuo was silent, but the roar of the demon lord came, interrupting Tianhuo's silence.

Tianhuo's thoughts returned, and he saw that Qiankunhu was firmly suppressing the Demon Lord, while the latter was roaring angrily, but he couldn't get rid of Qiankunhu's entanglement.

"Dare to scold my master?" Qiankunhu's voice raised a lot, with strong anger, the attack fell like a storm, and even blasted the demon king so that he was powerless to fight back.

Tianhuo raised his eyebrows, why aren't pets part of his power?He would not be fooled, and in a flash, Tianhuo shifted his gaze to the earth armor god rhinoceros not far away.

The earth armor god rhinoceros sensed Tianhuo's gaze, and suddenly, that huge body turned around and ran away!But at this moment, the Demon Lord is also plundering in another direction.

"Be sure!" Tianhuo hurriedly used the golden words, making the figure of the earth armor god rhinoceros instantly stunned. As for the demon king, don't bother with him, Qiankunhu will naturally clean him up.

Looking at the Earth Armored Rhinoceros that was fixed hundreds of meters away, Tianhuo was puzzled, and said to himself: "You still know how to run? Isn't it demonized?"

However, in order to prevent this guy from continuing to escape, Tianhuo was already planning to make a move, but just as he raised his arm, he heard the voice of the Demon Lord, "Shift and change positions!"

(End of this chapter)

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