The strongest saint

Chapter 595 Skyfire's Eyeliner

Chapter 595 Skyfire's Eyeliner

Facing the angry big monster of heaven and earth, even if his body is not fully condensed, his strength is equivalent to God of War and others. At this moment, Tianhuo has only one thought, run away!
Tianhuo never thought that he had just accepted the God of War mission to find monsters before, and met the great monster of heaven and earth so soon, but what he didn't expect was that when the big monster of heaven and earth saw him, it was like seeing an enemy, and he didn't hold back the meaning of.

"Stepping on the sky and moving!" Tianhuo shot up into the sky without hesitation, only to cast the stepping on the sky, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

However, at the next moment, Tianhuo was horrified, because his figure had not yet stabilized, and the big monster of that day followed him again like his own shadow.

But in the blink of an eye, Tianhuo has already moved away from the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan, but behind him, the great demon of heaven and earth followed closely, Tianhuo couldn't imagine, how did he catch up?

"Don't run away, Tianhuo, you can't escape." Tianling's helpless voice sounded, and then appeared on Tianhuo's shoulder, and said only after Tianhuo stopped.

After speaking, Tianling turned to look at the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth who also stopped, "Don't get excited, Tianhuo has many ways to completely transform you."

Tianhuo gave Tianling a weird look, how could he do it?

The big monster of heaven and earth snorted coldly, "Many ways? Huh! I finally found something that can help me completely transform, but it has been taken away by the monster. What else can you do?"

Tianhuo frowned, and instantly understood that what the great demon of heaven and earth said must be a special item left by Senior Glyph Sage. It was something he needed very much, so he must find out the whereabouts of that item!

"Tianhuo, give him the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God." Tianling turned her head and said.

When Tianhuo flipped his hands, the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God had appeared in his hand. I had kept this thing on my body for so long, and besides knowing that it could give birth to a Demon King, I didn't even know what it was useful for. It could help the world right now. Big monster, Tianhuo is naturally happy, because Tianhuo knows that all the big monsters in the world are born because of their father, and he also accepted the task of finding the monster.

As soon as the blood bead of the Demon Mother God appeared, the expression of the great demon of heaven and earth became dull instantly, completely attracted by the terrifying power contained in the blood bead of the Demon Mother God.

"Senior, I have no ill intentions towards you. On the contrary, I am guided by the father god of your great monster of heaven and earth, and come to help you." Tianhuo said directly, throwing the blood beads of the demon mother god to the great monster of heaven and earth.

"Father God!" The great demon of heaven and earth changed his expression. He didn't care to look at the blood beads of the devil mother god, and looked at Tianhuo in surprise, "You know God father? Have you seen other great demons of heaven and earth?"

Father God, only the Great Demon of Heaven and Earth calls Tianhuo's father that way.

Tianhuo nodded slightly, and didn't say much, "They all gathered together, waiting for the opportunity to deal with the monsters."

The Great Demon of Heaven and Earth fell silent, thinking about something for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Tianhuo, "They found Father God, right?"

Tianhuo nodded again, "They are waiting for you."

The Great Demon of Heaven and Earth sighed secretly, looked at the Blood Bead of the Demon Mother God in his hand, "I will go, I will go when I am condensed, thank you!"

Saying that, the great demon of heaven and earth turned around and wanted to leave.

"Senior, please wait a moment!" Tianhuo hurriedly stopped and asked, "Senior, can you tell me where the thing you mentioned earlier was taken by the monster?"

The Great Demon of Heaven and Earth didn't turn his head back, "Prisoner Dragon Sect."

After the words fell, the figure of the great monster of heaven and earth also disappeared, and Tianhuo frowned again, and murmured: "Prisoner Dragon Sect... This matter is difficult."

The special items left by Senior Glyph Sage were brought to the Prisoner Dragon Sect, so I have no choice but to go to the Prisoner Dragon Sect to get them back, but my current strength certainly cannot compare with that transcendent sect.

"It's nothing difficult, Tianhuo, it just so happens that I can take it back together with my body." Prisoner Tianta said excitedly.

Tianhuo shook his head and smiled wryly. Perhaps Prisoner Long Zongming's superficial strength is similar to that of Wen Shengmen, but what Tianhuo is worried about is the hidden superpowers!

"The Prisoner Tower is right. Skyfire, just sneak in and find a chance to get it. It's not suitable for a direct confrontation with the Prisoner Dragon Sect." Tianling also said.

Tianhuo patted his forehead, he has the Phantom Demon Flame on his body, it is not difficult to sneak into the Prisoner Dragon Sect, after all, he has many identity tokens of the Prisoner Dragon Sect on him, but even if he sneaks in, I'm afraid things will not be so Simple!

Suddenly, Tianhuo smiled mysteriously, and his eyes lit up even more, "Hey, things don't seem to be that difficult! Senior Wu Mo, it's up to you!"

Talking to himself, Tianhuo directly used the city return technique. Back then, he subdued the elder-level figure of Prison Dragon Sect, and that person changed his name and joined the Tianyan Legion. It was Wumo!

Tianhuo has never cared about the whereabouts of those npcs in the legion. After all, Tianhuo does not intend to restrict them too much, and for Wumo, Tianhuo only has one request, and that is to return to the Prisoner Dragon Sect.

Now, Wu Mo has been back to imprison the Dragon School for too long, it's time to play a role!
Back at Tianyanmen, Tianhuo directly used the space statue to teleport to the eastern territory, and then flew towards the Prisoner Dragon Sect. When it came to the edge of the Prisoner Dragon Sect's sphere of influence, it randomly found a mountain and waited quietly.

Not long after, I saw a figure shooting from a distance, it was the Wumo whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

"Legion Commander!" Wu Mo rushed over as soon as he heard Tianhuo's call. Seeing Tianhuo again at this moment, his heart was filled with deep joy.

Tianhuo smiled slightly, "Senior Wumo, how are you doing these days?"

Wu Mo's expression became serious, "Legion Commander, something is not good, Prisoner Dragon Sect is preparing for something, it seems that there is going to be a big move!"

Tianhuo raised his brows, "You are the elder of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, can't you even know?"

Wu Mo nodded heavily, "Don't say it's me, the other elders don't know, but it's no secret that the monsters are imprisoned in the Dragon Sect. Most of the elders have been planted with demon hearts, and sometimes the monsters are even blatantly imprisoned." Long Zong appears."

Tianhuo fell silent. Since those monsters appeared, they must be preparing to sweep the continent again!

Silently, Tianhuo asked: "Senior Wumo, have any monsters brought something out of the sea of ​​mist in Xiushan recently?"

"Yes, all the elders know about this. It is a thing that contains a strong scroll power. It is said that the monsters specially went to fetch it after receiving the order to blow it. I don't know what they want to do."

Wen Sheng's true identity is the first master of the universe, and the special item he left behind, Tianhuo doesn't even know the shape of the thing, but the monster seems to know other uses of the thing, it seems that we must do it as soon as possible, otherwise if……

"Haha, you really are a traitor!" Suddenly, a loud laugh came from the forest not far away, and then a majestic aura swept across, smashing the forest around him into pieces in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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