Chapter 596

A majestic aura swept away from the mountains and forests not far away, and where the aura passed, the trees instantly turned into flying ash.

Wu Mo's face changed slightly, "Too bad, they found out!"

Tianhuo waved his hand, looked at the figure shooting out from the forest, and said calmly: "No problem, you should also return to Tianyanmen."

Let Wumo stay with Prisoner Dragon School for so long, now that Prisoner Dragon School is about to make a big move, Wumo should come back.

Wumo was stunned, and looked at Tianhuo, "League commander, I don't need to stay in the Prisoner Dragon School to inquire about the news?"

Tianhuo smiled and didn't answer, his eyes shifted to the man who had fled from the forest, "Who is that?"

Wu Mo looked a little dignified, "That's the thirteenth elder, who has always disliked me. It is said that his strength has reached the realm of a god king, and he is the No. 15 god king powerhouse of the Prisoner Dragon Sect."

Tianhuo shook his head secretly, it seemed that Wu Mo didn't even know the strength of Prisoner Dragon Sect, how could Prisoner Dragon Sect only have fifteen god kings?At least hundreds of them!
"Haha, what a great opportunity, I should really thank you for bringing me the head of the Tianyan Sect!" While the two were talking, the thirteenth elder had landed not far from them, and laughed.

Tianhuo shook his head disdainfully, suddenly, a series of poems shot out from Tianhuo's hands, and hit the thirteenth elder's chest in an instant, causing the thirteenth elder's figure to retreat non-stop.

The latter's complexion changed drastically, but the attacks released by Tianhuo seemed endless, and it was impossible to dodge at all. What frightened the thirteenth elder was that his life value was dropping rapidly!

The word master roared in Tianhuo's hands, cutting the thirteen elders continuously, but within a few breaths, the life of the thirteen elders had been emptied.

"The divine power has not been transformed, even the king of the gods is weak." Seeing the body of the thirteenth elder fell down, Tianhuo shook his head slightly and said, ignoring the system prompts, Tianhuo turned his head and said: "Senior Enlightenment, the monster took that thing Where did you put it?"

Wu Mo was surprised because Tianhuo killed the thirteen elders in the blink of an eye. When he heard Tianhuo's question, he came back to his senses and hurriedly took out a map, "Legion Commander, this is the map of the Prisoner Dragon Sect's residence. Look here, this is the forbidden area of ​​Prisoner Dragon Sect, that thing was sent to the forbidden area as soon as it was brought back."

Tianhuo looked at the picture of the map, tried his best to memorize the map, and said: "Then what about the Prisoner Tower?"

"Prisoner Tower?" Wu Mo showed suspicion on his face, as if he had never heard this name before.

Tianhuo sighed secretly in his heart, "It's okay if I don't know, I have a way, senior Wu Mo, are there any restrictions in the forbidden area?"

This is the problem that Tianhuo is worried about. The things left by the senior Wensheng were brought to the forbidden area, and the forbidden area must be like Wenshengmen, hiding a large number of superpowers. It is difficult to seize things from those superpowers. what!

"In the past, only the suzerain could enter the forbidden area, but now, those elders who often see monsters or who have been demonized can also come in and out freely. Commander, you don't plan to..." Wu Mo said worriedly.

It's just that Wumo's voice hadn't finished yet, Tianhuo had already waved his hand to interrupt Wumo's words, and said: "Senior Wumo, you go directly to Tianyanmen, give me this map, and I'll go to Prisoner Dragon Sect to have a look."

As he said that, Tianhuo took the map over, and at the same time, strange flames surged all over his body. In the flames, Tianhuo's figure changed, and he became the appearance of enlightened demon in an instant.

Wumo stared blankly at Tianhuo who had changed drastically in front of him, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time, but Tianhuo smiled at Wumo, and Takong plundered towards Prisoner Dragon Sect.

Using the Phantom Demon Fire to change his appearance, not only became Wu Mo's appearance, but as long as he didn't make a move, even his aura was the same as Wu Mo's. Of course, if he made a move, Tianhuo's attack method was too conspicuous to be exposed.

Soon, Tianhuo had disappeared from Wu Mo's vision, and rushed towards the Prisoner Dragon Sect alone. Tianhuo naturally had his own plans, and now he had the strength of the mid-term god king, even if he was no match for those old guys from the Prisoner Dragon Sect, escaped It shouldn't be difficult either.

There is no time to wait for the opportunity slowly, Tianhuo intends to sneak into Prisoner Dragon Sect directly to get the things left by Senior Wen Sheng, this matter cannot be delayed, otherwise if the things are destroyed by monsters, his suit will be finished.

So no matter what, even if there is a big disturbance in the prisoner Longzong, Tianhuo will get that thing.

Although I haven't seen that thing before, but I can easily recognize it from the breath, Tianhuo doesn't need to worry about this problem at all, what needs to be worried about is just those old monsters of Prisoner Dragon Sect.

Even the Wensheng Sect has super existences who have participated in the ancient war, maybe the Prisoner Dragon Sect will also have one.

In the gallop of Tianhuo, the Prisoner Dragon Sect's residence is getting closer and closer, and the faint coercion exuding in the air is also getting stronger and stronger. An invisible pressure emerges in Tianhuo's heart, which seems to highlight the crisis of this trip .

A few days later, Tianhuo finally arrived outside the mountain gate where the Prisoner Dragon Sect was stationed. He looked at the Wumo's identity token on his waist, and Tianhuo, who had transformed into Wumo, stepped out.

In front of the mountain gate, the disciples guarding the mountain saluted respectfully, welcoming Tianhuo's arrival, allowing Tianhuo to enter the mountain gate smoothly, and as soon as Tianhuo came in, he walked directly towards the forbidden area.

Prisoner Dragon Sect is huge, even bigger than Wensheng Gate, the more you walk in, the stronger the monster's breath in the air, Tianhuo was surprised, it seems that Prisoner Dragon Sect is indeed ready, and now it is unscrupulous Release the breath of the monster!

Such a scene, the other nine sects must have known about it, but Tianhuo is very strange, the Prisoner Dragon Sect is so blatant, and the other nine sects have not made the slightest move!

Moreover, there are many disciples of the Prisoner Dragon Sect, what would they think about the monsters being in the sect?Could it be that all the disciples of the Prisoner Dragon Sect have been demonized?

Although we have arrived inside the Prisoner Dragon Sect, but the Prisoner Dragon Sect is huge, and it will take a lot of time to get to the forbidden area. Along the way, the disciples of the Prisoner Dragon Sect were in a hurry, and they didn't even have time to salute the elders transformed by Tianhuo. The mountain gate entrance left.

"Brother, I heard that monsters are very cruel, can we escape?"

"If you don't escape, you will die. If you escape, there is still a chance of life. Why not escape?"

Hearing the whispers of many disciples, Tianhuo's expression became strange. It seemed that these hurried disciples had already noticed something and were planning to escape from Prisoner Dragon Sect!

But then Tianhuo's face became serious again, because this scene is enough to show that the monsters of the Prisoner Dragon Sect are about to start to move!
"Haha, bastards, do you want to use this thing to open the passage? Just dream!" Suddenly, a hearty laugh resounded through the world, attracting everyone's attention.

Tianhuo also looked up in astonishment, and saw a figure galloping in the distant sky, and in his hand, he was holding a ball of light exuding a strong aura of books!
(End of this chapter)

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