Chapter 629
In this endless space turbulence, there are turbulence in all directions, endless.

Tianhuo raised his head and looked at the sky, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, he saw a huge tree tens of thousands of miles above, with endless roots inserted into the turbulent flow of space, floating quietly.

Because of the angle, it is difficult for Tianhuo to see the whole picture of the big tree, most of which are blocked by the roots, but Tianhuo has already seen clearly that the leaves of the big tree are the same as the one he got before.

"Heart of the world..." At this moment, Tianhuo's voice became dry unconsciously. Although he had speculated before that the root of the leaf was the heart of the world, but for some reason, when he actually saw the root of the leaf, his heart felt But there was a strong uneasiness gushing out.

The heart of the world, which is related to the rescue of father, is right in front of you. Is everything going to end?
"Don't stand still, you will change if you are careful." Tianling was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help interrupting Tianhuo.

Tianhuo nodded heavily, and then stormed up, "This sacred tree has the power of space. According to the previous situation, it also has the power of time. What kind of tree is this?"

"I don't know, you'll know if you take a look." Tianling murmured as she stared intently at the approaching sacred tree.

The uneasiness in Tianhuo's heart could not be suppressed for a long time. After a while, he had already reached the trunk of the sacred tree. Looking up, he saw that it was just an ancient tree hundreds of feet tall, but the mysterious atmosphere and the inexplicable feeling in his heart made him Tianhuo is very sure that this must be the heart of the world left after his father's universe was broken!
It took a long time for Tianhuo to suppress the anxiety in his heart, and slowly stretched out his arms, "Heart of the world, father is saved."

Suddenly, the scenery in front of Tianhuo changed, and he came to a space that was only a few hundred miles in size, surrounded by thick white mist, and in the center of this space, there was a large plant that was more than ten meters high but exuded a simple and simple atmosphere. The tree stands.

Tianhuo looked at the situation in front of him suspiciously, feeling unreal in his heart, as if all this was an illusion.

As soon as this idea came up, a staggering figure of a young man in a coarse cloth shirt appeared, gasping for breath and saying to himself, "It's almost over, luckily there's an extremely heavenly spirit cauldron..."

Tianhuo stared blankly at the young man who appeared suddenly. At some point, tears welled up in Tianhuo's eyes. He was very familiar with the young man who appeared suddenly, but it was just that the young man was dressed in an ancient costume. This is Tianhuo Father, Tianji!

"Father!" Tianhuo said with a choked voice, but suddenly, the scenery in front of him changed again.

I saw that this space instantly became countless times larger, almost endless, and in front of Tianhuo, one ancient tree also became two. The two ancient trees were almost exactly the same, but the aura they emitted was completely different. Among the big trees, his father was sitting cross-legged, with a powerful aura surging around him.

This time, Tianhuo didn't open his mouth, for fear that if he opened his mouth, the scenery in front of him would change again. Suddenly, the father who was sitting cross-legged opened his eyes, patted the ancient tree beside him happily, and said with a smile: "The sacred tree of time , your ten-fold time flow rate has helped me a lot."

Tianhuo looked at his father carefully, and saw that compared with before, his father's face showed a more mature feeling, but before he could look any further, the scenery in front of him changed again.

In front of him, it suddenly turned into a vast and boundless world. Two ancient trees that had grown a lot still stood in front of him, and his father's figure still appeared abruptly, but this time, he held a huge The ball of light was thrown straight between the two sacred trees.

"Integrate the heart of the world tree, you should be able to become an existence that I didn't expect!" Father muttered to himself, but saw that the two sacred trees were slowly moving together, and the light was flickering, absorbing the huge light. The ball, the next moment, is two trees merged into one!

At this moment, Tianhuo vaguely understood that this is the origin of the sacred tree in front of him. It is the combination of the sacred tree of space and the sacred tree of time, and it has also merged with the mysterious heart of the world tree.

As soon as I thought about it, I saw the scenery in front of me change again, I saw the world collapse, only the big tree that had merged into one remained still, and in the collapse of the world, this piece of heaven and earth suddenly exploded!

In the exploding sky and earth, grains of earth fragments turned into stars, and in the stunned expression of Tianhuo, a boundless universe was formed in this way.

The father's figure reappeared, but this time, there was a woman with a big belly beside her. The woman was extremely beautiful, and her holy aura made people admire him, "Brother Tian, ​​this is the first planet to appear. ?"

"That's right, this is the first planet formed after the explosion of my Extreme Heaven Realm. I miss the Extreme Celestial Realm!" My father said with a smile in the face of nostalgia.

"Hee hee, since you miss it, why don't you give it a name?" The woman also laughed.

"The first ball? It doesn't sound good." Father shook his head and smiled.

"Earth? The first ball? Not bad, just the earth!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the scenery in front of Tianhuo's eyes changed again, only billions of stars were annihilated, destroyed by mysterious power, endless planets turned into nothingness, together with the life on those planets, completely disappeared.

Suddenly, the figure of my father appeared in the collapsed universe, staring at the distance with eyes full of anger, and reaching out to grab it, the earth and many surrounding planets disappeared immediately, "Demon King, you are looking for death!"

Amidst his father's violent shouting, the scene in front of Tianhuo's eyes changed again, and he had already returned to the sacred tree. However, Tianhuo did not recover, clenched his fists, and suddenly raised his head and roared, "Demon Emperor!"

Originally, I should live happily with my parents, and everything in the fourth universe should be intact, but now, everything has changed because of the Demon Emperor, and the sky is full of anger, stirring up in this endless turbulent space, I can't wait to tear the Demon Emperor alive.

"Alas!" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in Tianhuo's head, which was in a rage, and it instantly brought Tianhuo back to his senses.

Tianhuo was on alert, unable to detect the source of the sound at all, but heard the sound resounding in his head again, "Don't be so nervous, it's me, you Uncle Wu, I'm rushing back."

Tianhuo's pupils shrank slightly, "Uncle Wu? Creator of the third universe?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that such a thing would happen after we had been away for a while. Seeing the memory shown to you by the Sacred Tree of Time and Space, you should understand its source, right?" said the voice.

Tianhuo nodded heavily, and was about to speak, but the voice became anxious, "Go and wake up your father, the Demon Emperor is one step ahead of me!"

As soon as the voice fell, it disappeared completely, but Tianhuo's heart sank. Did the Demon Emperor really come?Even the creator of the third universe finds it difficult, does he still have a chance to wake up his father?

(End of this chapter)

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