The strongest saint

Chapter 630 The Arrival of the Monster Army

Chapter 630 The Arrival of the Monster Army
The voice of the creator of Wu's universe no longer appeared in Tianhuo's mind, but Tianhuo's heart sank, hoping that he could delay the time and give himself a chance to wake up his father!
Not daring to hesitate, Tianhuo hastily collected the time-space sacred tree in front of him, and rushed towards the way he came from as quickly as possible. If that's the case, I can do it with a city return spell.

Galloping with all his strength, the first-level area of ​​Tianming Continent has undergone great changes at this moment.

The sky has been covered by billowing demon energy, making the whole world dark. At this moment, all the npcs and players in the first-level area are extremely nervous. Is this the end of the world?

There are even many timid players who have already gone offline, but most of them choose to stay and watch the mysterious scene.

"Tianhuo, get out!" Suddenly, a roar resounded throughout the entire first-level area, the ground trembled, and countless scattered monsters crawled down one after another.

In the sky above the destroyed garrison of Tianyanmen, the entire army was ready to go. In front of the army, Yifeng, Gu Chen and others stood side by side, staring at the changed sky with serious expressions.

"Senior Wu Ping, have all the disciples been transferred to the second-level area?" In the crowd, Twilight turned his head and asked. Right now, only the second-level and third-level areas are temporarily safe.

Wu Ping shook his head and smiled wryly, "Most of the disciples are unwilling to leave, especially those disciples who are adventurers from different worlds. None of them left, but they all rushed back."

Twilight Breaking Dawn looked dignified, and beside him, the fat man who had been instantly killed by a monster had an excited look on his face, "This is the ultimate plot of the game, right? Hehe, super boss, even the main god and the controller in the game are all in control." Showing up completely, it looks very unusual!"

However, no one paid attention to the fat man, and they all looked at the sky intently. Twilight broke dawn and said to himself: "It's a pity that this boss appeared early, and the strength of our army seems not enough."

"Skyfire, get out!" The Demon Emperor's voice resounded in the first-level area again.

The name of Tianhuo has already resounded throughout the first-level area. Now when they heard that the Demon Emperor came, it was Tianhuo, and everyone couldn't help being shocked. They really wanted to know how Tianhuo provoked the Demon Emperor.

From all the major sects, countless peerless powerhouses who have closed their doors stepped into the air one after another, "The monsters have come, and the Second World War is coming!"

"Yes, now that there are few main gods, can the Destiny Continent still win?"

Moutianmen, the most mysterious sect, is full of strong people at this moment, and all of them have calm expressions on their faces. In front of them, the divine fortune teller who has never shown his face stands behind his back, with a mysterious smile on his face. Beside him, a colorful elk stood quietly.

"Young master, it's up to you!" the magic operator said to himself, and when he stepped on his foot, his figure disappeared, and at the same time, the elk beside him disappeared.

Above Tianyan Gate, Gu Chen and others looked anxious, "I don't know what's going on with Tianhuo, but the Demon Emperor has already brought an army of monsters here."

Hearing Gu Chen's self-talk, Ling Han's smile suddenly froze, "No, even if Tianhuo comes back, he can't find your ghost place, how can he see Tianji?"

Gu Chen made a hissing gesture, "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements for this, let's think about how to deal with the monster army first!"

As the voice fell, I saw black shadows descending from the demonic energy in the sky. At this moment, it was like a heavy rain of monsters in the sky, and monsters descended on the mainland like this.

"Hmph, since you won't come out, then search the entire Destiny Continent for me!" The Demon Emperor yelled violently, and then his figure descended from the sky, appearing not far from Gu Chen and others in an instant.

"Since you are all here, it's just right. I want you to watch all the creatures in this world disappear!" , Yifeng and others restrained them.

In the sky, figures of monsters descended everywhere, and in an instant, the human settlements in the entire first-level area were filled with monsters, and the massacre also began at this moment.

"Haha, it should have been like this a million years ago, let me kill you to my heart's content!" The demon emperor seemed to be able to see everything, scanning the distance, and laughed.

Gu Chen and the others were restrained, they couldn't even open their mouths, they were anxious but they couldn't do anything about it, this was the real arrival of the Demon Emperor, they couldn't deal with it at all!

Suddenly, the Demon Emperor stopped laughing, and looked around in astonishment, his eyes seemed to see the entire first-level area through space, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes, "Who are these people? They can actually stop the emperor's army! "

There are players in every city, and at this moment, for players, the exciting moment has arrived. This is an excellent time for leveling and improving the realm. The experience value of these monsters is extraordinary. Such a large-scale monster Siege is exactly what everyone is looking forward to!

Nowadays, the strength of players in the first-level area is generally higher than that of spirit gods, so it is not difficult to deal with ordinary monsters. At this moment, Twilight Daybreak also quietly retreated with the Tianyan Legion, and said in the legion channel: "We are not fighting with those ordinary players. Let’s fight, our goal is to be above the Demon General.”

Twilight Breaking Dawn opened the sect system, "Disciples, if you find a monster above the demon general, immediately report my location."

The billions of player disciples of Tianyanmen have been scattered all over the place after the base of Tianyanmen's first-level area was destroyed by the aura of the demon emperor's avatar. At this moment, it is convenient to fight against monsters.

"Don't worry, there are a lot of monsters, and they have already spread out. It will not take a day or two to clean them up. Twilight, let's push eastward from here!" Yi immediately said with a relaxed expression on his face.

The two of them are the deputy commanders of the Tianyan Legion. As long as they agree, they can act extremely easily, and what they said first is exactly the same as Twilight Breaking Dawn!
"That's right, and with the strength of the legion, it is entirely possible to divide into small groups and march into each city, and regroup when necessary!" Twilight broke dawn and laughed.

In an instant, the Tianyan Legion has been broken into pieces, and quickly scattered, rushing towards various cities. They are the top team in the game.

In the sky, the Demon Emperor's brows were gradually knit together, and he murmured: "Millions of years ago, there was no such weird existence that restrained the power of my army. Who are these people?"

The Demon Emperor's self-talk undisguisedly spread into the ears of Gu Chen and the others, but everyone breathed a sigh of relief. All of this was arranged by the heavens. Right now, these adventurers from other worlds will come in handy!

But at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief, everyone became worried again. If the Demon Emperor took action himself, it would be troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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