After wearing the play, she became the villain's wife

Chapter 103 You Can't Bear Me To Die

Chapter 103 You Can't Bear Me To Die
The ancestor's eyes lit up immediately, "That's a good idea!"

The Eighth Prince looked embarrassed and said, "My wife has been ill for many years, and she has consulted many Chinese and Western doctors, but there is nothing to do. Now it's okay to recuperate at home and keep it from getting worse. When the old ancestor went to see her, she might be so happy that her condition improved! "

Su Qingwu couldn't believe the Eighth Prince's implication.

A little girl, can she see a doctor?The Eighth Prince didn't believe it, and only thought that the old ancestor favored Su Qingwu, so he deliberately promoted her.

Su Qingwu remained silent.

Through these few words, I already understood what kind of trap Mrs. Murong set for her!
The ancestor believed Su Qingwu very much, "Since I have seen a lot of Chinese and Western medicine, Qingwu is not bad. This is a glimmer of hope. Hongzhu should not miss this opportunity now!"

The Eighth Prince smiled and said, "Okay, then I will listen to my ancestors!"

The Eighth Prince didn't give any hope, thinking, just to feel the pulse, if a prescription is prescribed, just stop taking it, and there is no loss!
"Qingwu, would you like to follow me to see Bafu Jin someday?"

Su Qingwu smiled and said, "Of course, I listen to grandma!"

His gaze collided with Mrs. Murong inadvertently, Su Qingwu saw the cold light in Mrs. Murong's eyes, she pretended not to notice that she lowered her head and continued to eat.

The elders' table was quite lively, after drinking for a while, the Eighth Prince mentioned a person, which caught Su Qingwu's attention.

"Brother Murong, you have heard that a few days ago, the Golden Cheetah's men killed a group of labor traffickers, and the bodies were thrown in the abandoned wharf in Westport!"

Murong Pei put down his wine glass, frowned slightly, "Yes, these days, this matter has been widely circulated!

I also sent someone to investigate the details of this person, but to no avail!

This person is quite mysterious, no one has seen his true face, although he is cruel and merciless, but he kills all the bad guys, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people! "

The Eighth Prince said, "In the past, this was considered a chivalrous man!"

"Yes! But his means are extreme and his identity is unknown. I don't know where he is!"

People in Murong's family started talking about this famous 'Golden Cheetah'.

Su Qingwu thought of the assassin who assassinated him that day, and kept saying that he was the one who assassinated Murong Yichen under the order of the 'Golden Cheetah'.

She turned her head to look at Murong Yichen, looking at his handsome and calm face, she always felt that something was weird, but she couldn't put it into words!
After dinner, Murong Yichen drove Su Qingwu home.

Halfway through the drive, Su Qingwu discovered that Murong Yichen's car was not heading towards Su Mansion.

"Where are you taking me?" Seeing that the car was driving out of the city, Su Qingwu asked cautiously.

The bumpy dirt road bends forward with no direction in sight.

"The behind-the-scenes messengers who assassinated us that day have been found, you should meet them!" Murong Yichen's tone was full of murderous intent.

Su Qingwu suddenly took a deep breath, and the horrific murder scene that day replayed clearly in her mind again.

"I don't want to see you, I want to go home!" Su Qingwu's voice trembled uncontrollably, and he hurriedly unbuckled his seat belt, trying to escape in a hurry.

Murong Yichen controlled the steering wheel with one hand, pressed her on the seat with the other hand, fastened the seat belt, and threatened in a cold voice, "If you want to escape again, I'll kill you right away in this wilderness!"

"Then I will kill you immediately!" Su Qingwu's slender body was clamped on the seat by his strong arms, and she could only threaten fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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