Chapter 104 The Dangerous World
Murong Yichen's eyes were evil and charming, and he raised his lips and smiled arrogantly, "Have a good time before you die, and you will die with no regrets! If I leave you a seed again, you may not be willing to let me die!"

Su Qingwu has never seen such a shameless man, "Murong Yichen, you bastard! I don't want to kill people with you!"

She was sure that this man was taking her to revenge.

"My woman, how can I be so timid? I need to practice!" Murong Yichen's warm palm grabbed her little hand again and clenched it.

Unable to break free, Su Qingwu bit Murong Yichen's hand.

Murong Yichen stepped on the brake.

Pushing open the door and getting out of the car, he rudely carried her out of the car.

Drag into a dilapidated warehouse not far away.

In the warehouse, a dim chandelier swayed slightly on the ceiling.

Looking at several men tied to wooden posts.

Su Qingwu staggered into the warehouse by Murong Yichen.

Murong Yichen took out a long sword from the warehouse wall and handed it to Su Qingwu, "Take it, kill them!"

His tone was cold, like an order.

Su Qingwu was startled, then shook his head, "I don't want it!"

"They are the ones who wanted you to die in vain. They sent the two assassins that day. If you don't kill them now, they will come and kill you after they turn around!" Murong Yichen said.

Put the sword into her hand, drag her into her arms, stand against her back, hold the sword with her in both hands, and face the enemies in front of you, brush-
When the long sword went down, the heads of those enemies fell to the ground.


Su Qingwu closed his eyes and screamed uncontrollably, the enemy's blood was splashed all over his thin clothes.

Murong Yichen let go of his hand.

Su Qingwu's arm fell trembling instantly!
Crack - the sword fell to the ground.

Su Qingwu stabilized for two seconds, then turned his head and raised his hand to slap Murong Yichen hard, "Why do you force me to kill someone?"

Murong Yichen's eyes were piercing, he clasped the back of her head with his right hand, leaned over and lowered his head, and pressed her lips domineeringly.

Su Qingwu didn't know whether it was the enemy's blood in his mouth or she bit his lip, the strong smell of blood flowed between the two of them.

Su Qingwu never thought that Murong Yichen would do this, they are just a cooperative relationship, they will never become lovers...

But he still did it, he was still arrogant and domineering.

She gradually became docile and dull, and he let her go, took her by the wrist and walked outside the warehouse.

Under the bright moonlight, with a solemn face, he faced Su Qingwu and asked seriously, "When the previous dynasty fell, all forces fought against each other. Have you ever seen that scene?"

Su Qingwu said coldly, "No!"

"I have seen it, since I was eight years old, I wandered around killing fields, helping to carry corpses, and saw the cruelty of human nature.

Knowing that if you let go of the enemy today, and if he comes back with blood tomorrow, he will definitely destroy your whole family!

The former emperor is a living example. Those who take the lead are not ruthless, do not act, and those who suffer are those who follow you! "

Murong Yichen's words made Su Qingwu speechless.

"Qingwu, I, Murong Yichen, thought that if you followed me, I could protect you well, but that day, I was only a hundred meters away from you. For the first time, I felt the pain of being powerless and about to lose you. I Only then did I realize that living in troubled times, the only way for you to avoid killing and danger is to make yourself stronger.

So I must let you see the ugliness and learn to uproot the weeds. I don't want you to grow into a flower in a greenhouse. When the storm comes, you will wither.

(End of this chapter)

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