Chapter 105 Follow Me
I appreciate your courage to enter the martial arts school, but I will teach you more in the future, as I said, Su Qingwu, I want to train you! "Murong Yichen took a step forward, pressing her big palm on her neck, "Su Qingwu, follow me!" "

Su Qingwu was stunned.

Murong Yichen said again, "Qingwu, my hands are stained with blood, and there are countless enemies, they say I am the devil incarnation!
In the past, I had never planned for the future. It was not my ideal to marry a wife and have children to spend the rest of my life in peace. A person like me could not tell which enemy would die in the hands of someone like me.

His wife and children are afraid that they will die tragically in the hands of the enemy.

I am in a noble family, with a prominent status, how many people look up to me?
But take a look, how will the number one noble like the Murong family in the past have a good end in the end?

But today I changed my rock solid mind, I want you, never has a woman interested me so much!
You are the only woman who has saved me, I treasure you,
Follow me, I will develop your ambitions, make you strong enough to see my world, even if one day I die, you will be able to escape unscathed, have endless wealth, and a desirable status, how about it?

Believe me, compared to Second Lord Xiao, I can lift you up to the sky more, and no one can give you what I give you! "

After Murong Yichen finished speaking, he kissed again.

Su Qingwu seemed to be shocked by the ambitious world outlined by Murong Yichen, and let him toss and turn.

Murong Yichen carried her into the car, on the way back.

It wasn't until Su Qingwu realized that he had been fooled by this sophisticated man in a daze.

He said he wanted her to follow him, but he didn't say that he would marry her. Isn't this just an excuse for his hooliganism?
Su Qingwu turned his eyes and stared at him bitterly.

The bright moonlight fell on him from the car window, his slightly darker skin was delicate and firm, and there was a triumphant chuckle on his lips.

"How do you think about it?" Murong Yichen caught Su Qingwu's gaze from the corner of his eye and asked with a smile.

"How many girls have you deceived with such bastard rhetoric?" Su Qingwu asked.

Murong Yichen shook his head seriously, "You are the only one, I never lie to women, there is no need to be so troublesome!"

That's right, if you want to stand in a row with his ladies, you might have to go around the city for a week!He said so!

Arrogant and shameless!

"Murong Yichen, put away your conceit and arrogance, all the men in the world are dead, I will not follow you!" Su Qingwu said harshly.

"Su Qingwu, I'm serious, to be my woman, the kind who wants to sleep with you for a long time, as long as I live, you are mine!"

Soon, he sent her to Su Mansion. Before getting out of the car, Su Qingwu pulled his collar, bit him hard, and finally wiped his lips in disgust, "Oh, remember, I took advantage of you today, cut! It's not to my liking at all!"

After speaking, she slammed the door and got out of the car.

Murong Yichen wiped the blood on his lower lip, raised his lips and let out a haughty laugh, "Oh, interesting!"

"Hey, see you next Monday!" Murong Yichen called to her from the car window.

Su Qingwu also thought of meeting him when she went to the martial arts school next Monday, and she had the urge to drop out.

But there is only one chance to enter the martial arts school, how can you give up because of this bastard?

After entering the Su mansion, Su Qingwu climbed the window from the backyard and returned to his room, covered in blood, he would inevitably be interrogated if he entered through the main entrance.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, Su Qingwu wiped his lips vigorously with a towel!

Just like being kissed by a bastard!

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(End of this chapter)

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