Chapter 108 Diagnosis of Pulse
The Eighth Prince's Mansion is a mansion in the style of the former dynasty, covering a vast area, and the gate of the retro mahogany with a lion head knocker is very imposing.

The Eighth Prince personally went out to welcome the ancestors of the Murong family and the female relatives of the Murong family into the inner courtyard.

Ba Fujin was lying on the couch, wearing a dark blue long coat, his complexion was pale, his cheeks were thin and sunken, and his eyes were dull and lifeless.

There was only one servant in the house.

Bafujin wanted to stand up and salute, but the servant supported her, "Mother, have you come to see me?"

"Lie down quickly!" The old ancestor's eyes were red, and he quickly stepped forward to help her with a cane, "Hong Zhu, how are you doing these days?"

"Mother, still...uh...cough..." The servant hastily brought over the spittoon.

Ba Fujin coughed twice and vomited a big mouthful of blood, mixed with crimson blood clots.

Madam Murong stared at Fujin shrewdly, thinking, she is really going to die!
Yesterday, she paid a high price to buy the private doctor in the Eighth Prince's residence, and found out that this woman would not live for three days.

Mrs. Murong didn't like the Eight Fortunes. Back then, when she was being helped by Murong Pei, the Eight Fortunes blocked her!

Ye Jingru has been holding grudges until now!

Hongzhu's imminent death is a foregone conclusion. At this time, let Su Qingwu come to see a doctor for her. Su Qingwu will definitely not be able to save her. If Hongzhu died in Su Qingwu's hands, it means Su Qingwu killed her of.

At that time, the Eighth Prince and Lord Belle must hate Su Qingwu very much, thinking that she was murder.

The ancestors would no longer praise Su Qingwu's superb medical skills, and only thought that she pretended to be capable to deceive people in order to curry favor with the powerful.

What a godsend!

'Su Qingwu, are you threatening me by taking advantage of me?Then you have to die. When you die, the secret will die with you! '

Madam Murong smiled and was in a very good mood.

"Cough cough...cough cough..." It seemed that the visitor brought in some cool wind, and Ba Fujin coughed again and again.

The Eighth Prince gently patted her on the back from the side, frowning in distress.

"Hongzhu, I haven't seen you in half a year. You have lost a lot of weight. Our ancestors often miss you. Today, we specially brought a Chinese medicine doctor here to treat you. With her here, you will definitely get better!" Mrs. Murong said.

The old ancestor immediately asked Su Qingwu to come forward and introduced him, "Hong Zhu, this is Su Qingwu, the girlfriend of our third child. Last time I had a heart attack, she saved my life and returned it to me. I prescribed Chinese medicine for conditioning, and in less than half a month, several old problems on my body have been cured!"

Su Qingwu said, "I've seen the Eight Fortunes!"

"Miss Su, you're welcome!" Ba Fujin covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed.

Eighth Fujin and the Eighth Prince looked at each other, thinking, this Miss Su is just like what the prince said, she is young and looks like a child!
How many years can I study Chinese medicine?Come out here to see a doctor?Is this a joke?
Although I don't believe Su Qingwu in my heart, she is a Chinese medicine doctor brought by my ancestors, and I can't refuse. Eight blessings said, "Miss Su, I'm sorry!"

Su Qingwu stepped forward and sat on a stool beside him, "Fu Jin, please stretch out your right wrist, I'll feel your pulse, Qingwu has little talent and little learning, so he dared to make a fool of himself!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingwu stretched out his hand to feel the pulse of Fujin, pressed lightly and took it deeply, and looked at Fujin's face seriously during the process.

Chinese medicine also looks at the complexion. Whether a person is healthy or not, the complexion can also tell five points.

About 5 minutes later, when the pulse diagnosis was completed, Su Qingwu said, "Bafu Jin, the doctor will not talk about the illness in front of the patient, for fear of affecting the mood, but if you have been ill for a long time, I am afraid that you have already taken everything lightly, so I will be blunt. !"

(End of this chapter)

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