Chapter 109 Snow Jade Fengbo
Su Qingwu is so direct, and Bafujin has a good impression of her, nodded, "Miss Su said it to my heart, every time a doctor comes to see a doctor, let the prince take a step to speak, I am afraid instead, I have already put life and death lightly !Even if my life span is over tomorrow, I still think this life is worth living!"

The Eighth Prince said from the side, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Bafu smiled weakly, and the couple held hands tightly.

Su Qingwu said, "Bafujin, your pulse condition is weak and intermittent, your hands and feet are cold, your complexion is withered and yellow, and your lips are blue and gray.

Your disease must have been caused by the evil cold for a long time. Before the onset of the disease, did you ever soak in the cold winter ice water for a long time? "

The Eighth Prince and Fujin looked at each other, then looked at Su Qingwu in shock, "Miss Su is really powerful, when the court disappeared, we were hunted down, and we once hid in the ice cave for two hours in winter before we escaped the enemy Since then, she has been coughing intermittently, and her condition has been deteriorating!"

Bafujin also seemed to see hope, "Miss Su, can my illness be cured?"

Su Qingwu smiled, "Of course you can. Your lungs are injured by the evil cold. After eliminating the evil cold in your body, the bleeding will naturally stop. All organs of the human body have self-healing functions. With Chinese medicine, you can be cured!"

Su Qingwu immediately prescribed the prescription, and then took the prescription and explained to the Eighth Prince, "First, ginger, coriander, cocklebur... boiled water and bathed once a day, three days can drive away the evil cold in the body.

Second Gualou, Fritillaria, Trichosanthes, Tangerine... mixed decoction for seven days can stop bleeding and cough. "

Mrs. Murong saw Su Qingwu pretending to be a doctor, and thought it was funny, and thought, she is quite good at pretending, she doesn't believe that there is still a way to save a person who vomits blood clots!

Su Qingwu prescribes some medicine for people who can’t be saved by German doctors?Are you fooling around?

She had already bribed the doctor at the Eighth Prince's mansion. When Fujin died, the doctor would immediately stand up and point out that the medicine prescribed by Su Qingwu was wrong, which led to Fujin's death. Lord Belle will definitely put all his hatred on Su Qingwu!
Mrs. Murong couldn't hold back, and snorted coldly, but she immediately realized her gaffe, and quickly restrained her expression.

But Su Qingwu could see it clearly, there was a faint sly smile on the corner of her lips, she would also give Mrs. Murong a meeting gift today!

The Eighth Prince was extremely convinced of Su Qingwu, and hurriedly sent people to grab the medicine.

Su Qingwu looked at Fujin again, frowned and said, "Fujin, quickly take off the earrings on your ears!
The material of your earrings is snow jade from Tianshan Mountains, which is extremely cold and cool. It will aggravate your condition. After wearing it for many years, your system will change from hot to extremely cold. Even if the coughing up blood is cured, it will still cause serious illness to you! "

As soon as Su Qingwu said this, the Eighth Prince hurriedly helped Bafujin take off the earrings and threw them on the ground in disgust, and ordered his servants, "Throw them away!"

Mrs. Murong's face turned pale immediately, and she looked at Su Qingwu in disbelief, "You... this snow jade is a top-grade jade, extremely rare, many years ago, I finally got it and made earrings for the Eighth Fortune Jin, why did it become a victim?" Fujin's sick monster?"

Su Qingwu said, "If Mrs. Murong thinks what I said is wrong, you can go to the pawnshop to find a special appraiser, they know better than me!"

Ba Fujin saw the cold light in Mrs. Murong's eyes!

 Today's update is complete, Nuan Nuan sincerely asks for votes

(End of this chapter)

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