Chapter 110 Su Qingwu Was Framed
Su Qingwu said again, "Fu Jin, Mrs. Murong has been on good terms with you for many years, and she misses you in her heart. She must not know that this snow jade is something cold, so she gave it to you! Just don't wear it in the future! "

During the family dinner at Murong's house that day, Mrs. Murong asked her to see a doctor for Fujin, Su Qingwu immediately realized that Mrs. Murong wanted to set her up.

So she found Mrs. Murong's maid on the grounds of going to the bathroom, and asked Mrs. Murong about the grievances between Mrs. Murong and Fujin with ten dollars, and about the pair of snow jade earrings that Mrs. Murong had given Fujin many years ago.

The servant girl said that Mrs. Murong had whispered to people behind her back that snow jade earrings are evil and cold, wearing them is harmful to health, and she hoped that the eight blessings would die soon.

Su Qingwu thought, since Mrs. Murong dared to set a trap for her, then she should reciprocate and give Mrs. Murong back.

So she unceremoniously exposed Mrs. Murong's plan to harm Ba Fujin.

Mrs. Murong's expression was awkward, and she didn't want to lose her temper with Su Qingwu, so she hurriedly explained, "Yes, Hongzhu, I really didn't know that Xueyu is cold, I only know that Xueyu is precious and rare, otherwise I wouldn't give it to you! "

The old ancestor intervened, "Hongzhu, don't blame those who don't know, don't take it to heart!"

"Yes, mother!" Bafujin had a very bad expression on his face, but he still obeyed his ancestors.

Everyone exchanged a few more pleasantries, and the ancestor took the Murong family's daughters to bid farewell and leave.

Before leaving, Mrs. Murong urged, "Hongzhu, Qingwu's prescription, you take it on time, and you will definitely get better in a few days!"

Ba Fujin nodded lightly, and had a big opinion on Mrs. Murong.

Su Qingwu looked at Mrs. Murong's eager look, and knew that Mrs. Murong was sure that she would not be able to cure her illness, and that Fujin would definitely die if he vomited blood clots. When Fujin died, Mrs. Murong would immediately shift the responsibility to her .

Everyone left the Eighth Prince's Mansion with their own thoughts.

On the way back, the old ancestor said to Su Qingwu, "Qingwu, you have shown Hongzhu very well. I have a hunch that Hongzhu will definitely get better in a few days."

Su Qingwu smiled, "Thank you for trusting me, I am so young to see a doctor, most people think I am showing off to please the rich and powerful!"

"They are confused!" The ancestor shook his crutches and stared.

Su Qingwu took the old ancestor's arm and leaned on her shoulder and laughed.

She thought to herself, even if she severed ties with Murong Yichen, she still wanted to visit her ancestors often. The ancestors treated her kindly and sincerely like the mother-in-law who raised her in the previous life.

The old ancestor asked Su Qingwu to go back to Murong's residence with her for dinner.

Su Qingwu declined, she didn't want to meet Murong Yichen again.
The next day,

In the large restaurant of Murong Mansion, everyone was eating breakfast quietly.

It was rare for Murong Yichen to have breakfast at home.

At this time, the servant ran into the restaurant in a small step, saying that the Eighth Prince's mansion had called, that Fujin took a bath with the prescription prescribed by Su Qingwu last night, drank the traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by her, and vomited for a long time this morning. Spittoon black blood, fainted, I want to ask Su Qingwu to ask for a follow-up visit.

Murong Pei's expression changed, he waved his hand to let the servant go down.

Mrs. Murong at the side pretended to be helpless and said angrily, "Hongzhu vomits so much black blood, I'm afraid he won't survive. Qingwu's medicine is not for curing diseases? How could it be fatal?"

Murong Xin'er snorted coldly, "Miss Su is too anxious to be the third young mistress of Murong's family to make meritorious service. She thought that curing the eight blessings would improve herself, but it's just the opposite!"

(End of this chapter)

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