The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 116 The Male Protagonist in the Abuse Story

Chapter 116 The Male Protagonist in the Abuse Story (1)

Ji Ran took Xia Xiao into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her.

In other words, this is the first time Ji Ran has comforted a girl, although it is just a bunch of data...

"Hey..." Xia Xiao did the same, letting her tears and snot go on Ji Ran's clothes. Fortunately, Ji Ran didn't have a cleanliness habit, otherwise, she would slap her backhand...

In fact, comforting a girl is quite boring, just pat her on the shoulder, so Ji Ran, who was extremely bored, could only stare at the rising favorability of Xia Xiao's head, and then stopped at 50.

The main reason for not rising is that the little girl Xia Xiao fell asleep... fell asleep...

Ji Ran suspects that she hasn't slept for several days, maybe she's doing exercise at night to lose weight or something...

After setting Xia Xiao up, Ji Ran also went back to his room to sleep.We still have to follow the plot, don't we?


"Mr. Gu! Mr. Gu, wake up! Mr. Gu?!"

The next day, Ji Ran was woken up by knocking on the door and shouting. When she got up to open the door, she didn't even open her eyes.

"Mr. Gu... Mrs. Gu came just now, and I ran into Miss Xia who just woke up in the living room, and then...then they had a dispute, and Miss Xia...killed Mrs. Gu!" Liu Butler reported to Ji Ran When I was there, my whole body was shaking, as if I had been greatly frightened.

"What stuff?" Ji Ran just woke up, and was dumbfounded. Isn't this a game where the domineering president falls in love with me and it's a bit difficult to chase his wife?Why did it become a murder game again?
"Anyway, come with me quickly!" Butler Liu couldn't explain that much anymore, he had to ask Gu Donglin to come to the scene.

Ji Ran followed, and came to the living room, only to see a pool of blood and a woman covered in blood. Her hair was disheveled, she was still wearing yesterday's pajamas, and a sharp dagger fell in front of her.

"It's not's not's really not me!" Xia Xiao fell to the ground, she was here when she woke up from the room, and she didn't know what was going on.

Now Ji Ran is in full swing, but he didn't see the corpse, is it too bloody and harmonized by the system?

"Madam Gu has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, and I don't know what's going on now." Butler Liu seemed to know what Ji Ran was thinking, so he answered without asking.

It seems that as long as Ji Ran thinks of something, others will know it, just like she paid to watch the narration...

"Is that so." Ji Ran was thoughtful.

"Gu Donglin... I didn't kill it! It really wasn't me, you have to believe me!"

As soon as Ji Ran stepped on the floor of the living room, Xia Xiao crawled over, hugged Ji Ran's leg, and kept saying that she didn't do it, that she didn't kill him.

"I remember that there are surveillance cameras in the villa." Ji Ran also watched too many TV dramas and novels, and when he entered the house yesterday, he found the dark surveillance camera installed in the living room.

"Mr. Gu, we have already checked the monitoring, and the video in the monitoring is the scene of Xia Xiao stabbing Mrs. Gu!" Butler Liu no longer called Xia Xiao Miss Xia, but called her by her first name.

Butler Liu is indebted to Gu Donglin's mother, who is Mrs. Gu. As long as she doesn't hurt Mrs. Gu, she can act like a monster with Xia Xiao, but if she hurts Mrs. Gu, even if Xia Xiao has Gu Donglin's protection, She will never let her get away with it!
"It's really not me! I don't even know how I got there!"

(End of this chapter)

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