The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 117 The Male Protagonist in the Abuse Story

Chapter 117 The Male Protagonist in the Abuse Story (2)

Xia Xiao desperately wants Gu Donglin to believe her, because she really didn't do this.

[Game plot progression options: a. Don’t believe in Xia Xiao; b. Believe in Xia Xiao and help Xia Xiao find the truth]

"I believe you." Ji Ran skipped the selection, and went directly to option b, "I believe Xiaoxiao would not do such a thing. This period of vague monitoring is completely useless as evidence."

Butler Liu and Xia Xiao were shocked by Ji Ran's words at the same time. Butler Liu was shocked because he didn't expect that Gu Donglin didn't believe this surveillance. Could it be faked?The reason why Xia Xiao was shocked was that she couldn't believe that Gu Donglin would believe her, and said that she would help her find out the truth.

As expected by Ji Ran, Xia Xiao's favorability has been rising steadily again.

Ji Ran said this mainly for the sake of goodwill, otherwise, she wouldn't open her eyes and talk nonsense.

"Mr. Gu, you were deceived by this woman! Mr. Gu, you found someone to install it yourself, just because you were afraid that Xia Xiao would escape. Unfortunately, this happened to record evidence of Xia Xiao's crime!" Liu The butler's words of righteousness:
"And it's Mr. Gu's mother, Mrs. Gu's wife, who is lying in the emergency room of the hospital now! Will you give up your mother who has cared for you for the sake of this unpopular woman who has not yet entered the Gu family? If it is really If that's the case, I'm going to call the police, and I won't let you participate in this matter anymore!"

"I admire you." Ji Ran hates long speeches the most, so she admires people who speak long speeches.

"Mr. Gu, you have to know that everything I do is for you and for the good of the Gu family!" Butler Liu seemed to think that Gu Donglin was already on her side, and the corner of his mouth was about to curl into a smile.

Not long after the ambulance left, it was impossible for the hospital's notice to come so quickly. The most important thing at the moment was to find out whether it was Xia Xiao or the evidence that she was stabbed.

Just as he had no idea where to start, there was a sudden sound of brakes outside the villa, and it seemed that there was another helper.

"I came here as soon as I heard the news! Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Sure enough, the person who came was the character played by Nan Yexi, Gu Donglin's younger brother Gu Nanxi.

Seeing her beloved coming, Xia Xiao immediately abandoned Ji Ran without conscience, and threw herself on Nan Yexi.

Although Nan Yexi disliked the blood all over her body, there was nothing he could do to win the game!

Ji Ran thought for a while, since Nan Yexi came, she was not in a hurry to find evidence for Xia Xiao, and she lay down on the sofa leisurely, she was really a little sleepy...

She didn't know if she fell asleep or not, she vaguely heard someone calling her, but it didn't seem to be calling her... After all, it was Gu Donglin's name, and her real name was Ji Ran.


The landline phone in the villa rang, butler Liu walked over to answer the phone as usual.

I didn't expect the call to come from the hospital, but it seemed that it was the hospital's notification.

"Hello, this is XX Hospital. The patient Ms. Gu who was just sent here for emergency treatment has passed away... Please forgive me!" Death is inevitable in the hospital, and the nurse who called seemed numb.

Steward Liu was so frightened that he dropped his phone. If he had known that when the ambulance was escorted by a family member, she would have followed her, so that he might be able to see Mrs. Gu for the last time.

Ji Ran also woke up, she felt like the male protagonist in a sadistic novel... No, maybe this game is from a sadistic novel!
 Today's three changes are over.

  Thanks to Brother Xian for the reward, Brother Xian, this prodigal bitch, is really Arigado (ω)~

  A certain orange remembers to say something before typing, but forgets after typing... Hey, look at my memory...

  Forget it, let's talk about it when I think about it!

  Then, ask for a recommendation ticket, and then, good night (˙˙) hold back and kiss me~
(End of this chapter)

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