The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 120 I Love You, I Loved You

Chapter 120 I Love You, I Loved You (1)

"Gu Donglin, I've only loved you from now on!"

Xia Xiao lightly described how painful it was for her to love Gu Donglin in those years, until she broke down and cried in the end.

However, at this moment, Ji Ran thought to himself: Wow~ What kind of tragic story is this?It's so touching!I'm about to cry... But I'm a boy now, I can't cry, men don't cry easily!
But why does she feel that this Gu Donglin is too scumbag!Other girls don't persuade them to drink, and they still smoke in the corner silently?
If Ji Ran encountered such a situation, she would be a slap in the face with her backhand!


Why is this voice so familiar?Ji Ran seems to have heard of it somewhere, but he doesn't quite remember it.

"Master, how can you let down other young ladies? Master, you are such a scumbag! You scumbag!"

Haha, it turned out to be Comrade Little P... Wait, Little P?

"Ahhh, why are you here?" Ji Ran slammed the steering wheel in surprise, causing the sports car to wobble on the road.

She has not yet passed the driver's license test, but she has passed through more than n traffic lights, and she also drives in the direction of traffic lights. After all, the police car will wait for the traffic lights and then be thrown away by her... Hahaha, she really It's so smart!
"Master, I have already said that I am your exclusive npc~ I will appear by your side as soon as you play the game!" Little P patiently explained.

However, Ji Ran remembered that she didn't use the magnetic card of her account, did she?How did Xiao P find her?

"Master, I know what you're thinking. I'm following you, and it doesn't depend on whether you use your own account or not... After all, my body and mind belong to the master..."

Why did Xiao P sound a little shy when he said the second half of the sentence...?
(A man outside the scene: I really didn't say oh little p, your data will probably be deleted directly if you look like this.)
Xia Xiao didn't notice that there were other npcs, because she was just an ordinary npc, and couldn't see high-level npcs, just like Xiao P, who looked very low-level, but was actually a very high-level npc.

Then, Xia Xiaoyou continued to talk about her tragic experience... But Ji Ran actually thought that what Xia Xiao said just now was to end the conversation, but she didn't expect it to be just a foreshadowing...

"I was released a year ago, and my career also faced a huge blow. What you can't imagine is how a girl can withstand the abuse of online violence... I'm just a girl, and I used to be a bit of a fan , a little famous actor and star, but in their mouth..."

"I became a female cousin, whore, green tea whore, white lotus, any dirty words are talking about me as a girl! My dearest and dearest relatives died before I came out. Your Gu family has treated my father badly." Well, you are going to repay me... But is that repayment? That is obviously revenge! You are bullying a weak woman who has no resistance!"

"I really didn't understand, my father saved your grandfather and mother! Why...why why!"

The more Xia Xiao talked, the more her emotions became more and more out of control. She felt that in the next second she would burst out with all her forbearing emotions, and then kill Ji Ran without leaving a piece of armor behind!
[Game plot progression options: a. Stop the car to comfort Xia Xiao; b. Let her make trouble for no reason. ]
 A certain orange seems to be in hydrology... No, no, I don't!
  I really can't believe my hand speed...although it's a bit hydrographic (crossed out).

  The book review area can finally comment, but it suffocates me!

  It’s so late, I’m too embarrassed to ask for a recommendation ticket, ( ̄ ii  ̄;) suck ( ̄” ̄;)
  Well, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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