The e-sports god turns back home

Chapter 121 I Love You, I Loved You

Chapter 121 I Love You, I Loved You (2)

Under normal circumstances, Ji Ran should continue to choose option b, but now it is an unusual situation, and she suddenly wants to use the resurrection card that has not been used for many years.

Immediately, Ji Ran stopped the car and comforted Xia Xiao.

"Do you think I will comfort you when you cry? Well, I will." Ji Ran did not know where to get a pair of extremely gentle eyes, the kind of eyes that look like love at first sight.

In an instant, all the police cars that caught up surrounded Ji Ran's car tightly.

"Mr. Gu, please hand over Ms. Xia Xiao to us! We will give the Gu family a good explanation!" The policemen got off the police car and shouted at Ji Ran with a loudspeaker.

"Leave it to you? Well, unless you find a girl who is more beautiful than our Xiaoxiao, I will leave it to you." Ji Ran smiled and continued to coax the little man in her arms.

"Master, what do you think of me?" Xiao P blinked and looked at Ji Ran.

"Pigeon kiss and get lost." Ji Ran kicked Xiao P with a backhand, "You belong to my family Xiaoming, and your friend's wife can't be bullied!"

"That's right, master, please bring Xiao Ming with you next time you play the game~" After hearing Ji Ran's words, Xiao P felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and then he didn't bother his master's acting skills anymore.


"This...Mr. Gu, what do you think of me?" A luxury car was parked outside the police car, and a girl in a white dress got out of the car.

Ji Ran didn't even look at her, "Where did the ugly woman come from?"

The girl instantly burst out the temper of the young lady who had pretended to be very good, and stared at Xia Xiao in Ji Ran's arms resentfully.

"Are your eyes sick? Why are you staring at my Xiaoxiao? I know my Xiaoxiao is pretty, but she is not something you can despise." Do you think Ji Ran is teasing that girl?No, Ji Ran beat around the bush and praised the cutie in her arms.

"Hmph! I don't know what's good or bad! Your Gu family is about to be bought by my family, and you still hate me? Gu Donglin, you are about to lose everything." The girl's eyes became fierce, and she completely exploded at this moment.

Ji Ran was curious, why didn't Nan Yexi come to sneer at this time?This is the style of a ruthless enemy!
However, why was the Gu family acquired?Which family's prince and princess is this girl?Overwhelmingly rich?
"I'm sorry, I didn't know at first, so you are the father of the gold master! I'm sorry, the baby will never dare again! I've fallen in love with you! I want to fall in love with you now! Let the Gu family go!" What the hell is Ji Ran? ?

"Wouldn't it be better if you were like this earlier? You have to make it hard with me." The girl crossed her arms and smiled triumphantly.

"Wow, master, you are so ugly, you can still say it?" Little P always interjected at inopportune times...

"Shh, there's nothing wrong with lying in good faith at this time~" Ji Ran put a hand on her lips.

At this time, the little cutie Xia Xiao who was crying in her arms suddenly raised her head: "Gu Donglin, please remind me, we can actually see it."

Where are the tears in the eyes?It was clearly a mocking face, so she was such Xia Xiao!
Do you dare to pretend that this guy is pretending?

"Xiaoxiao, you lied to my feelings..."

After saying that, Ji Ran fastened Xia Xiao's seat belt, and then herself, and sat in the driver's seat. Then, she directly drove into the police car...

"Little P, in case I die, please..."

[Player id: Ji Xiao died in a car accident and was eliminated! ]
 Okay, my brain hurts, I'm going to sleep first

  The collection has broken 1w, so Kaisen~
  The reason why I didn’t update yesterday, my brain hurts, I’ve been suffering from brain pain for two days...

  A few days ago, I washed my hair and lost a lot of hair. Am I going bald?

  I am afraid that I will die suddenly, so I will try to make a few thousand during the day tomorrow, right? It starts from 8~

  Well, good night~

(End of this chapter)

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