Chapter 12 Bad news

On the second day of February, the dragon raised its head. Just entering February, the weather in the south is already getting warmer.

After Li Yuankun and Lu Kexin lived in Luzhoudu, they ran the tea shed in Tienan. There were many people traveling from south to north in this place, and with the silver gifted by Situ Ying, the two lived a relaxed life. .But the most comfortable thing to say is Tie Nan. Firstly, there is Li Yuankun, a brother who drinks with him and practice boxing. Moreover, Shi Zijuan just gave birth to a daughter for him. Tie Nan is so happy that even Tie Nan has no intention After taking care of it, I pushed it all to Li Yuankun.Now Li Yuankun is very busy, not only looking at the business of the iron shop and tea shed, but also taking care of Lu Kexin who is more than six months pregnant.

It was relatively warm at noon in early spring. Lu Kexin was pregnant with a child and was afraid of catching cold. She usually stayed indoors and only came out at noon to get some air. She watched people coming and going, and Li Yuankun who was busy. , is the greatest satisfaction in my heart.

There wasn't much business in the tea shed today, only two men, one old and one young, who had just crossed the river, seemed to be businessmen. They ordered a pot of tea and sat down at a table in the back.

There were few guests, so Li Yuankun was naturally at leisure, so he and Lu Kexin also picked up a table and sat down to bask in the sun together.

The two guests chatted while drinking tea, they all had a northern accent. Lu Kexin listened to it freshly, and if there were some words that she didn't quite understand, she would interject and ask.

The two chatted for a long time about their parents' squabbles, and the old man always sighed, saying how difficult this business is.

The young one seemed a little impatient, and said casually: "You are always worrying about this and that, so why do you think so much, it's not enough for you to be troubled."

"You, you have to know that you need to be down-to-earth, you need to be responsible in business, and you need to make money—"

"Okay, don't talk about it, let me tell you, people, a moment of happiness is a moment, and you have to enjoy yourself in time, just look at how majestic Lu Peng of Pinjian Villa was in the past, but now? Not to say that death is death, so if you have money, you have to—”

"Crack!" Li Yuankun slapped the tea table with his palm.The young man was so frightened by Li Yuankun's sudden action that he suppressed all the words on his lips.

Li Yuankun and Lu Kexin just heard the young man say that Lu Peng had passed away, Lu Kexin's whole body went limp, and she almost passed out.Li Yuankun couldn't believe his ears, he wanted to ask these two people to understand.

"What did you just say! Say it again!" Li Yuankun's eyes were full of anger, and the old and the young were so frightened that they did not dare to breathe out.

"I'm asking you something! Tell me!" Li Yuankun pointed at the young man and shouted angrily.

The young man's face turned pale with fright, and he replied in a creaking voice, "Da-big-hero, what did you ask?"

"Lord Lu-zhuang-lord!" There were only three words, but it was extremely difficult for Li Yuankun to say them.

"Lu Peng—ah no, Daxia Lu, he passed away a few days ago." The young man said tremblingly.

Li Yuankun felt his eyes go dark, he swayed, and finally stopped, Lu Kexin over there was crying to the point of breaking his heart.

Tie Nan heard something was wrong outside the house, so he came out to see what happened. Seeing such a scene, he was very puzzled, and asked: "Brother, sister, what's going on? Oh, why did my sister cry like this? "

Li Yuankun didn't seem to have heard what Tie Nan said at all, and asked the young man again: "My master—Vendor Lu, the master Lu is a hero, there are few opponents in the world today, what is it—no?"

The young man looked at the old man beside him. The old man had just been stunned by Li Yuankun. Hearing that Li Yuankun's tone was not as fierce as before, he dared to answer: "Didn't Lu Daxia be murdered? When the old man passed by Shaoxing, he heard Said——I heard that Daxia Lu was pissed to death by his own daughter."

"Pfft—" Li Yuankun's chest was full of blood, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He couldn't stand anymore, and knelt on the ground with one knee.

The young man was also stained with a lot of blood, his legs softened, and he fell to the ground in fright.

Tie Nan understood now, seeing the appearance of Li Yuankun and Lu Kexin, felt extremely uncomfortable, walked to Li Yuankun, called him twice, and wanted to help Li Yuankun up, but Li Yuankun just shook his head.

Tie Nan was helpless, and also worried that Li Yuankun would do something stupid, so he waved his hands to the old and the young, signaling them to leave quickly, but the two were afraid, seeing Tie Nan telling him to go first, they didn't even dare to say a word , Even rolling and crawling, he ran out.

Not long after the two of them walked, Tie Nan heard a "plop" behind him, looked back, and shouted, "Oh, sister!" Lu Kexin was so sad that she fainted on the ground.

Hearing Tie Nan's yell, Li Yuankun recovered from his grief, and hurriedly carried Lu Kexin back to the inner room, flustered for a while, worried about the unborn child, and even more worried about Lu Kexin's body.After a while, Tie Nan called the doctor to get Lu Kexin's pulse. The doctor said that Lu Kexin was too sad, and now she was pregnant, and her body was very weak. It is even more worrying.

After a long time, Lu Kexin slowly opened her eyes, and saw Li Yuankun sitting by the bed looking at her, his eyes were also red.I wanted to say something, but couldn't open my mouth, tears streaming down again.

Li Yuankun touched Lu Kexin's cheek gently, and said: "Kexin, don't cry, if you do this again, you will hurt your body. It's all because of me, it's all my fault, I—" At this point, Li Yuankun Also shed tears.

"Don't cry." Lu Kexin wanted to wipe Li Yuankun's tears, but there was no strength in her arm.

Li Yuankun held Lu Kexin's hand and said, "Take good care of your body first, wait——in the future, I will go back with you, and worship—"

"Father, I was so mad, I—do I still have the face to go back?" Lu Kexin said with sobs.

"I—" Li Yuankun didn't know what to say, and he couldn't find a reason to comfort Lu Kexin.

Lu Kexin didn't speak any more, she lay her pillow on Li Yuankun's hand, crying even more sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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