Chapter 13 Freshmen
Ever since Lu Kexin heard the news of Lu Peng's death, she seemed to have lost her soul. She didn't think about tea or food, and her body was getting worse day by day.

Li Yuankun watched Lu Kexin haggard day by day, and even hated himself a little. If he hadn't fallen in love with Lu Kexin, if he hadn't taken Lu Kexin out of Pinjian Villa, none of this would have happened at all.Maybe now Lu Kexin is happily being her eldest lady in Pinjian Villa, maybe now the master is instructing her senior brother to practice swords with her... It's a pity that all if is an irretrievable dream after all.

Counting that the day of giving birth is just a few days away, Lu Kexin's body has become weaker and weaker, so that she has not gotten out of bed for the past few days. Li Yuankun and Shi Zijuan took turns to wait on Lu Kexin's side, and the surrounding doctors were also beaten by iron. Nan invited her again, but she shook her head and said that the root of Lu Kexin's illness was in her heart, and then she left some prescriptions for warming and preventing miscarriage and left.Everyone's hearts are hanging for Lu Kexin.

This day is June [-]th, which is also Lu Kexin's birthday. Li Yuankun wanted to take this opportunity to make Lu Kexin happy. He went to the kitchen early in the morning to make chicken soup, and specially asked his friends from Luzhoudu to bring Lu Kexin's favorite food from the city. dessert.When everything was ready, Li Yuankun took it into the room, just at this time Lu Kexin also woke up.

"Kexin, look at what I bought for you." Li Yuankun showed Lu Kexin the dim sum, and said, "You like them all, and I even made chicken soup for you, so I can't make you feel wronged today. "

"Thank you for remembering this, when will you be able to make chicken soup again?" Lu Kexin said with a smile.

"Hey, I learned this from my sister-in-law. I'll wipe your face first and taste the soup later. If it tastes good, drink more." Li Yuankun soaked a towel in warm water and wrung it dry. , tried the temperature again, and then wiped it for Lu Kexin.

"I'll just come by myself. You've been busy for so long, so go eat something first." Lu Kexin said.

"I've eaten it all. You, don't move, just lie down and let me do it." Li Yuankun replied.

"If I get better in the future, I won't lose my temper with you again, really." As she spoke, tears seemed to glisten in Lu Kexin's eyes.

"Okay, that's what you said, no feedback is allowed in the future." Li Yuankun smiled, and said again: "Okay, let me serve you a bowl of soup."

"Well, good." Lu Kexin replied.

Li Yuankun filled the soup and took a sip. The temperature was just right, so he was going to feed Lu Kexin. "Come on, I'll help you sit up, and I'll feed you."

"You are clumsy, don't wet the bed anymore, you support me, I'll just drink it myself." Lu Kexin said.

"Hehe, okay, come on, you lean on me." Li Yuankun helped Lu Kexin to lean on his arms, and after a while Lu Kexin drank more than half of the bowl.

"I have a good appetite today, do you want to have some more snacks?" Li Yuankun asked.

"Okay, I didn't expect the soup you made to be good. It's delicious." Lu Kexin said.

"Hey, as long as you like it, from now on, I'll make soup for you every day." Li Yuankun put a quilt behind Lu Kexin, then turned to get some snacks.

"Brother Kun—it hurts—ah—" Li Yuankun just turned around when he heard Lu Kexin's cry.

"What's wrong! Kexin?" Li Yuankun asked quickly, and the soup bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

"I—my stomach is probably about to give birth. Ah—" Lu Kexin's face was pale, and she gasped.

"Wait a minute, I'll call someone, sister-in-law! sister-in-law!" Li Yuankun shouted hastily.

Tie Nan and Shi Zijuan heard Li Yuankun's call, and rushed over immediately. Shi Zijuan understood when she entered the house, and arranged for Tie Nan outside the house to call the midwife, and asked Li Yuankun to boil hot water, and stayed in the house Accompany Lu Kexin.

Because of the arrangements made a few days ago, the midwife came very quickly.Li Yuankun was waiting outside for the news of the people in the house, and when he heard the movements coming from inside, he was very anxious.

After two full hours, the word finally came from the room, "Brother Li, congratulations, my sister gave birth to a boy for you!"

"Okay! Okay! Where's Kexin, how is Kexin?" Li Yuankun's tensed nerves became a little looser.

Shi Zijuan replied inside the room: "Sister is fine too, you will be able to—"

"I'm red! I'm red!" the midwife suddenly shouted anxiously.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with Kexin?" Li Yuankun panicked when he heard the midwife's cry.

"Brother Li, wait a little longer, Kexin—" Shi Zijuan didn't finish speaking, and Li Yuankun was even more anxious.

After a while, Shi Zijuan opened the door, with a sad expression on her face, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Li, come in, my sister has something to tell you, and also, my sister is afraid—I'm afraid I can't do it anymore." .”

"Ah——" Li Yuankun was dizzy for a while, and when he recovered, he quickly walked to Lu Kexin's bedside.Shouted: "Ke Xin! Ke Xin!"

Lu Kexin's expression was very calm at this time, so calm that the surrounding air seemed to freeze, "Brother Kun, have you seen our child?"

"I—" Li Yuankun shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"Aunt Wang, let him see the child." Lu Kexin said.

"Hey, okay, Mr. Li, look, the baby is so handsome." The midwife carried the baby in front of Li Yuankun.

"Our child, our child... Kexin, you will be fine! You will be fine, right?"

Lu Kexin said slowly: "Brother Kun, can you promise me one thing?" Her expression was still very calm,

"Okay! Okay! I will do anything to you." Li Yuankun replied.

"Yeah." Lu Kexin smiled slightly on her pale face, and said, "Our child is called Wenxuan, okay? When I was young, my father told me that if my mother gave birth to a boy, he would name it Wenxuan. Now, let our child be called Wenxuan, you think my father will be happy when he finds out? Will he not be angry with me?"

Li Yuankun's heart tugged, he gently held Lu Kexin's hand, and said, "Your father won't blame you, no."

"That's good, then I can rest assured." After speaking, Lu Kexin slowly closed her eyes in relief.

"Ke Xin, you will be fine, you will be fine, I haven't taken you to many places, I promise to go with you! Also, when our child grows up, we will go back to see your mother together, Let's go to see the big brother for a sword competition, okay? Okay? You say okay! Kexin! Kexin! Kexin—" Li Yuankun said to himself, shaking Lu Kexin's body, still waiting for Lu Kexin's one Reply.

"Brother Li, don't be like this, sister Kexin, sister Kexin has already left. Don't be like this..." Shi Zijuan choked on the side.

"Kexin, you answer me, you talk! Kexin..."

Lu Kexin left just like that, leaving Shi Zijuan sobbing, Tie Nan and Li Yuankun who were wiping away their tears outside the door screaming like crazy, and a new life waiting to be fed.

 When writing this chapter, I felt very uncomfortable in my heart.I don't know when, I have already put this character in my heart, or I am her him...

(End of this chapter)

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