Chapter 156 Fiasco
At this time, not to mention Li Wenxuan, even the bodyguards couldn't help being stunned. All the bodyguards had previously believed that the beggar and Li Wenxuan were on the same side. After losing to Li Wenxuan, the beggar immediately went to Li Wenxuan and started fighting in the nest, how could it not be strange?
The beggar's movement was very light, from all the things in the inn before, to hiding behind Su Qingxue silently at this time, Li Wenxuan was terrified.However, when Su Qingxue saw Li Wenxuan's expression, she felt it was very strange, but she still didn't feel the great danger coming from behind.

Seeing that Su Qingxue's life was at stake, and it was urgent to fly to save people, Li Wenxuan held the sword in his right hand and the knife in his left, and leaped forward with all his strength. In the blink of an eye, his body had already advanced nearly two feet. Li Wenxuan exerted force again under his feet, It only takes a moment to reach Su Qingxue's side.

But - the black shadow behind Su Qingxue disappeared.

Li Wenxuan was startled, and just about to look around, he felt a strong wind rushing towards his chest from bottom to top.Li Wenxuan was terrified, and hurriedly held the Qingshuang sword in front of him to resist.But as soon as the Qingshuang sword came out, a black shadow came out from between the sword edge and his chest. When the black shadow reached Li Wenxuan, it stopped suddenly and stood straight in front of Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan watched It was clear that this black shadow was the beggar from before, and he was smiling to himself at this time, and when the big white teeth were smiling, it was even more eye-catching.

Li Wenxuan relied on the mind method recorded in the Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Art, at this time Qinggong has been able to steadily rank among the first-class masters in the Jianghu, but facing the ghostly movement skills of the man in black, he is insignificant. Li Wenxuan didn't know how the other party got in front of him at all.Li Wenxuan was afraid, so he opened his arms and stepped back.Li Wenxuan raised his breath and jumped back, then retreated for nearly two feet, intending to ask the beggar first, but this leap made Li Wenxuan break out in cold sweat. Li Wenxuan stood firm, but the beggar was still standing firmly on Li Wenxuan In front of him, he still had a mouthful of white teeth, and he smiled.There is no difference in the distance between the two before.

Li Wenxuan was really scared. Before Su Xiaotian disguised himself as a man in black to fight against Li Wenxuan, Li Wenxuan was about to lose if he could not pass three moves under Su Xiaotian's hands, but Li Wenxuan still had a chance to make a move, at least he could fight hard, but today When meeting this beggar, Li Wenxuan knew he was defeated without making any moves.Li Wenxuan was in a panic, hoping to get rid of this weird person quickly. For a while, the beggar seemed to stick to Li Wenxuan's body. Wherever Li Wenxuan went, the beggar would go. They bumped into each other, but they almost didn't hit each other. The beggar laughed again and again from time to time, and Li Wenxuan felt even more terrified when he saw those big white teeth.

"What the hell are you going to do!" This is Li Wenxuan's shout, more precisely, it is like Li Wenxuan's wailing, because Li Wenxuan can't bear it anymore, when the difference in kung fu between two people is too large, the weak heart will Being crushed by the strong, the weak will immediately mess up without the strong's action. Li Wenxuan is now the weak who was destroyed.

Li Wenxuan didn't hide this time, and the beggar didn't smile any more. He looked straight at him, and a pair of blue lights swept Li Wenxuan's face back and forth.Li Wenxuan was still wondering, but suddenly felt a burst of heat in his chest. It turned out that the beggar had already made a move, and his palms had already pushed to his chest.Li Wenxuan wanted to raise his sword to resist, but before he swung the Qingshuang sword, his body was already falling backwards.

After a while, Li Wenxuan's back was soaked in cold sweat, and Li Wenxuan took more than ten steps back before standing still.This time the beggar was not in a hurry to attack, but walked towards Li Wenxuan slowly, squinting his eyes slightly, pausing at one step and stopping at two steps, like a wealthy old man getting up early to take a walk, very leisurely, Presumably, Li Wenxuan, who was opposite him, was very embarrassed.

Li Wenxuan tightly held the Qingshuang Sword and placed it in front of him, fearing that the beggar would suddenly attack again.

The beggar walked forward a few more steps, and stopped when he was less than ten feet away from Li Wenxuan, and said slowly, "'s a's a pity..."

The beggar seemed to be speaking to Li Wenxuan, and also seemed to be talking to himself.Li Wenxuan hesitated for a while, then asked timidly, "Did you say that to me?"

The beggar closed his eyes and nodded, but then shook his head again, and then heaved a long sigh, as if he was deep in thought.

The situation slowed down a bit, thinking that the man in red was still holding the big ring knife, Li Wenxuan looked at the group of bodyguards, and saw that they were all staring at him with big eyes, and Su Qingxue, even more so. A look of astonishment and bewilderment.Li Wenxuan collected himself, bowed to the beggar, and then said: "Senior is above, junior is being polite. Dare I ask senior to stop me today, what is the matter? If senior has orders, junior will listen attentively."

When Li Wenxuan said this, his heart fluttered so much that Li Wenxuan was most afraid that this person would also rush to Pinjian Villa to avenge Situ Ying and reward Situ Ying with a reward of 1 taels of silver to take his own life, because The difference in kung fu between the two was too great, the beggar wanted to take Li Wenxuan's life, so he just raised his hand.

The beggar was silent for a long time, and finally opened his eyes slowly, staring at Li Wenxuan.He continued to walk towards Li Wenxuan slowly, but this time each step was quite steady, very slow, but powerful, not as casual as before.

Li Wenxuan's heart trembled, and he felt that things were about to turn bad. Sure enough, the beggar stretched his hand forward, pointed at Li Wenxuan's Qingshuang Sword, and said, "Give me your sword!"

Li Wenxuan gasped, and sighed secretly: "It turns out that this beggar wanted to take my sword, not the big ring knife of the man in red!"

The Qingshuang Sword was given to Li Yuankun by Lu Peng, and then passed on to Li Wenxuan by Li Yuankun. Now that Li Yuankun has passed away, there are only two things left to Li Wenxuan. One is the Qingshuang Sword, and the other is the Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Technique. The beggar asked for Li Wenxuan's life for no reason, how could Li Wenxuan agree, and immediately replied: "Senior, this sword was passed down by my father, it is very important to me, so I am sorry for this junior." He opened his posture again, knowing that if he refused, he would be ready to fight.

The beggar shook his head, he didn't know who he was sighing for, and then said word by word: "Then... I... personally..."

Li Wenxuan thought: "Not good, this guy is going to grab the sword!"

Li Wenxuan couldn't help taking a few steps back, but at the same time as Li Wenxuan stepped back, the figure of the beggar had already drifted in front of Li Wenxuan. Li Wenxuan was surprised, but he no longer cared about the big ring knife in his hand. He felt that the knife was too heavy. Holding it in his hand actually slowed down his actions, and he threw it to the side for a hundred years, and then swept the Qingshuang sword in front of him, hoping to temporarily stop the beggar's offensive.

However, the speed of Li Wenxuan's sword is already extremely fast, at least compared to the speed of the man in red just now, it is much faster, but Li Wenxuan's sword is still not as fast as a beggar.As soon as the sword came out, the sword edge swept from left to right as a move, but Li Wenxuan had just used half of this move, and when the sword edge was still in his chest, the beggar had already flashed to Li Wenxuan's body in an instant. Right.Li Wenxuan knew that he was invincible, but even so, Li Wenxuan could not do the bad thing of handing over his father's relics, Li Wenxuan shouted loudly.Turning his body half a circle, the first sword move was over, but Li Wenxuan froze and swung another half arc, hoping to force the beggar to back away.

The beggar did evade, not just evading, he was no longer in front of Li Wenxuan after the sword strike. Li Wenxuan looked around, and the beggar disappeared in front of his eyes again.

"Where is this person? Is he trying to plot against me?" Cold sweat dripped down Li Wenxuan's forehead.

"Wenxuan be careful!" This was Su Qingxue warning Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan's heart trembled, but he couldn't see the beggar in front of him or on either side of him. Since Su Qingxue warned him, the beggar was definitely behind him. Li Wenxuan couldn't help but turn over and roll forward. How far is it.After the body stopped, he didn't bother to look at the situation behind him, so he returned the sword and stabbed. This sword is all about luck. If luck is good, he can pierce through the enemy. If luck is not good, then I'm afraid...

Li Wenxuan stabbed out with a sword, and there was nothing left, but someone grabbed his wrist.

The beggar pinched Li Wenxuan's right wrist with his left hand, and then followed the trend to the area behind him. Li Wenxuan's body couldn't help but rushed towards the beggar, and then the beggar's right palm pushed out, resisting Li Wenxuan's sky cap, and Li Wenxuan's body could no longer move forward. , but the wrist was still grabbed by the beggar.After pulling and pulling like this, Li Wenxuan's hand holding the sword loosened.

Li Wenxuan's thoughts were tumbling, and he swung his left palm, brushing away the beggar's right palm, wanting to rush forward to take back the Qingshuang Sword.But when I raised my head, I only saw the sword light in front of me, first like a meteor piercing the night, and then like a galloping horse, dozens—hundreds—even thousands of sword lights pierced my body... …

"It's over! If I die here today!" Li Wenxuan was terrified. He had never seen this kind of swordsmanship before. There is no guarantee that he will be safe. As for the latter move, within the reach of the blade of the sword, the sword shadow turned into cold stars all over his body. Li Wenxuan wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. , Li Wenxuan can hide there again.

Li Wenxuan felt his legs go weak, and his head was buzzing, and he couldn't help but took two steps back, and then his legs stopped listening to him, and he couldn't even move back. With his own face, Li Wenxuan's closed eyes were just waiting to receive the sword quietly.

"Ah——Li Wenxuan!" This was Su Qingxue's scream.

When hope is lost, the human heart is the quietest, and of course there is fear, but Li Wenxuan is indifferent in an instant.Any regrets?Li Wenxuan couldn't remember it. Hearing Su Qingxue's scream, Li Wenxuan felt that he should feel a pain in his heart, but he didn't.Is there any concern?It doesn't seem to be the case, Li Wenxuan was about to die calmly, but Su Qingxue's scream came to mind again, this voice reminded Li Wenxuan of another person, no, I have regrets in my heart!That regret is still in Lin'an!

"Wait! I can't die!" Li Wenxuan yelled, waving his hands forward indiscriminately, and suddenly opened his eyes.

There was nothing in front of her, the beggar had long since disappeared, the bodyguards in the distance were looking at her with astonished eyes, and Su Qingxue was running towards her while wiping her tears.

"What's going on?" Li Wenxuan looked at his body, there was no scar at all, but just now he was clearly covered by the sword light, so why did the beggar stop all of a sudden?
"My sword!" Li Wenxuan exclaimed, and then remembered that his Qingshuang sword had been taken away. Li Wenxuan took a step and wanted to chase after it, but he stopped when he lifted his foot. "Where should I go after him? Who is that person? Where did he come from and where is he going? Where should I take this step in the world?" Li Wenxuan's head was buzzing with thoughts, and he almost fainted.

"Wenxuan, you scared me to death!" Su Qingxue had already arrived in front of Li Wenxuan, after a life and death, she was not afraid of being seen by others, so she threw herself on Li Wenxuan and hugged Li Wenxuan tightly, crying uncontrollably.

"I thought... I thought you were going to be killed by him. If you have any troubles, you can call me... What should I do?"

Li Wenxuan originally wanted to ask Su Qingxue where the beggar escaped to, but seeing Su Qingxue so sad, how could Li Wenxuan speak for a while, so he forced a gentle voice and said softly: "Qingxue Xue, don't cry, I'm fine, look, am I well? I don't have any missing arms and legs, and my nose and eyes are all missing." Li Wenxuan said while gently stroking Su Qingxue's shoulder.

Su Qingxue didn't speak any more, she just hugged Li Wenxuan and cried, crying.Li Wenxuan didn't say much, just let Su Qingxue release the panic in the girl's heart in her arms.


Li Wenxuan looked in the direction where the coughing sound came from. The man in red had already put away his big ring knife and was standing not far in front of Li Wenxuan. He was looking at Li Wenxuan and seemed to have something to say, but the man in red The look in his eyes was no longer as vicious as before. After seeing Li Wenxuan's fight with the beggar, he already knew that Li Wenxuan was not the one who robbed the darts, and the beggar was not the one who could deal with his own escort car.

Li Wenxuan lowered his head and whispered in Su Qingxue's ear: "Qingxue, wait for me a while, those bodyguards seem to be calling me."

Su Qingxue raised her head abruptly, with panic in her eyes.

Li Wenxuan comforted: "Don't be afraid, they probably didn't want me to fight." After Li Wenxuan said that, he walked towards the man in red, Su Qingxue followed closely behind, Li Wenxuan took two steps, and suddenly asked again: " Qingxue, can you see which direction the beggar is going? Qingshuang sword is still in his hand."

Su Qingxue shook her head and said, "I didn't see it. Just now I saw that he was going to stab you with a sword, so I closed my eyes in fright. When I opened my eyes, the man had disappeared." Su Qingxue When he spoke, his heart was not as heavy as Li Wenxuan's, and he was even relieved to see Li Wenxuan standing in front of him in a good manner. After all, what Li Wenxuan cared about was the Cyan Frost Sword, and what Su Qingxue cared about, But there is only Li Wenxuan, as long as Li Wenxuan is safe and sound, let alone a Qingshuang sword, even if it is a mountain of gold and silver, it may not be worth it.

"Ah!" Li Wenxuan sighed, lowered his head and walked to the opposite side of the man in red, and the two looked at each other.

"Your name is Li Wenxuan?" The man in red spoke first, his voice was very gentle, just from the tone of his speech, it was completely from a middle-aged man who was not confused, but the appearance of this man in red was also different. But in his twenties, only a few years older than Li Wenxuan.

"Well, this is Li Wenxuan." Li Wenxuan said, and made a boxing ceremony, which can be regarded as a gift. After all, there was a fight just now, no matter who instigated it, and in the end he made the bodyguards suffer. .

The man in red also returned the salute, and said: "I'm at Fuzhou Bodyguard Agency, head of bodyguard Wang Xing, just now... cough cough, I must have misunderstood."

At this time, Li Wenxuan was still thinking about his Qingshuang Sword, so he said: "Exactly, everything was instigated by that beggar, so I came to the truth. I don't know if Wang Biaotou saw the whereabouts of the beggar. His weapon was taken away by him, I need to try to get it back."

Su Qingxue closed her eyes just now because she was afraid, so she didn't see the beggar's whereabouts clearly, but Wang Xing is a dignified bodyguard, so he could see everything clearly, but Li Wenxuan's question However, Wang Xing showed embarrassment, and said: "Wang is ashamed, then...that strange person's movement is too fast, I only saw a piece of sword light, and after the sword light disappeared, the beggar disappeared."

"Ah!" Li Wenxuan cried out. Could it be that the Qingshuang Sword was taken away for no apparent reason?

Wang Xing saw Li Wenxuan's expression clearly, and said: "Presumably, after that person took your sword, he will definitely go far away in a short time. If you want to find the sword, you have to think of a long-term strategy."

Li Wenxuan nodded, as if he agreed with Wang Xing's statement. In fact, Li Wenxuan didn't agree with it in his heart, but because he had nothing to do at the moment.

After being silent for a while, Wang Xing said again: "The strong enemy has already retreated. Since we fought each other, we won't know each other if we don't fight. I, Wang Xing, really want to make you a friend. I wonder if I would like to go back and sit for a while?"

Li Wenxuan didn't intend to have a deep friendship with this escort, but firstly, he was at a loss for what to do, and secondly, when the escort spoke with sincerity, Li Wenxuan couldn't refuse, so he nodded, and followed Wang Xing to the escort again. Go to the liquor store.

(End of this chapter)

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