Chapter 157

After this fight, Li Wenxuan was inexplicably robbed of the Qingshuang Sword, and she was very annoyed. Su Qingxue was crying because she was worried about Li Wenxuan. The escorts did not take advantage of Li Wenxuan's fight, and some of them were acupuncture points. There were those whose weapons were broken, and those who were beaten, which greatly discredited them. When they returned to the wine shop, they noticed that there were two bodyguards who had acupuncture points tapped by Li Wenxuan, and they were still in the wine shop. In the shop, they were stunned foolishly.

Li Wenxuan unlocked the acupoints for the two bodyguards, and said a few nice words as an apology, then Wang Xing asked the waiter to boil another pot of wine, and invited Li Wenxuan to sit down and drink together, Su Qingxue naturally followed Li Wenxuan sat down. As for the other bodyguards, except for the guards of the bodyguard carriage, everyone else stood behind Wang Xing and did not take their seats.

Li Wenxuan didn't have the mood to sit here right now, his head was full of his Qingshuang Sword and the whereabouts of the beggar.Wang Xing brought a glass, and Li Wenxuan drank a glass. He drank five or six glasses of wine in a row, but Li Wenxuan didn't say a word.

Su Qingxue came from a famous family, and although she was a daughter, she was very calm in her conversations with other parties. Su Qingxue filled up the wine for both Li Wenxuan and Wang Xing, and said, "Wenxuan, you two don't know each other if you don't know each other. I think Wang Biao's head is also very good, and it is also a fate, don't you have to respect Wang Biao's head?"

Li Wenxuan was wandering around the world, and when he heard Su Qingxue calling, he slowly came back to his senses, holding a wine glass and said: "Wang Biaotou, I toast you."

Wang Xing smiled, but didn't raise his glass. Li Wenxuan was already a little upset because he was very rude. Seeing that Wang Xing didn't give him face, he didn't drink, so he put down the wine glass.After a while, Wang Xing suddenly said indifferently: "Brother Li's net worth is very noble, and Pinjian Villa is willing to ask for ten thousand vehicles in silver, which makes people very tempted!"

Li Wenxuan seemed to have heard a thunderbolt from the clear sky, and almost fell off the stool, thinking: "It's bad, this person knows my name, and it seems that he will kill me for the 1 taels of silver given by Pinjian Villa I have to strike first!" Without hesitation, Li Wenxuan reached out and touched his waist habitually, wanting to draw his sword, but this touch made Li Wenxuan's heart cold, because Li Wenxuan's waist was empty, and Qingshuang The sword was already hanging under the waist of someone else.

Wang Xing saw the sudden change in Li Wenxuan's face, but he seemed to be expecting it. He still smiled lightly, waved his hand back, and signaled the bodyguards behind him to retreat, and then said: "Don't panic, I have no intention of embarrassing you, let alone murdering you, but I am curious why you appear here. It is said that you should have gone far away after such a big matter, so why did you go south? Bian is a place where warriors gather."

Li Wenxuan took a few deep breaths, calmed down, took his hand from his waist to the table, took a glass of wine, held it in his hand, and said slowly: "I am here to learn swordsmanship from a teacher. You should also understand that many people are now looking for the 1 taels of silver Han Hong, and I also want to avoid disaster, but... I was wronged, and Master Situ was not my victim."

Wang Xing was noncommittal, and continued in the same tone as before: "You just fought with us, but you didn't take it seriously. You look very kind, otherwise we might all fall into your hands, I don't know. Have you been wronged, but I don't think you are a bad person." After Wang Xing finished speaking, he raised a glass of his hand and signaled to Li Wenxuan, Li Wenxuan also raised it and was caught, and the two drank it down in one gulp.

Seeing Wang Xing's tone, but it didn't seem like he was trying to embarrass himself, Li Wenxuan felt relieved a lot, and asked again: "Dare to ask Wang Biao, you may see the origin of the beggar who just fought with me? I saw that beggar's posture is very strange, I have never seen it before."

Wang Xing shook his head and said: "It's not that we're bragging, just here in Fuzhou, even if I, Wang Xing, have never met a famous martial arts master, if I saw the opponent's attack, I would be able to guess the origin of that person, but this... ...Beggar, I have never seen his body style before, I really can't tell his origin, I am afraid he is not from the generation of Fuzhou."

Li Wenxuan's expression was gloomy, and he only felt that it was even more uncertain for him to find the Qingshuang Sword. While thinking about how he fought with the beggar, he said, "By the way, when we did it just now, the beggar used sound transmission to enter the secret. The method of coercing me to use my sword to fight with all the bodyguards, does Escort Wang know that in Jiangnan martial arts, whose method of sound transmission into secrets has been practiced more deeply?"

"Sound transmission into the secret?" Wang Xing was surprised at first, but then he was discouraged, and sighed: "I'm sorry, the martial arts is so big that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it seems that I have been in Fuzhou for nothing all these years. I heard that there is someone in Fuzhou who has practiced this technique."

Li Wenxuan clutched the wine glass, unable to drink any more.

"What are your plans for the future?" Wang Xing asked.

Li Wenxuan replied: "To tell you the truth, I originally planned to go to Putian Temple to seek advice from the masters of Putian Temple on swordsmanship. Continue on your way, and at the same time inquire about the whereabouts of the beggar."

"Putian Temple?" Wang Xing's eyes lit up, and he said again: "What a coincidence! Our bodyguards are going to Putian this time! We can go together all the way! I am the chief bodyguard of Fuzhou Bodyguard Bureau in Putian Branch!"

The head of a big bodyguard agency in the martial arts not only needs to be outstanding in martial arts, but more importantly, be cautious. The so-called carefulness can last for thousands of years, so most of the bodyguard heads of each bodyguard agency are old-fashioned and prudent, and it is rare to see a few young faces.Wang Xing claimed to be the head of the Putian Branch of the Fuzhou Escort Bureau. Li Wenxuan was naturally a little surprised. Seeing that Wang Xing was young and a few years older than himself, it was not easy to be the head of the Escort Bureau. Li Wenxuan looked at Wang Xing's eyes again, and couldn't help but pay more respect.

Wang Xing was obviously very happy at this time, and continued: "Brother, you want to find out the whereabouts of that person, but the world is so big, you don't know the name of that person, and you don't know his origin. Where do you go to find it? Isn’t it just looking for a needle in a haystack? Tell me, it’s better to let the people from our escort agency help you find the whereabouts of the beggar. There are many people in the Fuzhou escort agency, and there are many eyeliners. The news must be much more convenient than your own. Besides, the beggar looks very good at kung fu, but no matter how strong he is, he is still hard to beat with two fists and four hands. At this time, you want to get back the sword. My name is the brothers of the Escort Bureau. Going up with you, no matter how good his kung fu is, we are still afraid that he will fail?"

As the saying goes, if you don’t have anything to do, you can be courteous, and you are either rape or robbery. Li Wenxuan is not stupid. Hearing that Wang Xing offered to help him so readily, he couldn’t help being suspicious, and replied: "Thank you, Wang Xing, for your kindness, but why is Wenxuan?" De He Neng, this is Wenxuan's private matter, and we meet again by accident, how can Wenxuan let the brothers of the Guishou Bureau work so hard for me?"

Wang Xing smiled and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just...hehe, I think Brother Wenxuan's skill is pretty good, he just beat me twice in a row, it's not fun, so I want to invite Brother Wenxuan to come I work in the Escort Bureau, with Brother Wenxuan's excellent skills, there is a shortage of young experts like Xiang you in the Escort Bureau, as long as you nod, it will not take long for you to be the head of the Fuzhou Escort Bureau. I don't know what Wenxuan Brothers mean. How about next?"

Li Wenxuan was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Wang Xing wanted to go to him to be an escort. Although Li Wenxuan didn't have this idea, but the other party had good intentions, it was hard to say no clearly, so he had to say politely: "Thank you, Wang Biaotou." Good intentions, it's just... It's just that Wenxuan is being hunted by people now, I don't know that someone will come to me and ask for my life that day, so I'm afraid that if I go to the Royal Escort, I will implicate you and add trouble to the Royal Escort, let's just let it go!"

Wang Xing didn't want to let it go, and continued: "It's all right, as long as I say you are innocent, you don't have to worry about it in the Escort, no one dares to gossip about you, if you still don't feel at ease, then you don't need to worry about it today. You can be called Zhang San, tomorrow you can be called Li Si, there are not many people who recognize you in the Jianghu, and my brothers don’t know your origin, so you just find a pseudonym and avoid it for a while, until the limelight passes , wouldn’t it be just right for you to make a decision based on the situation?”

Seeing that Wang Xing was quite persistent and still did not give up, Li Wenxuan had no choice but to say goodbye, saying: "I'm really sorry for Wang Biao, but this time I'm going south to Putian Temple. No, I plan to join the army. At this time, gold thieves are occupying my country and bullying my people. As a man, I should go to battle to kill the enemy and protect the environment for the people, so being a bodyguard is not what I want." Li Wenxuan said The words were dead, not only did he make it clear that he would not be the head of the bodyguard, but he also meant to persuade Wang Xing not to be the head of the bodyguard.

When Li Wenxuan said this, Wang Xing couldn't hold back, as if he was greedy for life and afraid of death when he was a bodyguard, but then Wang Xing laughed again and said: "Well, everyone has his own ambitions, I won't make things difficult for you , but if you are willing to come to my Fuzhou bodyguard bureau in the future, you can come to the Putian branch to find me at any time, the door of my Fuzhou bodyguard bureau is open for you at any time, how about it?"

Li Wenxuan thanked him again and again, and then said: "Thank you Wang Biaotou for your kindness, Wenxuan is very grateful."

Li Wenxuan and Wang Xing drank many more cups. Wang Xing wanted to drink for a while, but seeing that Li Wenxuan was absent-minded, he had no choice but to give up.

Wang Xing called the bodyguards to check the bodyguard carriages and was about to go on the road. Li Wenxuan also helped Su Qingxue into her carriage. Su Qingxue got into the carriage and turned to Li Wenxuan and asked, "Wenxuan, are you really planning to go with them? ?”

Li Wenxuan said: "No, I'm avoiding disaster and walking with them. Even if Wang Xing keeps his mouth shut, the bodyguards under him are not sure. If many people know that I am here , I'm afraid that the days ahead will be difficult, so I think it's better for us to go alone."

Su Qingxue nodded, very relieved, and then returned to the carriage.

After Li Wenxuan settled Su Qingxue, he went back to look for Wang Xing and said, "Wang Biaotou, I want to find that beggar quickly and get back my Qingshuang Sword, so I won't go with the escort for now. Please don't blame Wang Biao."

Wang Xing didn't say anything, but there was still a trace of displeasure on his face, and he said: "This... I wanted to chat with you a few more times on the road, oh, forget it, if you want to go first, then you go Bar."

Li Wenxuan also felt slightly apologetic, clasped his fists forward, and said: "When we arrive in Putian someday, if there is a chance, Wenxuan will definitely visit Wang Biaotou!"

Wang Xing sighed, and said: "From now on, you have been living in the south, and it takes less than two days to go to Putian from here on weekdays. It's just that the snow is thick and the road is slippery at this time. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time on the road. , be more careful on the road."

The two bid farewell, and Li Wenxuan drove Su Qingxue to the south in the carriage and continued to drive fast. The two of them were running all the way, but seeing that they were getting closer and closer to Putian Temple, they were full of joy, but they were caught by a beggar who appeared halfway , Seizing the sword and killing power, both Li Wenxuan and Su Qingxue were silent, and neither of them had the heart to flirt.

The snow fell heavily, like a white curtain, covering the road ahead.

It was already dark, Li Wenxuan and Su Qingxue finally found the inn, the two messed around with something to eat, Su Qingxue knew that Li Wenxuan was in a bad mood during the meal, and wanted to talk to Li Wenxuan intentionally, for fear that Li Wenxuan would take things to heart I'm bored, but Li Wenxuan is like an iron gourd, no matter how hard you smash it, it won't break open, and the bubbles won't soften. Su Qingxue is angry in her heart, but seeing Li Wenxuan's appearance, she can't say anything, so she can only grieve. After returning to his room to rest, Li Wenxuan went to the store to get a jug of wine, and went back to the guest room, but Li Wenxuan just went back to the room to drink in a daze.

Counting from the time when Li Wenxuan knew Qiushan and left Luzhoudu, Li Wenxuan couldn't remember exactly how many times he was defeated by others. Among these many failures, there were even a few times that Li Wenxuan almost died, but every time Li Wenxuan Feeling scared, but never depressed and hopeless.This time it was different. I lost to a beggar. I was defeated so badly that I had no room to fight back. I was also taken away from the Cyan Frost Sword that my father left for Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan collapsed, Li Wenxuan was not only taken away from the Qingshuang Sword, but also the swordsman's heart.

In the dim candle shadow, Li Wenxuan caressed the sword manual of Wanhua Sword Art, and opened the first page of the sword manual. On this page, there were not any sword moves, but two sentences: "The sword crosses the cold flower, the flower Broken but not falling, little traces, all over the places where you walk; fold plum blossoms and explore the snow, the snow fades without dust, and the fragrance of plum blossoms, like the wind, disperses and returns to the soul."

The person who wrote these words was none other than Lu Changkong, a generation of martial artist who created the Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Art. Li Wenxuan read these words over and over again, saddened, "The previous masters of Pinjian Villa rely on this set of sword skills, The rivers and lakes are invincible, but now that the sword manual is in my hands, why... but three pages are missing, is this God playing tricks on me?"

Li Wenxuan took a sip of wine and choked it out too quickly. The wine wet his chest, but luckily it didn't get on the sword manual. Li Wenxuan looked embarrassed when he saw the wetness on his chest, Li Wenxuan smiled wryly: "Just you Such a person, even if you have obtained the complete sword manual, can you practice it? Now that you have learned the ten moves, you are still helpless after being beaten by a beggar?"

Thinking of this, Li Wenxuan closed the sword manual again, drank a few sips of wine, and fell limp on the bed.

"Boom—boom—boom—" Someone was knocking on the door.

Li Wenxuan asked: "Qingxue, is that you?"

"Well, it's me."

Li Wenxuan straightened his clothes, forced a smile, opened the door to let Su Qingxue into the room, and asked, "Qingxue, why are you still awake so late?"

Su Qingxue lowered her head and entered the room with Su Qingxue's dagger for self-defense still in her arms. Su Qingxue said, "It's okay, I just want...I want to give you something."

"Send me something, what do you give me?" Li Wenxuan didn't know what Su Qingxue would give him in the middle of the night.

Su Qingxue took out the dagger from her bosom, put both hands in front of Li Wenxuan, and said, "I'm giving you this sword. This sword was forged by my father with a famous teacher. Although it's not as good as your Qingshuang Sword , but it can be regarded as a rare sharp weapon. My little sister has begged me many times, but I am not willing to give it to him. I will give it to you today, so you can make do with it first, okay?"

"Huh——" Li Wenxuan drew out the short sword. It was indeed a rare and good sword. The hilt was polished from a single piece of emerald jade, and there were many hollow embroidery engraved on both ends of the hilt, which was very beautiful. One can tell at a glance that this is a rich woman's saber, but this sword is not flashy, and the blade is as white as jade, the sword light is cold but not fierce, looking at this sword is like looking at an iceberg beauty, Li Wenxuan asked Said: "This dagger should have a name, right? What's his name?" Li Wenxuan and Su Qingxue have been together for many days, but the sword beside Su Qingxue has never been used, so Li Wenxuan didn't care about it, naturally he didn't know The details of this dagger.

Su Qingxue said: "This short sword is called Rongxue. I named it. Do you like it?"

Li Wenxuan nodded, and said: "Well, it's a good name, should keep this sword, it's so precious, you don't even want to give it to your little sister, how can you give it to me?" Su Qingxue sent it in her hand.

Su Qingxue folded her hands forward, instead of receiving the sword, she sent the short sword back, and said slowly: "We have been together for so long, do you still treat me as an outsider?"

Li Wenxuan was startled, lowered his head and said: "So what if I give it to me, won't I still lose to others and let others take it away? Sigh!"

Su Qingxue stared at Li Wenxuan with wide-eyed eyes, and suddenly said loudly: "I know your sword has been taken, and you are not happy in your heart, and I am also sorry for you, and I am also anxious to take your sword with you. Come back! But... But what you lost was a sword, not your soul. For most of today, you have been frowning, without even a word of understanding. Are you... are you so worthless! Could it be Did I misread you in the past!"

 Writing this chapter, I am also very messy...

(End of this chapter)

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