Chapter 359 Little Thief ([-])

Li Wenxuan said: "I want to give something to a girl, but...but she is different from ordinary girls. The pendants and jewelry that ordinary girls like may not catch her eyes. She likes those fun, interesting, and relatively Do you have those things that are different from others?"

The boss frowned when Li Wenxuan asked him this question. The things he sent to the girl's house were nothing more than jewelry, but since he said he didn't want these things, what else could he give?Even though the order shopkeeper turned his head quickly, he didn't come up with any good ideas for a while.

Li Wenxuan looked at the pile of silverware for a long time, but didn't see any one he liked, so he wanted to leave, but when he turned his head, he saw a silver vase on the wooden table at the door. About two feet high, the neck of the bottle is round and slender, like a girl's tender arms raised slightly, and like a slender waist bent over the window lattice, Li Wenxuan glanced at it, and couldn't help but smile. , and stepped forward to take a closer look.

This silver vase not only looks like a woman, but also a woman is engraved on its belly, but it is not the weak singing girl that is often seen on ordinary vases, but this silver vase is a heroic figure, holding a horse and waving. The female general with the sword, looking at her demeanor and her figure wielding the sword, she really resembles Yue Ying.

Li Wenxuan liked it in his heart, and said, "Shopkeeper, how do you sell this?"

The shopkeeper asked: "Don't you want to buy something for a girl?"

Li Wenxuan said, "Yes."

The shopkeeper looked at Li Wenxuan, and said, "How old is your girl? If it's a young girl, or your son's favorite person, this bottle can't be given away."

Li Wenxuan felt strange, and asked, "Why can't you send it off?"

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Look at this bottle, it is about two feet high. It would be very good if it is given to the mistress or other elders at home. No matter where it is placed, it will look good. But young girls usually like some odds and ends. How can you like this little thing, and it’s so heavy, you can’t hold it in your hands, let alone carry it on your body. If you want to give something to the girl you like, you should give it something that fits close to you. Hehe, that would be the best."

Li Wenxuan was also hesitant when he was told by the boss, but looking at the engraving on the bottle, he looked more and more like Yue Ying, and thought to himself: "Forget it, that's it, even if Yingying doesn't like it, at worst, I'll take it myself. Immediately said: "Thank you for the shopkeeper's care, but... I still like this bottle, so let's leave it alone!"

The shopkeeper didn't say much when he saw this, and immediately made a price. Li Wenxuan still had a lot of money that Chayue gave him in his pocket, and he was generous and didn't counter the price, just holding the silver bottle happily 's gone.

After Li Wenxuan left, the shopkeeper secretly laughed behind him: "You bumpkin, you don't know anything, and you are generous, but if you use this to please a girl, I'm afraid you won't get it right. If the old man doesn't listen to you, it's your fault." The kid hit a wall!"

Li Wenxuan returned to the inn, carefully wiped the dust off the silver bottle, and after it looked brand new, he felt that the bottle was very satisfactory, so he went out and bought a piece of red silk to wrap the bottle, and only waited for it to be seen secretly after dark. Yue Ying.

After nightfall, Li Wenxuan took the silver bottle and planned to sneak to the backyard of the Yue Mansion, but halfway there, he felt that it was inappropriate to break into someone's house in the middle of the night and bring a weapon, so he put all the Zidian Qingshuang back. The inn, and then went out again.

Climbing over the wall and over the ridge was nothing more than an easy task for Li Wenxuan. It didn't take much effort to reach the backyard of the Yue Mansion according to the route Yue Yun had told before. I know which one belongs to Yue Ying.

Li Wenxuan entered the house at night, when he thought that this was Yue Ying's home, and then thought that this was Yue Fei's mansion, he felt faintly panicked, as if he really came here to be a thief, not sure where Yue Ying was, Naturally, he didn't dare to rush in, and even if he knew where Yue Ying was, he had to hesitate a bit when he went there.

Li Wenxuan was afraid that Yue Ying would go to bed too early at night and would not be able to see her, so he came early, so he lay down on the roof, thinking about what happened to Yue Ying, he would have to come out and walk around again, and when he saw her, Bye bye.

Sometimes, things just didn’t go as planned. Li Wenxuan waited on the roof, watching people pass by in the yard from time to time, but Yue Ying’s shadow was never seen. It took him until midnight, watching all the rooms in Yue’s mansion were completely destroyed. After turning off the lights, knowing that it was hopeless to see Yue Ying tonight, he jumped off the roof, planning to come back early tomorrow night.

Li Wenxuan spent a lot of time, very depressed, and was walking slowly outside, but suddenly heard someone shouting: "What a bold little thief!"

This voice frightened Li Wenxuan quite a bit. When he turned around, he saw a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy not far away from him, holding an iron gun and glaring at him.

Li Wenxuan looked at the baggage he was carrying, and thought: "It's bad, I show up at someone's house in the middle of the night with my appearance, am I being treated as a thief?"

The young man was not afraid that Li Wenxuan was more than a head taller than him, so he rushed forward with his gun. Li Wenxuan couldn't explain it. He was afraid of bumping into Yue Ying, and even more afraid of alarming other people in the mansion. He didn't dare to stay longer, so he turned around and flew away. Ben, how could that boy catch up with Li Wenxuan, when he shouted again: "Stop!" Li Wenxuan turned over and jumped out.

After Li Wenxuan went out, he only heard the young man still shouting to catch the thief, and there was a commotion in Yue's mansion immediately, and there was a lot of noise, obviously looking around to see what the thief stole from her house, Li Wenxuan wiped it. With the sweat on his face, he had no choice but to go back to the inn to gather his composure, and fell asleep with his head covered.

The next morning, after Li Wenxuan got up, he made a special trip outside the Yue Mansion, and found a lively teahouse nearby to sit down and drink tea for a long time, intending to listen to the news of last night. None of the nearby residents mentioned the incident of someone stealing from Yue's mansion last night, and they felt a little relieved. It was because Yue Ying's family didn't see anything missing in the house, so they didn't report to the officials. If the little thieves got in, it would be a big deal, and it would have been spread on the street by now.

Li Wenxuan had learned a lesson from the last time. He was afraid that Yue Ying would go to bed too early. This day, before it got dark, Li Wenxuan went out with the silver bottle and wandered around under the wall of the backyard of Yue Mansion for a long time. Yes, I finally waited for a moment when there was no one around, and immediately took a leap and took the risk of jumping in.

Li Wenxuan was seen by people last night, all because of himself because it was too late, and no one was expected to move around, so he was discovered carelessly. It was not dark at this time, so naturally he was extremely careful, huddled around, and sneaked around , take a step and take a look around, for fear of being discovered again, looking at Li Wenxuan's figure, at this moment, I am afraid that he is really similar to a thief, the only difference is that his face is not covered with a black cloth.

Li Wenxuan lay on the roof and waited patiently. After about half an hour, he heard the doors of the two rooms below open, as if someone had come out. Li Wenxuan exposed half of his head and looked outside. Seeing Yue Ying, Yue Ying was wearing a purple dress today. This dress was quite close-fitting, wrapping Yue Ying's waist and arms tightly, making her look more and more slender and charming.

Li Wenxuan stared at the back with his eyes full of excitement, and thought: "Yingying looks much better at home than outside. It's also strange. Why does she look so good at home? Could it be for herself?"

Yue Ying was walking ahead, and there was a young man behind him, Li Wenxuan recognized him, it was this young man who yelled last night, which scared Li Wenxuan away in panic.

The two men strolled forward, the young man was still pulling Yue Ying's sleeves from time to time, and he looked very close, Li Wenxuan thought, "Yingying never said anything about her brothers and sisters, but this young man looks like He is probably his younger brother, or at least a relative."

When Yue Ying and the young man went to the front yard, Li Wenxuan continued to hide on it, thinking about when he would go to see Yue Ying, he had to wait until she was alone, otherwise he would be seen by others, and he might think he was a snitch again But even so, Li Wenxuan was restless: "If Yingying sees me, she is still angry, what should I do if she sees me and ignores me? This is at her home now, if she gets angry, then But what should I do? I can't do anything."

Li Wenxuan was thinking about it, and after a while, he heard his footsteps and remembered that Yue Ying and the young man came back from the front yard. Looking at the time, they probably went to the front for dinner.

Li Wenxuan watched them walk under the eaves, and only heard Yue Ying say: "Yue Lei, come out later, sister will practice with you, and see if you have improved during this time!"

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "It turns out that his name is Yue Lei, and Yue Yingyou calls herself sister, so they must be siblings."

Yue Lei heard it, and immediately shouted: "Okay! Sister, why are you so happy today? I asked you to challenge me in the first two days, but you ignored me."

Yue Ying said: "Why, you still dare to blame me? Forget it, I'm going to rest now."

Li Wenxuan thought: "Don't, you must not go to rest, I haven't given you this bottle yet!"

The young man relieved Li Wenxuan, only to hear him shout: "Sister, don't, don't, my sister is the best, how can I complain."

Yue Ying laughed and scolded: "Little devil, remember to come here later." Then she went back to the house.

Li Wenxuan said with a smile in his heart: "Yingying is really naughty by nature, she even likes to play jokes on her younger brother."

Yue Ying went back to the house and stayed there for about a cup of tea, then came out, but she brought a lot of things in her hand, a short sword, a small hammer, a bulging small bag, a mirror, and There was a plate, and Li Wenxuan looked strangely on it. He wanted to see how Yue Ying and her brother fought on it, but he didn't want Yue Ying to take out such a pile of things.

Yue Ying sat firmly on the edge of the small stone table in the yard, then set up the mirror, and looked back and forth for a while, as if she was dressing herself up.

Li Wenxuan wondered from above: "It won't be long before it's almost dark, what's wrong with Yingying, wearing such nice clothes, and still looking in the mirror all the time, what on earth is she going to do?"

Yue Ying seemed to be looking in the mirror, and she was satisfied with the picture. Then she took the bag, took out a walnut from the bag, and hit it bit by bit with a hammer. Yue Ying hit it very lightly. The outer walnut shell was cracked, but the inner nuts were not damaged, and then the shell was peeled off a little by hand, and a whole walnut was placed on the plate.

After Yue Ying knocked four walnuts in a row, Yue Lei ran over from the side, still holding his spear in his hand, and said, "Sister, you are so quick, come on, let's fight, I have been out every day recently. Eating and sleeping are exercises, you must not be my opponent now!"

Yue Ying said: "Look at how impatient you are, with your temperament, in another ten or eight years, Dad may not even let you enter the barracks."

Yue Lei muttered in a low voice: "Father won't let me go, I'll just follow you and run off on my own, hehe!"

Yue Ying raised her eyebrows and said: "My boy, I'm not at home these days, you have become more and more courageous, and even dared to tease me. In the future, if you make your mother angry, don't beg me to tell you Nice words."

Yue Lei seemed to be caught by Yue Ying, and immediately stepped forward, bowing and bowing, and shouted: "Good sister, good sister, I was wrong, I admire you, I admire you from the bottom of my heart. "

Yue Ying slapped him lightly on the forehead and said: "Sit down, first accompany me to smash walnuts before we talk."

"Walnuts?" Yue Lei's eyes lit up, and he reached out to grab Yue Ying's peeled ones before stuffing them into his mouth.

Yue Ying shouted: "Put it down, I can't eat this, you help me first, then peel some more, when the plate is full, I will practice a few tricks with you."

"Ah?" Yue Lei was somewhat frustrated, so he had no choice but to sit down and accompany Yue Ying to peel the walnuts, but he was not as careful as Yue Ying when he started. Again, but Yue Lei didn't suffer, all these smashed walnuts went directly into his stomach.

While peeling the walnuts, Yue Lei looked at Yue Ying and said, "Sister, what's wrong with you today? I can see why you look so weird?"

Yue Ying said: "No way, don't talk nonsense, I'm fine."

Yue Lei looked at the mirror on the table, and said, "Hey, you look in the mirror when you peel the walnuts, don't you usually look in the mirror?"

As Yue Lei spoke, he reached out to grab the mirror, Yue Ying shouted: "Don't move!" Then she patted the back of Yue Lei's hand lightly, and said: "You, just peel the walnuts for me honestly. "

Yue Lei had no choice but to sigh and finally filled the plate with walnuts.Yue Ying looked at it and smiled, picked up the dagger, and said, "Come on! Let me see how much you have grown recently!"

Yue Lei was eager for a long time, and immediately picked up the spear and said: "Sister, I'm coming, you should be careful!"

The two siblings immediately began to make gestures clankingly.

Li Wenxuan saw it clearly from the above. Although Yue Lei is young, his marksmanship is well-defined, obviously passed down by famous masters, but many moves are open and close, and they are not the best when fighting alone. Luzi, but if he is more proficient in this marksmanship, and uses it on the battlefield, roaring left and right, stabbing and blocking, its power cannot be underestimated.

Although it was the first time Li Wenxuan saw the marksmanship used by Yue Lei, he guessed it right away. It must be the "Yue family's marksmanship" that Yue Fei mentioned before.

Looking at Yue Ying again, Yue Ying's swordsmanship is very messy if you compare them. Li Wenxuan has spent a lot of time with Yue Ying, and he knows that her swordsmanship is all learned from the east and the west. , but because of Yue Fei's relationship, those who can make Yue Ying learn swords are naturally not ordinary people, and when Yue Ying was making gestures with Yue Lei, Li Wenxuan saw that there were still a few moves that he had learned from his own sword moves. , Li Wenxuan couldn't help laughing while watching from above.

It stands to reason that Yue Ying's swordsmanship should not be regarded as a good swordsman with such an approach, but she has a clever mind, and her false moves are real moves, and Li Wenxuan is a little uncertain about her false moves, let alone at a young age. Yue Lei?Although Yue Lei used a long spear in a logical manner, in front of Yue Ying, the Tao was one foot taller than the devil. He was always struck by Yue Ying's sword in the east and then in the west, which made Yue Lei feel uncomfortable.

It stands to reason that no one will hurt anyone if there is a fight between siblings, but Li Wenxuan doesn't think so. After all, Yue Lei is young, and it's easy to control the strength of his shots. At first, Li Wenxuan was very afraid of Yue Ying. He accidentally hurt him, but after seeing Yue Ying had the upper hand, Li Wenxuan didn't worry anymore. As for Yue Lei, Li Wenxuan knew Yue Ying's propriety, so naturally he wouldn't worry that she would accidentally hurt his younger brother.

Li Wenxuan was very comfortable lying on the eaves "sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight", especially today Yue Ying's clothes showed that she was slender and slender, with unevenness, but now she danced the sword, sometimes erratic, sometimes circling, From a distance, Li Wenxuan is intoxicated, even if he doesn't eat or drink, he will jump up and down lightly on the stone slab. It is also willing to look at it like this.

Li Wenxuan was looking excitedly at this side, and Yue Lei just used a move to return his carbine and stab Yue Ying's shoulder.

The two brothers and sisters have used this trick countless times. When the gun tip reaches a foot and three points in front of Yue Ying, Yue Ying will block it with his sword, but this time, Yue Lei's gun tip is already far away from Yue Ying. It was only half a foot, but Yue Ying stood still and did not make a move.

Yue Lei was shocked, but he was young and weak, and he couldn't come and go freely. This shot was powerful enough, but he couldn't withdraw it even if he wanted to, he said in surprise: "Be careful!"

Seeing this, Li Wenxuan acted like Yue Ying was stunned, sweating from fright, fearing that she would grab a piece of tile casually and throw it at Yue Lei's iron gun.

(End of this chapter)

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