Chapter 360 Little Thief ([-])
Yue Lei over there was also frightened, he was afraid that he would really hurt Yue Ying, and he didn't see the flying tiles, he only heard something smashed into pieces, followed by the body of the gun trembling, shaking him The tiger's mouth was numb, and the iron gun fell to the ground.

Yue Lei looked at the iron gun, then at Yue Ying, and hurriedly said: "Sister, are you okay? I just...I'm sorry just now, I'm really not..."

After all, Yue Lei was young, thinking that he almost hurt Yue Ying, he was so nervous that he was about to cry, Yue Ying hurriedly pulled him and said: "It's okay, don't cry, it seems like I bullied you You didn't hurt me, I actually wanted to show you the trick, but you threw the iron gun yourself, that's all, I'll show you next time."

Seeing that Yue Ying was really fine, Yue Lei thought she really had some unique move, so he breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Sister, are you really fine? What is your unique move?"

Yue Ying said: "I told you I'll show you next time."

Yue Lei didn't think too much, bent down to pick up his iron gun, but said "Huh—" and said: "Sister, no, my iron gun... the iron gun seemed to be hit by something just now, and then My hand went numb, so I dropped it, look...there...there are still tiles on the ground."

Yue Ying said: "This tile has been here for a long time, you just saw it now?"

Yue Lei didn't believe it, so he took the iron gun and said, "Look, there is a primer on my iron gun."

Yue Ying didn't even look at it, and said, "This is when you knocked the iron gun down while it was still on the ground."

Yue Lei still felt something was wrong, and wanted to speak again, but Yue Ying was the first to say: "Come, come here, stretch out your little paws."

Yue Lei stretched out his hands as instructed, and Yue Ying filled his palms with the walnuts just now, and said, "I'm going to practice here tonight, you can go to the front yard to practice at night, don't bother me Me, these walnuts are for you to eat."

Yue Lei only felt that something was wrong today, so he wanted to talk about it, but Yue Ying said: "Aren't you going? If you don't go, return the walnuts to me!"

"I'll go, I'll go, can't I go?" Yue Lei held a walnut in his arms, with his iron gun under his arm, looked back at Yue Ying in two steps, and left unwillingly.

Li Wenxuan was up there, listening to their conversation, his heart was beating so hard that he threw the tile just now, even if he had been able to hide it from Yue Lei, but how shrewd Yue Ying was, how could she do it right in front of her eyes? Can't see it?Li Wenxuan hid on the eaves, originally because he was afraid that Yue Lei would find him, but after throwing out the tile, somehow, he was also afraid that Yue Ying would see him.

Yue Ying waited for Yue Lei to go far away, sheathed her sword, walked around in the yard, and said: "Where did you come from, the little thief, don't come down!"

Li Wenxuan thought to himself: "I'm afraid Yingying has already seen me coming, but why did he call me a little thief?"

Li Wenxuan was stunned, and Yue Ying said again: "Little thief, if you don't show up again, I will call someone!"

Li Wenxuan knew that Yue Ying could say and do it, so he immediately jumped off the roof.

"Ying..." Li Wenxuan wanted to call Yue Ying's name, but he only said the word "Ying". Li Wenxuan chased after him, biting his lip, his eyes became more and more red, and he looked like he was about to cry, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Li Wenxuan hid five times in a row, and each time he hid by Yue Ying's fist. Really? You're avoiding me on purpose, right?"

Li Wenxuan stopped and said, "I...I didn't want to hide."

Yue Ying stopped chasing him, and whispered, "Come here!"

Li Wenxuan slowly walked up to Yue Ying, Yue Ying suddenly stretched out her hand and punched Li Wenxuan on the chest, but heard a sound of "boom--", Yue Ying's fist hit the silver bottle, she was about to cry, but now As soon as it hurt, Yue Ying couldn't hold back her tears anymore, and really flowed out.

Li Wenxuan groaned in distress, and said, "Yingying, are your hands alright? I... you can hit me again." After Li Wenxuan finished speaking, he turned the package holding the silver bottle behind him, and then went to pull it. Yue Ying's hand.

Yue Ying threw it away, and then shouted: "Why did I hit you? Why did I hit you?" After saying that, she lay down on the table and began to cry.

Li Wenxuan had no choice but to say, "Yingying, I know you are blaming me for many things now, but...but I am thinking of you for your own good. Look, didn't I come to you now?"

Yue Ying wiped her tears and said: "Who told you to come, and I didn't tell you to come, you go, if you don't go, I will call someone."

Li Wenxuan sighed: "You can shout if you want to, I won't leave."

Yue Ying raised her hand and wanted to hit Li Wenxuan again, but she lifted it quickly and dropped it lightly, she just pushed Li Wenxuan hard and said, "You man, why did you come here!"

Li Wenxuan thought: "I... I came yesterday..."

Yue Ying then asked again: "What are you doing here?"

Li Wenxuan said: "I... I am naturally here to find you."

Yue Ying said again: "Why did you come to me?"

Li Wenxuan said: "You left without saying goodbye in Chuzhou, I was worried about you..."

Yue Ying said: "Worried... Are you worried about Ms. Su? You like her more, but also worry about her? If I'm not wrong, you probably have already looked for her, right?"

Li Wenxuan did go to the Su residence, but he didn't see Su Qingxue, so he said honestly: "I have been there, but...but..." Li Wenxuan wanted to say, "It's just because of Su Xiaomei, so I I just went."

But Yue Ying didn't wait to finish listening. She had just stopped crying, and tears were rolling in her eyes. She stood up and turned around to leave. Li Wenxuan had no choice but to hold her tightly and said, "Yingying, don't go... This trip was originally to find your father to propose marriage..."

Yue Ying was struck by lightning, her whole body trembled, her feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, but she didn't speak, she just stood with her back to Li Wenxuan.

Li Wenxuan said: "I figured it out, I really plan to come to your father to propose marriage, Yingying, in the past, no matter if it was my fault or not, don't be angry with me, okay?"

Yue Ying's body softened, and she was almost about to fall. Li Wenxuan hurried forward, grabbed Yue Ying's arm, and hugged her in his arms.

Yue Ying's cheeks were flushed, and her nose sucked and sucked. It seemed that she was not so angry anymore, but there were more and more tears on her face.

Yue Ying leaned against Li Wenxuan for a long time, and said, "Why... why did you suddenly become enlightened and talk nonsense."

Li Wenxuan said truthfully: "That day you and Qingxue left without saying goodbye in Chuzhou. I couldn't find you, but I ran into your brother..."

Yue Ying sat up abruptly, and said, "You... You came to propose marriage, is this all my brother's idea?"

Li Wenxuan hurriedly said: "No! No! Your brother just asked me if I was really willing to be with you. I said yes, and your brother gave me an idea and told me to jump into your backyard to find you."

Yue Ying glanced at Li Wenxuan slightly complaining, and said, "You have to wait for my brother to ask you, won't you remember it yourself?"

Li Wenxuan said: "It's all my fault..."

Yue Ying said again: "Last night there was a noise at home. I got up and heard Yue Lei said that he saw a thief at home. He said that the thief jumped out of the courtyard wall. I knew it was you. I thought You will come back to look for me, I just waited here alone at night, I waited for you in the yard all night, but I didn’t see you back, I was very angry, you know that.”

Li Wenxuan said: "It's all my stupidity's fault. I was afraid that you would be angry with me and wouldn't see me. That's why I sneaked around. I didn't expect you to wait for me there all night."

Yue Ying said: "You still have the nerve to say, if I didn't take a shot on purpose just now and took a risk, would you still hide on the top, hiding there and not daring to come down?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Oh, so you did it on purpose. Do you know that you scared me to death? Don't play like this in the future. If you miss it, what should you do with that one? By the way, how did you know that I am coming?"

Yue Ying pointed to a window and said, "I've been waiting for you all day. I've seen that thief since he climbed up the wall of my house!" Then Yue Ying pulled Li Wenxuan to sit down on the edge of the stone table, Pointing to the mirror, he said, "Look at it?"

Li Wenxuan looked along the mirror, and saw that the reflection in the mirror was the place where he hid before. Obviously, Yue Ying had been peeking secretly all this time, and said, "Oh, you've stopped being angry with me a long time ago, have you?"

Yue Ying said: "Don't look at me waiting for you, you will be proud. It's not that I'm not angry with you, it's because I want to open my mind, otherwise I will be mad at you sooner or later."

Yue Ying piled the plate of walnuts in front of Li Wenxuan, and said, "Eat it!"

Li Wenxuan asked, "For me?"

Yue Ying said angrily: "It's not for you, it's for someone. I think you've been up there for so long, I'm afraid you'll be hungry, but I can't let others know you're here, so I can only give you this."

Li Wenxuan took a piece and stuffed it in his mouth. He felt that the walnuts peeled by Yue Ying were much tastier than all the delicacies in the world.

The two were talking affectionately, but they heard someone shouting from a distance: "Bold, who is it?"

As soon as Yue Ying turned her head, she saw only Yue Lei, who pushed Li Wenxuan violently, and said, "Run, come find me at night!"

Before Li Wenxuan came back to his senses, Yue Ying had already run into the house and locked the door tightly.

Yue Lei also ran over at this time, shouting: "You little thief again, let's see where you are going today!"

Li Wenxuan said in his heart: "Today you call me a thief, another day I'm afraid you will call me brother-in-law!" Has jumped out of the courtyard wall.

Li Wenxuan was indeed hungry this time, but it was a pity that Yue Lei messed up the situation just now without eating much walnuts, but thinking that Yue Ying would not quarrel with him, it was finally a stone fell to the ground, but he was also worried that he had been killed by Yue Lei just now. When Lei bumped into it, he didn't know how Yue Ying would explain it to him.

Li Wenxuan didn't go far, and just kept wandering around Yue Ying's house. When it was dark, he went under the wall of the backyard of the Yue Mansion and heard nothing, so he went in quietly again. This time Li Wenxuan was much more courageous than before. See There was no one around, so he went straight to Yue Ying's door, knocked on the door lightly, and soon heard Yue Ying's footsteps, Yue Ying opened the door, Li Wenxuan saw Yue Ying's face like a spring breeze at this time , who would have thought that just now she was still crying and crying, and she was dying to live with herself?

Yue Ying saw that there was no one around, and immediately pulled Li Wenxuan and said, "Come in quickly, don't be seen."

Li Wenxuan was still thinking about what happened during the day, and asked, "Your brother saw that I was with you, right? How did you tell him?"

Yue Ying said: "Don't worry, I'll tell you that you accidentally walked in the wrong way."

Li Wenxuan asked in surprise: "What? This is okay? Can he believe it?"

Yue Ying laughed and said, "Why can't you believe this? If you tell it, none of a hundred people will believe it. If I tell it, I will only tell it to one person, so that a hundred people will believe it!"

Li Wenxuan nodded, although he couldn't figure it out, it was good for Yue Ying to hide it.

Yue Ying pointed to the package behind Li Wenxuan and said: "You carried this on your back last night, right? What is it inside? You carried it for two days, so you didn't use it to touch my hand, did you? "

Li Wenxuan smiled and said, "This one, I bought it specially for you, take a look." Li Wenxuan took out the bottle as he spoke.

Li Wenxuan was a little worried that Yue Ying would not like it when he saw it, but Yue Ying called out softly and said, "This bottle is so beautiful, are you really buying it for me?"

Li Wenxuan nodded and said: "Of course I bought it for you, otherwise I don't have to bring it every time I come. Look, there is a female general engraved on this bottle. The first time I saw her, I immediately I remember you coming."

Yue Ying put the silver bottle on the table and looked around carefully, she couldn't be more happy, although no matter what Li Wenxuan gave her, she would probably be happy, but this silver bottle really matched Yue Ying's heart, Yue Ying said: "Seeing that you are sometimes confused, you are quite good at buying things. Honestly, how is it this time? You think of buying things for me. Did you do something bad again?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Actually...Actually, I originally wanted to propose a marriage. Later, when I had something to write, I wanted to put it aside for the time being, so I bought this first..."

"What?" Yue Ying suddenly interrupted Li Wenxuan, and said, "You said the original, but now? Why put it later, Li Wenxuan, changed your mind again, right?"

Li Wenxuan hurriedly said: "Yingying, don't think too much, just listen to my explanation!"

Yue Ying got angry and sat on the head of the bed, facing inside, not looking at Li Wenxuan.

Sitting beside Yue Ying, Li Wenxuan said, "Yingying, it's really not that I changed my mind. Let me explain to you. When I came to find you from Chuzhou, I met Tian Guohui. After asking, I found out that Yang Fan of the Dongting Water Gang was murdered to death."

Yue Ying was also taken aback. Although she was still a little angry, she couldn't help but ask: "He's very good, why... who did it?"

Li Wenxuan shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just know that he was killed directly after being pierced by a sword. Alas, a good friend just disappeared. Later, Tian Guohui told me that he heard that someone was going to Pinjian Villa Difficulty, he and Qingxue's girl Zhu Xiaodiu from their family had a mutual affection, and wanted to pick her up, because I knew Su Xiaomei, so he invited me to go with him, I think he was out of his mind because of Yang Fan's matter, and My grandmother was also there, so we went together."

"Ah!" Li Wenxuan sighed, and said again: "I just didn't expect that when I arrived at Pinjian Villa, I saw dead people all over the ground. Su Xiaomei was killed, and Situ Lang also killed himself in front of her."

Su Qingxue was also quite surprised, she turned her head and asked, "How did this happen? Who did it? Wenxuan, what about your grandma, how is he doing?"

Li Wenxuan said: "The assailant in Pinjian Villa is extremely skilled in martial arts. I am not his opponent. I was hit by his sword. He has been covering his face all the time. I can't tell who he is. In order to save me, my grandmother, I led that person into the maze of Merlin, and when I chased him, I saw that the small lake inside was filled with poisonous gas, Miss Xiaoru was dead, and there were traces of my grandmother fighting with that expert on the ground, but I found I went all over the villa, but there was no sign of them."

Yue Ying took Li Wenxuan's hand and said, "Don't worry, she will be fine."

Li Wenxuan said: "Yingying, don't blame me. My grandmother is missing now and her whereabouts are unknown to save me. If I come to you to propose marriage at this time, I will be too..."

Yue Ying gently pushed Li Wenxuan, and said: "Okay, don't talk about it, it was all my fault just now, I blamed you wrongly, I didn't know that such a big thing happened in the past few days, I shouldn't You don't blame me for losing your temper with you, do you?"

Li Wenxuan said, "When have I ever blamed you?"

Yue Ying leaned on Li Wenxuan and said, "But since you are here this time, you should meet my parents, and then I will accompany you to find your grandmother, okay?"

Li Wenxuan said: "Will your father let you go out with me?"

Yue Yingyi smiled coquettishly in Li Wenxuan's arms: "You little thief has already abducted his daughter's heart, he just doesn't want to let it go, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Li Wenxuan said with a smile: "You, thank you for having the nerve to say that, in Chuzhou that day, didn't you still run away in fright when you saw your father?"

Yue Ying said: "No matter how strict my father is, no matter how angry he is, he is still my father. Moreover, with your contribution in Chuzhou, he would not bear to blame you and me, at most he would just say a few words behind my back. "

Li Wenxuan said: "That's strange, since this is the case, why did you leave without saying goodbye that day?"

Yue Ying pondered for a while, then said: "Okay, I'll tell you everything, I know that you also have Miss Qingxue in your heart, I won't ask you, you don't need to tell me about this, I also know, I also know that you have me in your heart , but do you know that you will love this one more for a while, and treat that one better for a while, even if you don't even want your own life for us, but if you do this, we will not be happy at all."

(End of this chapter)

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