Legend of the Heroes of the Southern Kingdom

Chapter 86 Tasting Wine at Fengming Tower

Chapter 86 Tasting Wine at Fengming Tower

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan walked forward together. The more they walked, the more lively the front became. From a distance, there was a three-story building in front of it, which was really beautiful. Qiu Shan asked passers-by, and it turned out that this was a restaurant. Shaoxing City is also ranked first, Qiu Shan patted Li Wenxuan's bag, and said: "Mr. Wenxuan, we came back before the gate of hell, don't we need to nourish ourselves?"

Qiu Shan's words hit Li Wenxuan's heart.Li Wenxuan readily agreed, and said: "We almost met Hades, if we don't eat something good, I'm sorry for the little life we ​​picked up." The two hit it off immediately, and happily went to the restaurant go.

When the two of them came to the front, they raised their eyes and saw the words "Fengminglou" written on the black wooden plaque on the door.Li Wenxuan said to himself: "Fengming Tower...Fengming Tower, is it possible that you can really hear the sound of Fengming when you eat in this building?"

Qiu Shan said with a smile: "Even if there is a phoenix crowing here, I will be scared away when I see you."

"Don't be afraid, with Brother Qiu here, maybe the Phoenix will fly over by itself." Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan joked with each other before entering the door.

The guys in the big restaurants naturally have brighter eyes than the people in the small inns in the villages and towns. Seeing that the two people who just came in are beautiful, with extraordinary looks, and they are carrying weapons, they should be practitioners.A waiter trotted up to Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan, and said, "Masters, come here, I'll take things for you." The waiter diligently took the packages from Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan, and carried them for him.

Qiu Shan thanked the waiter, and said, "Let's have dinner, you can find us a place with a good view."

The shop waiter replied: "I can see that you are an elegant person at a glance. The best view is on the third floor above. You can have a drink while looking at the half of Shaoxing City."

Li Wenxuan was moved by the waiter's words, and said, "Brother Qiu, let's go to the third floor!"

Qiu Shan agreed, and the shop waiter led the way. Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan then went up. While walking up the stairs, Qiu Shan asked, "Let me ask you, the name of your restaurant is very good, but I don't know if it's called Fengming Tower or not?" What's the reason?"

When the waiter in the shop heard Qiu Shan ask about the origin of the restaurant's name, his voice became louder and his eyebrows were raised, obviously very proud. "Guest officer, to tell you the truth, half a year ago, the name of this restaurant was not 'Fengming Building', but 'Piaoxiang Building'."

Li Wenxuan asked: "Then why did you change your name?"

The waiter continued: "The taste of the food in this restaurant has always been unspeakable, but there are always not many visitors, and the shopkeeper is also very distressed. One day half a year ago, an official from the North Korea and China happened to be here for a banquet. It was chosen on the third floor of the restaurant, and the adult was eating happily, when a gust of wind came, and the wind blew over the glazed tiles at the corner of the eaves, and there was a thin buzzing sound from the tiles, which sounded like It's like birdsong."

Qiu Shan joked on the side: "That's why I changed the name, but it should also be called 'Niaoming Tower'."

The waiter in the shop smiled and said: "Guest officer, you are just joking. The adult heard the sound and was full of praise, so he called the shop manager. Actually, the sound was already there after the restaurant was built, but we didn't hear it." I care about it, but the adult said that this is the sound of the sound of nature, the phoenix is ​​the bird of heaven, and this sound is the sound of Fengming. He immediately suggested that the shopkeeper change the name of the restaurant to "Fengminglou" and said that if it is changed With this name, as long as the voice of Tian Lai is still there, with the luck brought by Feng Ming, the small shop will be prosperous all day long."

Li Wenxuan listened to the store's waiter tell the origin of the store's name, the more he listened to the appointment, but he was also dubious, and asked: "How is your business in the store since then? Did the adult's words really come true?"

The waiter in the shop said: "It has been fulfilled! It has been fulfilled! Since then, the business of the shop has been very good. You saw it when you went upstairs just now. It is still early, and many customers have already come. Both of you If the seat came a little later, the private seat on the third floor might be taken by someone else."

What the waiter said was true, when Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan went upstairs, they also saw that there were already a lot of guests in the restaurant.

Qiu Shan was very curious, and asked, "I don't know which adult was so elegant and magical at that time?"

The waiter said: "That is the current Xiangye Qin! The words 'Fengming Tower' on the plaque are written by Xiangye Qin." When the waiter mentioned the words Xiangye Qin, he was very excited.

"Oh! It's him!" Qiu Shan suddenly heard the word Qin Hui, and Li Wenxuan asked, "What's wrong with you, brother Qiu, could it be that you have seen Master Qin?"

"No... where did I meet him, let's forget about it, let's sit down first!" After talking, they had already reached the third floor of the restaurant.

On the third floor of this restaurant, only half of the wall has a wall, and the other half has a guardrail on the edge. Under the guardrail is the busiest street in Shaoxing City. Looking up, you can see half of Shaoxing City, and the scenery is unique. .

There are only two wine tables on this floor, the waiter pointed to the outer table and said: "That seat is the one that Qin Xiangye sat in when he came to the small shop."

The seat over there was next to the railing, so it was very convenient to see the scenery, so Li Wenxuan said: "Brother Qiu, let's go over there, this Prime Minister can sit well, so can we!"

So the two sat down, the waiter was about to go forward to speak, but the building was high and the wind was heavy, a sudden gust of wind came from nowhere, only the glazed tiles from the corner of the eaves could be heard, as the waiter said, the buzzing sound gradually , soft and long, soothing and slow, very pleasant to hear, but the time is not long, and the sound will disappear after a while.

Qiu Shan immediately praised: "It really is Fengming! Wonderful! Really wonderful!"

The waiter in the shop also said: "You two are really noble people. There is always wind in this small building, but there is not always Fengming. This is the first time Fengming has sounded in half a month. I have to tell the shopkeeper later. Go, let him follow you for good luck."

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were even more happy when they heard what the shop waiter said. Li Wenxuan said: "Please ask my brother to choose a few delicious and delicate dishes for the two of us, and a pot of old wine. We will have a good drink today!" Li Wenxuan said After he looked at Qiu Shan, Qiu Shan nodded in agreement.

The waiter in the shop responded loudly and said, "You two, please wait, I will definitely satisfy you in a while."

After the waiter left, Li Wenxuan asked Qiu Shan: "Brother Qiu, when the waiter mentioned Qin Xiangye just now, I saw that your expression changed, and you hesitated to speak. Why?"

Qiu Shan smiled wryly and said: "Now your eyes are also sharp, this Prime Minister Qin, alas!"

Seeing Qiu Shan sighing, Li Wenxuan wanted to know the reason even more. "How exactly?"

Qiu Shan said: "Qin Hui can be said to be the most talented person in the world today. He can understand all kinds of classics and can use them through. He is very favored by today's sages. You have the style of a master, you have also seen the words on the plaque in the restaurant just now, that is the handwriting of Qin Xiangye."

Li Wenxuan asked again: "According to you, this person should be a great sage of the Song Dynasty? Then why do you sigh again and again?"

Qiu Shan said: "It's a pity... It's a pity that he is a sour literati after all. He doesn't think about making progress. He spends his days persuading the current sage to settle down, seek peace with the gold thief, and strongly opposes the Northern Expedition to regain the Central Plains."

"Hateful!" Li Wenxuan punched the table and scolded: "I thought he was a good person, living in the prime minister, but it turns out he is just a rogue!"

Qiu Shan also said excitedly: "Now the Holy Majesty has settled down half of the country in Lin'an, and there are many ministers around him who advocate peace with the Jin people. If things go on like this, I don't know when my Great Song will be able to go north and recover the Central Plains. Return to Bianjing!"

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan originally wanted to have a good time in this restaurant, but they didn't expect to become depressed for no reason, Qiu Shan said: "Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it, it's rare to be so leisurely today, why bother your mood? "So both of them stopped mentioning this disappointing thing.

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan sat together for a while, the waiter went upstairs with another waiter, served eight small dishes for Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan, and put down a jar of Nur Hong.Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were already hungry, they toasted each other, and then they were not polite, eating and drinking was hearty.

When Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were having a good time, they suddenly heard someone downstairs shouting loudly: "The green hills outside the mountains, the buildings outside the buildings, when will the West Lake dance stop.

The warm wind makes tourists drunk, making Hangzhou Bianzhou! "

Li Wenxuan listened to the poem and thought about it for a while, and couldn't help himself. Huo got up and praised loudly: "It's a good sentence 'just use Hangzhou as Bianzhou'!"

(End of this chapter)

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