Chapter 87

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan stood up, looked for the sound, leaned on the railing and looked down, only saw a young man in the bustling crowd, about 20 years old, of medium height, but looked thin, wearing a coarse cloth shirt It has been patched four or five times, but it is still very clean. This person took a jug of wine and drank it while walking, and kept repeating the poems just now. This person was either insane or drunk, and they all avoided him from a distance.

Li Wenxuan couldn't help but said: "What a strange person, but hearing his poems are full of grief and indignation, he should be a man of pride, but how can he look so bohemian."

"You're wrong!" Qiu Shan looked at the crazy young man with approval and compassion in his eyes. "I don't think he is unrestrained, but that despite his pride, the poor court has no intention of going north, and heroes have no place to be brave!"

"Go, go, you lunatic, don't hinder our business!" The man stumbled and fell in front of the door of Fengming Tower.Seeing this man's sloppiness, the two shop assistants felt disgusted, so they came forward to chase him away. "Get out of here, or I'll beat you up!"

Regardless of the shop assistants, the young man lay down on the ground and took a sip of wine. He seemed to be choking and coughing uncontrollably, but he was still muttering: "Just call Hangzhou Bianzhou...just call Hangzhou Bianzhou !"

The clerk in the store only knows how to take care of his own business, the man in charge of the shop is reading some poems and prose, a clerk stepped forward, with a fierce face, grabbed the man's flagon with one hand, put it on the ground, and said: "This lunatic , I’ll tell you to drink, if you don’t leave, I’ll throw you away too!”

The young man watched the wine spilled all over the floor, and then he looked at the waiter in the shop, and then at the Fengming Tower, and said, "Fengming Tower, Fengming Tower, it's another tall building, let me see how long you can keep singing." ! Bring the wine!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink! You drunkard, I'll smash your mouth to see if you still drink." The shop waiter said, riding on the young man and punching him in the face. It's just that it's easy to lift this hand, but it's hard to put it down. The wrist seems to be half bound by an iron hoop behind it, and it can't move at all.

The guy looked back, only to see another man behind him grabbed his wrist, and immediately cursed: "Let go of your hand, take it with you wherever it is cool! Be careful, I will teach you a lesson together."

"Oh, it hurts! It hurts!" After the guy said that, the man behind him grabbed his wrist and lifted him up from the young man on the ground. I want to see how you teach me!" After saying that, he lightly threw the buddy to the side, the buddy's hands hurt, his center of gravity was unstable, and he hit the ground with his buttocks.At this time, there were already a lot of judges around. Although everyone didn't like the crazy man lying on the ground, they all cursed inwardly when they saw the guy bullying others. Now someone took action to teach the guy a lesson. Many people applauded in the crowd.

"You! You wait for me!" The clerk knew that this man knew kung fu, and he was no match for him, so he got up and went back to the store to call for help.But at this moment, the waiter who served Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan ran out of the restaurant in a hurry, and said to the man, "My lord, why did you come down here?" Randomly he said to the guy just now, "You can't offend me. , is a distinguished guest on the third floor of our house!"

It turned out that the man behind the buddy's back just now was none other than Li Wenxuan.

The waiter kept apologizing to Li Wenxuan, saying good things for the guy, and the guy bowed to the side to apologize, but Li Wenxuan was a little confused, and asked the waiter, "Why are you apologizing to me? He never hurt me. Ordinarily, I should apologize to him.”

The waiter in the shop knows that the people who come to Fengming Building are all rich masters, most of them have a bad temper, and if a servant is not good, he will beat and scold them. , so after hearing Li Wenxuan's words, it was very strange, but seeing Li Wenxuan was very serious when he spoke, it didn't seem like he was playing with the two of them sincerely, and he became stupid after smearing his mouth for a while, and he didn't know what to say. what's good.

Li Wenxuan didn't care about the two of them anymore, he helped the young man on the ground, and said: "Brother, my elder brother and I are very fond of your poems, would you like to go upstairs and have a drink or two? "

The young man seemed to be very drunk, he ignored Li Wenxuan, and just shouted, "Bring the wine! Bring the wine! You will have to drink three hundred cups!"

Li Wenxuan bent down and laughed with him: "There are [-] cups, they are upstairs, please come upstairs and tell me."

The young man sincerely invited Li Wenxuan to see him, and he seemed to wake up a lot from the wine, and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Really! Brother, please!" Li Wenxuan was delighted to see that the man was willing to talk to him, so he helped him up and walked into the building.

The shop waiter suddenly bowed in front of Li Wenxuan and said, "Sir, do you really want to sit at the same table with him? He looks's not appropriate to enter the shop."

The young man looked at the waiter looking down on him, neither angry nor angry, he stood with his hands down, without opening his eyes.But Li Wenxuan was a little angry, thinking to himself, but with a single poem of this young man, he has already surpassed so many people here, and now he is looked down upon by this restaurant when he is down for a while, so it is unreasonable.Li Wenxuan took out an ingot of 20 taels of silver from his pocket, handed it to the shop assistant, and asked, "Can I go in now?"

The waiter in the shop saw Li Wenxuan's extravagant spending, although he was a bit reluctant, but he couldn't stop him, so he hurriedly stepped aside and welcomed the two of them into the shop.

Li Wenxuan took two steps forward, and said: "One more jug of good wine!" Then he went upstairs with the young man, and the four people were surprised to see Li Wenxuan bring such a down-and-out person upstairs.

Upstairs, Qiu Shan had already ordered the store to add a few more dishes. Seeing Li Wenxuan and the young man coming upstairs, he quickly walked to the stairs to greet him, and gave up his seat to the young man. As if in his own home, Da Lala sat down.

Qiu Shan filled a cup for the man, handed it over, and said, "Please!"

The man took it and drank it all, Li Wenxuan signaled him to eat food again, the man was strange, he neither toasted nor declined, he just ate and drank by himself, as if Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were not around at all. .The waiter in the middle store came up to add food and wine, seeing this situation, he was also very weird, and scolded the young man in his heart.

Seeing that the young man had already drank half of the wine in the jar, he seemed to be unable to drink any more, so he suddenly asked: "You two are strangers to each other, why did you invite me to come here and still eat so much food?" A treat for a drink?"

Seeing that the man took the initiative to speak, Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan looked at each other with joy, and Li Wenxuan said: "This is Li Wenxuan, this is my sworn brother Qiu Shan. The two of us were drinking upstairs just now, and suddenly I heard my brother talking downstairs. Poetry, the two of us admire our brother's talent, that's why we want to get acquainted, nothing else."

Seeing the sincerity of Li Wenxuan's friendship with Qiu Shan, the young man was no longer as aloof as he was just now, he got up and thanked him: "I, Lin Sheng, what virtue and ability, I am really ashamed to be favored by these two young heroes."

Qiu Shan said: "It turned out to be Brother Lin. I just heard your poem. I think Brother Lin is not only talented, but also has a heart of worrying about the country and the people. It is right to get fame and display your ambitions. But why is it like this now?"

"Fame? Ha-ha!" Lin Sheng said with a wry smile, "If I have the heart to serve the country, if I hadn't gone to test for fame, how could I have ended up in such a state?"

Li Wenxuan asked: "How do you say this, brother Lin please explain in detail."

Lin Sheng poured another glass of wine and drank it down, and said, "Since I have fate with the two little brothers, I'll tell them all, so I can feel refreshed!" Lin Sheng looked at the bustling scenery left behind, and said slowly: " Not long ago, I went to Lin'an to take the autumn exam. This time, the exam questions only had two words 'Xing and An'. I wrote an article pointing out that if I want to seek prosperity and safety in the Song Dynasty, I must first seek perfection. This is the territory of my Song Dynasty. All in all, I suggested that the imperial court should make a northern expedition to the Central Plains to recover the mountains and rivers. It is expected that the examiner in the examination room is the lord and minister of the current imperial court. After reading my article, he immediately said that I am an upright person! I was dissatisfied and argued with the examiner , and was kicked out of the examination room..."

As Lin Sheng spoke, he was very sad, as if he was about to shed tears.

Li Wenxuan said: "Brother Lin is right, the Jin people occupy our Central Plains, and if we don't recover the lost land for a day, how can we talk about Xing'an!"

Qiu Shan also nodded in agreement, and asked, "What about the poem Brother Lin said just now, but what did you do?"

"Alas!" Lin Sheng said with a sigh: "I was kicked out of the examination room that day and returned to the inn. Seeing a group of princes and princes laughing and playing with prostitutes on the West Lake, I became even more angry, so I wrote this poem. Later, I felt that I was full of economics and had nowhere to use it, so I thought about it, what a shit Jiangshan Sheji, It's none of my business, it's better to let the waves go in the world and have a good time, and it's what it is now."

Lin Sheng's words were full of desolation and sorrow, and Li Wenxuan felt sad and wanted to comfort him when he heard Qiu Shan suddenly say: "I thought it was a character, but I didn't expect...that sentence is really good, One is a scholar'."

Li Wenxuan didn't know why Qiu Shan suddenly made such remarks to ridicule Lin Sheng, he was very embarrassed, but Lin Sheng directly said angrily, "I'm still two righteous men, so it turns out that you two are just making fun of me, so leave!"

Lin Sheng got up and was about to leave, Li Wenxuan hurriedly pulled him back, looked at Qiu Shan, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Qiu Shan's gourd.

Qiu Shan said again: "Wenxuan, let him go, this useless person is not worth it even if he dies, why do you keep him?"

This Lin Sheng is very angry, even if you beat him to pieces, you may not be able to push him half a point, but Qiu Shan's scolding like this is scolding the sore spot of the scholar.Lin Sheng didn't leave immediately, turned his head to argue with Qiu Shan, and said angrily, "What do you mean 'a scholar with nothing to use'!"

Qiu Shan sneered and said, "It's just a one-off test, what's the use of degrading yourself? If you really want to serve the country, how can you change the order? A loyal person pays attention to serving the country before he dies. You are so fussy about everything. Even if you write a few crooked poems, they are just trying to gain fame!"

Every word and every word of Qiu Shan pierced Lin Sheng's heart like a sharp knife. Lin Sheng was stunned immediately, and sat down blankly, his face ashen.After a long time, he said: "The lesson is, the lesson is..." After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine glass and wanted to drink again, but suddenly stopped halfway through.Lin Sheng looked at the wine in the glass and said, thank you for the son's golden words, it is like a blow to the head, let Lin Sheng wake up like a dream, I will definitely cheer up, I will definitely go to high school in the next autumn exam, not for fame, but for the country and society Do something practical! "

Seeing that Qiu Shan was already smiling at this time, Li Wenxuan also realized that just now Qiu Shan saw Lin Sheng and thought he was decadent, so he used this aggressive method.

Qiu Shan laughed and raised his glass and said, "Just now I provoked each other with words, I hope Brother Lin will not blame you, come on! I wish Brother Lin a high school in Japan!"

Li Wenxuan also raised his glass, but Lin Sheng pressed down the glass in front of him and said, "You two, I, Lin Sheng, have made up my mind today. Drinking is too much trouble. If I don't go to high school in the future, I, Lin Sheng, won't drink at all!"

Li Wenxuan said: "Okay! Then the two of us will replace wine with water today, toast Brother Lin!"

Lin Sheng, Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan chatted more and more speculatively. They talked about military and state affairs to people's livelihood, and from Jianghu grievances to poetry and songs. They chatted for more than an hour before giving up.Li Wenxuan paid for the meal.Lin Sheng was about to leave now, and jokingly said: "Lin Sheng was lucky enough to meet these two heroes, and this autumn test was not wasted. Thank you for your meal today!"

Li Wenxuan took out a small bag of scattered silver from his pocket, and wanted to hand it over to Lin Sheng. "Brother Lin, I see that you have exhausted all your financial expenses now, and it will take you many days to travel back to your hometown. Please accept these silver taels so that they can be used for expenses along the way."

Lin Sheng frowned and said, "How can I accept this silver tael? The two of you have already received a great favor by breaking Lin's heart. I can't starve to death." Lin Sheng was resolute in his words, and the scholar's arrogance was clearly seen.

Qiu Shan smiled and said: "Forget it, forget it, since brother Lin is not willing to accept it, we will not force it. We just hope to see you in Jianghu in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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