Chapter 88 Shadow Play

Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan bid farewell to Lin Sheng, and Li Wenxuan reckoned that it was time to go to Pinjian Villa, but Qiu Shan was still focused on wandering east and west, so Li Wenxuan was really distressed, so he asked: "Brother Qiu, we are also playing now." It's almost done, why don't we go to Pinjian Villa!"

Qiu Shan tilted his head, looked up at Li Wenxuan with a pair of beady eyes, and said, "There are still three days before the martial arts conference. We went too early, so it is of no use. Why don't you stay in Shaoxing for one more day? Just treat it as playing with me!" After finishing speaking, Qiu Shan looked at Li Wenxuan with a playful smile.

Qiu Shan said so, and Li Wenxuan didn't want to contradict him, so he had no choice but to wander around with Qiu Shan, stop and go along the way for most of the afternoon, both of them were a little tired, so they found an inn in the city, and the two went back to their rooms first rest.

When it was dark, Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were having dinner together in the inn, but they could hear the bustle opposite the inn, with endless applause and laughter.The two were curious, so Qiu Shan asked the waiter in the inn: "Second brother, what is going on outside this inn? Why is it so lively?"

The shop waiter replied: "Guest officer, you just moved in today, so I don't know. Recently, a father and daughter lived in my small shop. Both of them came from the north and came to Shaoxing to join relatives. I couldn't find it, so I stayed in a small shop. The father and daughter don't know other skills, but they are good at shadow puppetry. They have to perform a few performances on the street every night to earn some money. It's been a long time , the nearby neighbors also gather here every night to watch the father and daughter play shadow puppets."

"Shadow play?" Although Li Wenxuan had lived so long, this was the first time he had heard the term shadow play, and he didn't know what the waiter was talking about.

Seeing Li Wenxuan's bewildered expression, Qiu Shan guessed it right away, and said, "You haven't seen a shadow puppet show yet, have you? Let's go! I'll show you." After speaking, Qiu Shan and Li Wenxuan happily left the inn, The place of the shadow puppetry went over.

This shadow puppet guy is very simple, a wooden frame about the height of a person, covered with a piece of green cloth, and a small frame on it, one side is pasted with white paper, and two oil lamps are lit on the back. In front, two small figures can be seen talking or fighting vividly.This is such a small countertop, surrounded by several layers of people.

Qiu Shan squeezed in the crowd, Li Wenxuan followed behind, Qiu Shan squeezed out a space, Li Wenxuan took a further position, and the two of them used up a lot of energy to squeeze to the front row, only then did they see that today's shadow puppet show is "Guan Yunchang uses tricks" Kill Cai Yang".

The shadow puppets are two villains made of colored paper paste and bamboo strips. On the left side of the stage, a villain with a red face and long beard holds a moon knife in his hand. He sits on a red horse and is Guan Yunchang. The villain on the right is Guan Yunchang. Er Baimian rides a white horse, and also uses a big sword, so it is naturally Cai Yang.The two villains were attacking and defending on the stage, sometimes wrestling, sometimes chasing, lifelike, just like real people, fighting to the point where it was exciting, the crowd onlookers applauded endlessly.

The two villains seemed a little tired after fighting for a while, and they each retreated a little. The "Guan Yunchang" stood the Yanyue Saber on the ground and said, "We are fighting alone, why do you ask for help?" Guan Yunchang"'s voice sounded very rough at first, but when you listen carefully, it was kneaded from a young girl's throat.

"Cai Yang" on the opposite side said: "I never need help in war." The voice of "Cai Yang" and the voice of "Guan Yunchang" pretending to be the voice of the same woman, but after kneading the voice, it is the same woman's voice. They are not the same, each has its own characteristics.

"Guan Yunchang" raised his knife and pointed at "Cai Yang"'s back, "You said you don't want anyone to help you, so who is behind you?"

When "Cai Yang" just turned his head to watch, "Guan Yunchang" suddenly stepped forward and swung his knife down, only to see "Cai Yang"'s head was cut off immediately, and Gulu Gulu rolled away.Seeing "Cai Yang" being beheaded, many of the onlookers shouted out in amazement again and again.

Then "Cai Yang" sat down on the white horse, also neighed, and ran around the body of "Cai Yang" twice before getting out of the white screen.The neighing of the white horse was also imitated by ventriloquism, and the sound should come from the mouth of an old man.

As soon as the play came to this point, it was considered to be over, and everyone who watched the play was happy for a while, Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were no exception, especially Li Wenxuan, it was the first time for him to see such a new thing, so he was naturally very excited.

The applause did not stop, an old man and a young girl walked out from behind the green cloth. The old man's back was slightly bent, his hair was half black and half white, he looked about 50 years old, and looked haggard.The young girl has a straight body, about fifteen or sixteen years old, her body is tightly wrapped in a floral cotton jacket, with bumps and convexities, and she looks very cute, but she lacks some girlish decorations on her body. Otherwise, Chuluo is also a beauty.

The old man said: "Thank you all the neighbors for your support. My father and daughter came to Shaoxing from Pingyang Mansion to look for relatives, but they didn't find any news about their relatives, so we had to take advantage of Guibao to make a living with the skills passed down from family. Eat, thank you." After the old man said, he bowed deeply to the crowd, and the girl followed suit, took an iron plate from behind, and walked along the crowd one by one, begging for money.

Everyone saw that the old man was pitiful, and the girl was well-behaved, and the shadow puppetry was really clever, and she was not stingy, and she was rewarded more or less. When Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan were here, the girl made another Wanfu , and said softly: "Brother, you can watch and give some rewards. If you don't have it handy, it doesn't matter if you don't give it." Dewy in general.

Li Wenxuan couldn't help but asked, "Your father said that you came here from Pingyang Mansion thousands of miles away to visit relatives, but to avoid gold thieves?"

The girl didn't seem to expect that Li Wenxuan would ask her, she was very shy, lowered her head and whispered: "Well, yes."

Li Wenxuan was touched, so he took out a few pieces of silver, put them on the iron plate, pointed to Qiu Shan and said, "It belongs to the two of us."

The girl looked at the money Li Wenxuan gave, it was about four or five taels, and said: "Brother, you don't have to give so much money, you can take some back, my father said that he will charge a cent for every job he does." Don't be greedy for too much reward, our little crafts are not worth so much."

When Li Wenxuan heard the girl say this, his heart was greatly moved. He thought that it would be inappropriate for the old and the young to leave their hometown, but they are noble and pure people, and they are not greedy for money at all, which is really valuable.

Qiu Shan said from the side: "Just accept it, your craftsmanship is very good, these are not too many at all."

Seeing that Li Wenxuan and Qiu Shan looked kindly, the girl was unwilling to take back the money, so she made another blessing, thanked her again, and then continued to move forward to ask for a reward.

Qiu Shan turned to Li Wenxuan and said, "Okay, let's go, don't sigh, haven't you seen enough yet?"

Li Wenxuan was slightly stunned, blushed for a while, and said, "Brother Qiu, you are making fun of me again." After saying that, the two turned around and wanted to go back to the inn, but they heard a scream from behind, "Ah——"

(End of this chapter)

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