Self-cultivation of Kuaichuan Green Tea

Chapter 204 The merman trying to mix into human society

Chapter 204 The merman trying to mix into human society (15)

Xiao Tian wore a light white dress today, not to mention it was stained brown, and the wet clothes were slightly transparent against her body, so she couldn't go out to meet people at all.

Zhao Wen walked away with a smile, Xiao Tian trembled and gritted his teeth to prevent tears from rolling down his eyes.

How can she play like this?There were so many male staff and contestants outside, it was difficult for her to get out of the toilet.

Qu Lingyuan stepped off the stage and returned to the waiting room but did not see Xiao Tian, ​​but Zhao Yan looked at her provocatively, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

"Where's Xiao Tian?" She took a few steps closer with a sullen face and asked Zhao Wen.

Zhao Yan didn't hide anything, blinked his eyes with heavy makeup, and replied simply: "In the toilet."

Turning around decisively to leave the waiting room, Qu Lingyuan was a little worried.

There was no one in the toilet, but there was a cubicle with a locked door, and Xiao Tian's shoes could be seen from the gap below.

Qu Lingyuan raised her hand to knock on the door, and asked softly, "Xiao Tiantian, are you inside?"

Xiao Tian was silent for a while, and spoke with a crying voice: "Sister Qu..."

With a cry, she hesitated and opened the lock of the compartment.

The coffee dripping from the white dress had been wiped dry, and the wet cloth stuck to Xiao Tian's chest, looking extremely distressed.

"What's going on here?" Qu Lingyuan frowned and looked at the skirt, her voice slightly annoyed, "Did Zhao Wen do it?"

"Yeah." Xiao Tian nodded slowly, her eyes began to turn red again.

Qu Lingyuan sighed: "Now is not the time for revenge, you should wear my skirt first."

The height difference between the two of them is not too much, and the clothes can barely be changed.

"How can I do that, this skirt is so dirty..." Xiao Tian shook her head violently, disagreeing with her proposal.

It's fine if it's just plain water. Coffee has sugar, which makes it sticky to people. She doesn't want Qu Lingyuan to suffer from this.

"Anyway, you have to participate in the competition. I don't have time to find you a new suit now. You can change it and go quickly." Qu Lingyuan urged Xiao Tian, ​​and began to undress involuntarily.

The most important thing now is the competition, and there is no good way other than changing clothes.

Xiao Tian also knew this, she gritted her teeth and did not continue to evade.

Fortunately, the skirt did not continue to drip, and Qu Lingyuan was not worried that her legs would accidentally turn into fishtails for the time being.

Standing on the stage this time with the mentality of not being able to let Sister Qu down, Xiao Tian was extraordinarily quiet.

Lu Qizhi was still sitting on the judging table as usual, he looked at Xiao Tian in confusion for a moment: "Why are you wearing the same clothes as Qu Lingyuan?"

Xiao Tian gritted her teeth and smiled, trying not to show a strange expression: "There was an accident in the background, Miss Qu is nice, she changed clothes with me."

She hoped that Lu Qizhi would understand and go to save the scene after the recording was over.

The time for a song was very short, and the judges' comments and scores did not exceed 10 minutes. After Xiao Tian stepped down from the stage, she escaped the interview and hurried to the toilet.

Where is sister Qu waiting for her?

"Are you back?" Qu Lingyuan was leisurely leaning against the wall and playing with her mobile phone, not feeling at all uncomfortable.

Xiao Tian bit her lips in shame and anger: "Change back your clothes. The reporters in the backstage should have all come to the waiting room. If you go out like this, you will be photographed."

Qu Lingyuan thought for a while while tugging at the hem of her skirt: "I'll give you the clothes now, and you'll be photographed when you go out."

"Since being photographed is unavoidable, then I can't let you suffer in my place." Xiao Tian smiled relaxedly, she didn't seem to care too much, "It's too late to go home to get the clothes, and soon there will be It's time to clear."

As she spoke, she reached out to unzip the zipper around her waist.

Qu Lingyuan raised her hand to stop her, and blinked playfully: "Maybe there is a better way."

Xiao Tian tilted her head a little puzzled, and saw Qu Lingyuan opened the address book and made a call.

"Dear Mr. Lu, I remember you seem to be wearing a coat today?"

After a while, Lu Qizhi's voice came from outside the toilet.

"Come out."

There are quite a few media outside who saw him yelling at the women's restroom.

Qu Lingyuan shook off her long hair, and pulled Xiao Tian out.

As soon as she walked to the door, she was wrapped in a large coat head-on. With the cold fragrance that belonged to Lu Qizhi, the coat hung down to her thighs, tightly blocking the coffee-glued skirt.

She didn't change the skirt to Xiao Tian, ​​because Lu Qizhi's coat cannot appear on Xiao Tian's body.

In case those good media took photos and tweeted them with embellishments, it is estimated that some weird love triangle topics will be brought up again.

In the field of view of the two people with the most hot topic at present, all the nearby media rushed over with a smell.

"May I ask if the two of you have established a relationship?"

"Xiaolu confessed unilaterally, why didn't he respond?"

"Look at your clothes, did something happen in the backstage during the competition? Is it not compatible with other contestants?"


Lu Qizhi was very flamboyant, he didn't answer at all, and walked out with his arms around Qu Lingyuan's shoulders, Xiao Tian stumbled behind them.

Zhao Yan was standing not far away.

She originally wanted to watch the excitement, but she did not expect to give Qu Lingyuan a chance to show her affection, she gritted her teeth angrily.

Isn't it because there is a man behind him?

Some time ago, Lu Qizhi confessed that she had smeared Qu Lingyuan's participation on Weibo, saying that Qu Lingyuan's good grades were due to her long-standing acquaintance with the judges.

However, Qu Lingyuan's voice and appearance are enough to crush everyone, so except for a few sour people, no one supports her point of view.

Lu Qizhi still had work to do, Qu Lingyuan and Xiao Tian took a taxi home and were blocked by the media for a long time.

After finally returning home, the two collapsed on the sofa as if they had just left the battlefield.

"Suddenly I feel that it is necessary for me to buy a car." Qu Lingyuan took off the coffee-stained skirt and walked to the bathroom with heavy steps.

Xiao Tian wanted to take a shower with her, but Qu Lingyuan refused with disgust.

She didn't want Xiao Tian to see her legs turned into fish tails.

"I've wanted to ask for a long time, and you don't go to work, where did you get so much savings?" Xiao Tian finally couldn't help asking as she watched her back walking towards the bathroom.

Qu Lingyuan brushed her hair and looked back with a smile: "The lottery ticket is a good thing."

Coming out of the bathroom, Qu Lingyuan saw Xiao Tian packing her luggage.

Rubbing her half-dry hair, she pulled on her slippers and sat down on the sofa lazily: "You really want to go back to the dormitory, isn't the relationship in the dormitory not very good?"

"Who told me that I just happened to be fourth. I don't have to participate in the top3 finals. I'm ashamed to stay here to bother you." Xiao Tian was holding a piece of clothing in her hand, and scratched her head shyly.

If it weren't for the heavy pressure of competitions and studies, living in the dormitory would be exhausting, and she would not choose to disturb Qu Lingyuan.

Now that the game is over, it's time for her to return to her normal life.

"It's not a nuisance," Qu Lingyuan waved her hand nonchalantly, "I won't interfere with your decision, if the dormitory still can't accommodate you, you are always welcome here."

(End of this chapter)

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