Self-cultivation of Kuaichuan Green Tea

Chapter 205 The merman trying to mix into human society

Chapter 205 The merman trying to mix into human society (16)

Xiao Tian moved out from here soon, and Lu Qizhi still came here to eat every day without getting tired of it.

The final of Rising Star was broadcast live, it was still early, and Qu Lingyuan didn't feel any pressure, she didn't even have to participate in training every day, and those instructors didn't have anything to teach her.

As the weather gradually turned cold, she bought a rocking chair and placed it near the balcony, living like an old grandmother every day.

Just after lunch, Lu Qizhi came over mysteriously.

"Has the track been decided in the final?" he asked.

The rocking chair swayed slightly, Qu Lingyuan slowly raised her head, with a casual expression: "Not yet."

A piece of paper was stuffed into her arms, she glanced at it suspiciously, and kept silent, waiting for him to explain himself.

"A song I wrote for you." Lu Qizhi blushed slightly, raised his chin with a proud expression, as if there was an extra tail swaying rapidly behind him, exuding the aura of "seeking praise".

Qu Lingyuan couldn't hold back, straightened up from the rocking chair, stroked his fluffy and soft hair with one paw, and immediately filled her face with satisfaction.

"Is this what it feels like to have a dog?" She muttered to herself.

Lu Qizhi: "???"

The repertoire for the final was also settled, and Qu Lingyuan stayed at home to learn new songs.

Lu Qizhi's talent in music is really unmatched. He never wrote songs for others. This time, he specially composed music and lyrics for her because of the finals, and he didn't know how many people would be jealous if he released the news.

The female supporting role is an actor, and the benefits are obvious.

Yin Meng is still in the promotion stage of her career. She has been filming recently, so she is too busy to touch the ground, and she has no time to plot against her.

Qu Lingyuan was happy to be at leisure, and didn't bother to care about her.

If there is something uncomfortable
She felt as if she missed the sea a little bit.

After all, she is still a mermaid in essence, and the sea is her origin, and she will feel a little restless if she stays on land for too long.

It seems that after the finals, I will go for a walk on the beach.


After finally making it to the day of the finals, Qu Lingyuan waited in the backstage early.

If it wasn't for finding Lu Qizhi, she really didn't want to participate in such a troublesome audition.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wen entered the top 3. It is said that she spent a lot of money to hire a very powerful tutor to study hard during the competition, and only then did she improve her score step by step after the primary election.

Otherwise, according to the rhythm of the primary election, she might be eliminated in the reelection.

Zhao Yan still has talent, but his character. Qu Lingyuan doesn't make too many comments.

She was standing in the background quietly waiting to go on stage, and Zhao Yan walked over with a proud face.

"This time, I invited a gold-medal songwriter to write a new song for me, and I've decided on No.1."

Qu Lingyuan's slender hands smoothed her hair in an orderly manner, and she smiled inscrutablely: "You just want to be happy."

Zhao Wen gritted his teeth and walked away from her in a bored manner.

Qu Lingyuan's attitude made her feel as if she had punched the cotton with a fist, and she had nowhere to vent her anger.

The first one to come on stage was Qu Lingyuan.

Standing on the rising star stage for the last time, she is wearing extraordinarily gorgeous clothes today.

Out of emphasis on the new song, she even "strangely" put on makeup herself, which almost moved Lu Qizhi to death.

When the spotlight hit her body, Qu Lingyuan squinted her eyes unconsciously.

Lu Qizhi sat on the judging table and smiled at her.

Now everyone knows about their delicate relationship, and the program group also intends to hitchhike a ride to hype it up. The camera is on the two of them, making the audience watching the live broadcast extremely excited in front of the TV.

Xiao Tian, ​​a good boy, even skipped class and watched the live broadcast in the dormitory with her mobile phone, just to not miss her touching moment with Sister Qu.

The long-familiar melody rang in her ears, and Qu Lingyuan lightly tapped the microphone.

The song was specially composed for her by Lu Qizhi, and no one else could sing this song perfectly except her.

What she is best at is rendering emotions, and Lu Qizhi has figured this out. The tune of the chorus part is ups and downs, exciting.

It is no surprise that Qu Lingyuan performed at her best level.

Her treble seems to have no limit, and its penetrating power is extremely strong, which shocked all the audience present and those who watched the live broadcast in front of the TV.

The final is a moment to show off skills. If I have to describe it, Qu Lingyuan can be said to have shown off the sky.

Lu Qizhi often listened to Qu Lingyuan and practiced singing at home, but he was still overwhelmed by the upsurge of the scene, and lost his mind for a moment.

He couldn't help but think of the topic on Weibo recently.

Many netizens called Qu Lingyuan the "Siren Siren", and he finally realized how appropriate this title was.

At the end of the song, the audience was silent.

"You are really a treasure." Lu Qizhi was the first to speak.

Everyone can see the affection and love in his eyes through the camera.

Now he didn't want to hide his feelings for Qu Lingyuan at all, he just brought it out and put it in front of the stage, just waiting for that radiant woman to accept.

"This is a new song, isn't it?" Zhou Anran smiled softly, her tone full of appreciation.

Qu Lingyuan nodded, then looked at Lu Qizhi: "It's a new song written by Xiaolu specially for the final."

Li Kepeng couldn't help laughing: "According to the lyrics, this is a love song for confession. You two can abuse us older single dogs."

Late marriage is normal in the entertainment industry. Many people don't have a partner in middle age. What he said is appropriate.

The other two judges laughed, only Lu Qizhi's face turned red.

The most important link is the judges' scoring, which determines the ranking order of the top three.

Lu Qizhi made no secret of his eccentricity, and directly scored 100 points.

He thought his actions were out of the ordinary, but when he looked back, the other three judges also scored full marks. Rising Star was not the first phase, and this kind of scene was really rare.

"I can't help it, but if I lose a point, I feel that I have treated Lingyuan badly." Wang Ji spread her hands helplessly at the camera.

Once the four full marks are out, the ranking is basically determined.

Zhao Yan's heart was beating wildly in the backstage, but she was the second to enter the stage. When walking up the steps, her footsteps were out of rhythm, and she was almost tripped and made a fool of herself.

Qu Lingyuan passed her by in the background, and raised her chin and stabbed her: "So are you happy?"

Zhao Yan stood on the stage and held the microphone tightly, his eyes swept over Lu Qizhi in a hurry, not daring to stop at all.


She's so happy!
The gold medal creator she is proud of is a clown in front of Lu Qizhi, and she actually went to Qu Lingyuan to find a sense of presence in front of Qu Lingyuan before?

God is indeed fair, he opened a door for Lu Qizhi and a window for Qu Lingyuan.

When it was Zhao Wen's turn, there was only one seam left, waiting for her to drill through!
"Am I too bad?" Qu Lingyuan found a place to sit in the backstage, waiting for the final encore awards, and did not forget to chat with Yi Ling.

"It's so cool to be bad." Yi Ling put on his waist nonchalantly.

To be honest, the way Qu Lingyuan sang on stage moved his heart a little.

But does he really understand what it feels like to be moved?

Yiling was a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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