The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 108 I don't have such a big belly, Haihan can't do it!

Chapter 108 I don't have such a big belly, Haihan can't do it!
"Who wants to laugh away with you?" Feng Qingcheng didn't give him face at all, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and there was a hint of disdain and contempt in her eyes, "Young Master Zhao takes himself too seriously."

She never holds grudges, because if there is any grudge, she will avenge it on the spot.

For example, last time, when he couldn't control his mouth, she made him unable to straighten his third leg!
The smile on Zhao Yanxuan's face couldn't hold for a moment, his eyes swept away, and his eyes fell on the veiled Haitang, "Haitang, go and play a song for me."

Haitang bowed slightly, and said in an apologetic tone, "Young Master Zhao, I'm sorry, Haitang is not feeling well, and I'm afraid I won't be able to play the piano again today."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the door, but Zhao Yanxuan stopped her before she could take two steps, "Hai Tang, I came to Chunfeng Building to have fun, not to see your face, you better understand yourself Identity, you are not the woman of the Fourth Highness, what qualifications do you have to take Joe with me here?"

He intentionally accentuated the words "Four Highnesses". In fact, he was intentionally arranging Feng Qingcheng, but the speaker had no intention but the listener did.

Haitang's face turned pale, but fortunately she covered her face, so no one could see the clue.

She pursed her lips, and said again, "Master Zhao, there are many beautiful girls in the Spring Breeze Tower. Haitang's hand was scratched, please be considerate of Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yanxuan felt useless in front of Feng Qingcheng, and now his face darkened when he saw that a mere qin prostitute dared to show off with him.

He glanced at her fingertips scratched by the strings, and sneered coldly, "Is this considered an injury? Haitang, I have spent so much money, and you are not happy with me? All right, then shout Qin Shuangshuang came over and asked her how to train girls! The greatest meaning of all the women in Chunfeng Building is to please men. Don't forget the fact that you are a prostitute just because you have the support of His Royal Highness Six! Since you are out to sell, don't stand up! Torii!"

Haitang pinched her hands tightly by her sides, but she still restrained herself and didn't say a word.

Cang Yanche couldn't take it anymore, "Zhao Yanxuan, Haitang is here to play the piano for the hall today, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Your Highness Sixth, haven't you finished listening?" Zhao Yanxuan deliberately found fault, not afraid of this idle prince who has no real power in his hands, "Or are you going to take over Haitang?"

There are a lot of girls in the Chunfeng Tower, and some girls with good looks and skills are attracted by the sons of rich and noble families. As long as those masters are willing to spend money, they can not receive other guests for a period of time and concentrate on serving the sons who take care of them. .

Cang Yanche's mansion has not yet married a concubine, and he came to Chunfenglou just to listen to music for entertainment. After hearing this, Jun's face couldn't help but sink, "You!"

Haitang didn't want them to make trouble because of her, so she took a deep breath, "Young Master Zhao, what song do you want to hear?"

Zhao Yanxuan narrowed his eyes and stared at her veiled face for a moment, then suddenly smiled lightly, "I've changed my mind now, as long as you offer me three glasses of wine to apologize, I will let you go."

The guests who often come to the Spring Breeze Building know that once Haitang gets drunk, red rashes will appear all over her body, which is not a big deal in modern times with advanced medical standards, but in Yuncang Country, if it is serious, it is very likely to be fatal.

Haitang's expression froze, and she lowered her head and said, "Haitang can't drink alcohol, please Mr. Zhao Haihan."

Zhao Yanxuan snorted coldly, "I don't have that big a stomach, Haihan can't do it! Either drink three glasses of wine, or bring Qin Shuangshuang here!"

Obviously, today he will not give up until he achieves his goal.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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