The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 109 With his IQ, he still expects to trick her?

Chapter 109 With his IQ, he still expects to trick her?
Feng Qingcheng couldn't stand it, and he took advantage of the problem, stepped forward to help Haitang and said, "How about this, I'll drink Miss Haitang's three glasses of wine for her, how about it?"

These words actually hit Zhao Yanxuan's heart. He squinted his eyes and stared at Feng Qingcheng calmly. After pondering for a moment, he slowly continued, "Princess Rui has a noble status. I dare not make you drink three glasses of wine. In case something goes wrong, Am I not responsible?"

Feng Qingcheng looked at the expression on his face without a smile on his face, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Don't worry, I'm different from some sleazy people. If anything happens to me in Chunfeng Building, I will definitely not It's on you."

What Zhao Yanxuan was waiting for was her words. At this moment, he raised his eyes and glanced at the few people present, "You all heard clearly, if something really happens then, don't blame me!"

Listening to Feng Qingcheng's words, a mockery flashed in his eyes, Zhao Yanxuan, a no-brainer, made a clean slate for himself before he even made a move, and with his IQ, he still expects to set her up, it's just a dream.

Feng Qingcheng really wanted to see what kind of tricks he could play, and nodded briskly, "Okay, I won't do such lowly things."

"Leak?" Bi Yue next to her was startled, and interjected shamelessly, "Miss, what does leak mean?"

Feng Qingcheng opened the folding fan in her hand, and fanned it twice unhurriedly, "It means that I am different from Mr. Zhao, and it is impossible to casually pour dirty water on others."

Zhao Yanxuan saw that she was making fun of him every time she spoke, so he just snorted secretly in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"Since the concubine insists on accepting the fine wine, if I push it away again, I will look ungrateful." Zhao Yanxuan walked to the red sandalwood table, picked up the flagon on the table and poured two glasses of wine each time.

However, the moment he picked up the wine glass, he moved his fingers slightly, and a small white pill-shaped object rolled into the wine glass, which melted when it met the wine, and soon disappeared.

There was a stern look in Zhao Yanxuan's eyes, and when he turned around, his smile changed back, "Princess, please."

When he was pouring the wine just now, he deliberately turned his back to them, so as to block the sight of all of them.

Although Feng Qingcheng didn't see the movements of his hands, she predicted his thoughts.

She walked to the table, glanced at the two wine glasses in his hand, and reached out for the one closest to her. Just when her fingertips were about to touch the wine glass, she looked at the door and suddenly said, " Hey, isn't that who it is!"

Everyone was attracted by her words, Qiqi looked sideways at the door, and Zhao Yanxuan was no exception.

Feng Qingcheng took the opportunity to switch the two people's wine glasses, and then pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Oh, I seem to have misjudged the person."

Biyue stretched her neck long, and when she heard this, she immediately turned to look at her, and said with her mouth curled up in reproach, "Miss, I thought I really met an acquaintance, I was shocked!"

They disguised themselves as men and sneaked into Chunfeng Building. If it was spread at this juncture, it would definitely have an impact on Feng Qingcheng's reputation.

After all, there are rumors about the death of Wang Dalong and the watchman outside, if people know that she is having fun in this kind of place, there may be some big troubles!
Feng Qingcheng clicked her tongue softly, "Look at your talent, how timid you are!"

Zhao Yanxuan withdrew his gaze and glanced at their master and servant, then glanced down at the wine glass in front of him, his eyes moved slightly, then he picked up the wine glass, "Princess Rui, I respect you."

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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