The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 201 Are You Out Of Prison?

Chapter 201 Are You Out Of Prison?

Feng Qingyin had already talked about this point, so Zhao Wan'er naturally couldn't say anything more.

She is still suffering from ecstasy, and she can't protect herself, so how can she care so much?
At this time, Zhao Wan'er's face had already been scratched with several bloodstains. Seeing that Feng Qingyin still had no intention of letting her go, she crawled to Feng Qingyin's feet, "Second miss, I feel so uncomfortable. I will die, please do me a favor and let me go!"

Feng Qingyin kicked her away like throwing a rag, and then walked out without looking back.

On the floor of the secret room, Zhao Wan'er was lying there, gritting her teeth and enduring the pain like ten thousand ants devouring her heart, with deep hatred reflected in her eyes.

As long as she has one breath in this life, she will never let Feng Qingyin go!All the pain that woman inflicted on her, one day she will pay back a thousand times and a hundred times!

For the past half month, Cang Yanliu was bedridden to recuperate from his injuries, Feng Qingcheng was extremely at ease, and she had the final say on everything in the palace.

Cang Yanlai's physical strength and energy were limited, so she let her do it.

There is nothing interesting in the house, this day is on the sixth day of June, which is the Fire Festival of Yuncang Kingdom.

On the night of this day, many people will burn the people carved out of wood as sacrifices, in order to pray for the protection of the sun god, and that the crops will have a bumper harvest in the coming year.

The streets were extremely lively at night, many people wearing various wooden masks gathered in the largest square in the capital, waiting for the burning ceremony to begin.

Feng Qingcheng is a master who can't stand loneliness, and brings Cangli out to play before dark.

For convenience, she was dressed in men's clothes, holding a folding fan in her hand, looking chic and suave.

Cangli is used to living in the temple, still wearing a gray monk robe, with a shiny bald head, walking in the crowd with a [-]% rate of turning heads.

He had never been around before, and he opened a pair of big black eyes and looked around curiously.

"Candied haws! Fragrant and sweet candied haws!"

Not far away was an old man with a beard and gray hair who was selling candied haws. When Cangli used to live on Canaan Mountain, every time a nephew went down the mountain for alms, he would bring back a bunch of candied haws with him.

When he saw the bright red hawthorn wrapped in crystal-clear icing, he suddenly couldn't walk, "Mother! Ah Li, want to eat candied haws?"

"Okay." Feng Qingcheng led him to the old man selling candied haws, "Bring me two bunches of candied haws."

The old man took down two bunches of candied haws and handed them to them, and she took out a piece of silver from her belt, "How much?"

"Little girl, it is fate to meet, these two bunches of candied haws are for you."

Hearing his voice, Feng Qingcheng inexplicably felt familiar. When she looked up, she found that he was the old man who was imprisoned in the government prison.

"It turned out to be you! Grandpa, are you out of prison?"

He was locked in the prison with the death row before, how did he get out?I don't seem to have heard from the government that an important fugitive escaped from prison?
"Well, it's been only two days since I came out, and it's too boring in the prison." The old man stroked his white beard, his eyes fell on her clear and beautiful face, and his expression was slightly trembling.

He pondered for a moment, then said to her solemnly, "Little girl, don't go to places with few people tonight!"

Feng Qingcheng was full of doubts. Looking at his mysterious expression, she subconsciously thought that he was a swindler, and didn't take his advice to heart.

After all, when the moon is dark and the wind is high, who would go to a place where there are few people?

"Thank you for reminding me." She stuffed the broken silver into his hand, pulled the little guy and left.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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