The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 202 I have never killed a child in my life!

Chapter 202 I have never killed a child in my life!

Probably because the clothes Feng Qingcheng wears are of very good material, and when she bought candied haws, she showed her wealth. Two middle-aged and strong men saw that she was thin and thin, and she was only accompanied by a young monk, so they hit them with bad ideas. .

However, pedestrians came and went on the street, and Feng Qingcheng was very interested in the various gadgets sold at the roadside stalls, and didn't even notice that someone was following them.

Feng Qingcheng picked up a Yasha mask from the stall and put it on Cangli's face, "Wow! This mask is so cute and ugly, so cute! Ah Li, do you like it?"

It was the first time for Cangli to come to this kind of market, and he found everything fresh and interesting, "I like it! Mother, can you buy two? My father will definitely like it too! Let's take him out to play next time!"

"Isn't your father's presence disturbing our two-person world? Boss, take two masks." Feng Qingcheng said as she took out her money bag.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed over, grabbed her purse and turned around and ran away.

Feng Qingcheng was startled, and turned her head quickly, only to find that a ghostly guy was grabbing her purse and running into the crowd.

The thief dared to set his mind on her, how tired of work!
"Stop! Don't run!" Feng Qingcheng chased a few steps away, when she saw the little bald head standing behind her, she paused, then went back to the stall and took his little hand, "A Li, let's go, mother Go catch the thief!"

"it is good!"

Don't look at Cang Liren's short legs, but his running speed is no slower than Feng Qingcheng's.

The abbot of the Canaan Temple has strict requirements on him. Since he can walk, he has to go to the stream halfway up the mountain with his nephews every morning to fetch water and return to the temple.

He has been able to carry two small wooden barrels up and down the mountain since he was two and a half years old, so running is very easy for him.

Feng Qingcheng saw that the little guy was running without changing his expression and was not panting, and then looked at the thief who had already opened a large distance from them, and immediately quickened his pace again.

Torches were lit all over the streets, and the lights shone so brightly that the night seemed like day.

Feng Qingcheng pursued the thief closely, and the thief walked through several alleys in succession. Seeing them, one big and one small, still chasing after them, the thief did not hesitate to go through the deep alleys and lead them to a place where there were few people.

Feng Qingcheng wanted to get the money bag back to buy a mask for A Li, but she didn't stop even though she discovered his intention.

She wished she could find a remote place to give this kind of scum who likes to get something for nothing a lesson, so that he would think of what happened tonight was like going through a nightmare, and it would have a psychological shadow on stealing things!
After chasing him for a while, a mountain temple suddenly appeared in front of him, but the plaque at the entrance of the temple had been peeled off from the door, and the inside of the temple was even more pitch black. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time.

The man stopped when he had no way to escape, pulled out a gleaming dagger from his waist, turned around and stared at them fiercely, "Stinky boy, I have never missed anything after stealing for so many years. Money bag and my life One must stay tonight."

Feng Qingcheng didn't pay attention to his threats at all, and pulled the corner of her lower lip coldly, "I will definitely take the money bag, but as for my life, I'll leave yours here to accompany the mountain god."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was another rush of footsteps behind her, and it was the thief's accomplice who had also arrived.

Seeing that he had a helper, the thief became even more arrogant. He waved the dagger in his hand and threatened her, "Stinky boy, I have never killed a child in my life, but if you don't get out again, I don't mind making an exception."

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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