The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 203 It is not impossible to reward you with a coffin!

Chapter 203 It is not impossible to reward you with a coffin!
Seeing his brashness, Feng Qingcheng sneered, "It's not certain who will die. If you really like that purse, it's not impossible to reward you with a coffin."

"If you don't want to drink a toast, I'll make you happy!" The thief didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, so he swung his dagger and stabbed at Feng Qingcheng.

Feng Qingcheng didn't dodge or dodge, when he rushed in front of him, she kicked him with a sweeping kick, knocking him to the ground on the spot.

The thief didn't expect her to look like a gentle boy, and she didn't expect to be able to kung fu.

He quickly got up from the ground, clenched the dagger in his hand as if facing an enemy, and at the same time winked at his accomplice standing not far away.

His accomplice understood, and immediately rushed towards the little bald man standing aside.

They all knew in their hearts that the child with the weakest fighting power among them must be a child, as long as he was caught, this little boy would definitely submit obediently.

"Come on, mother! Come on, mother!"

Cangli stood under a wild peach tree at the entrance of the mountain temple, clapping his little hands to cheer her up.

Feng Qingcheng listened to her son's immature cheering sound, and moved her wrist joints, ready to amplify her moves.Seeing that the thief was too late to come forward, too lazy to argue with him, he simply took the initiative to attack.

She saw her body move suddenly, and she grabbed the thief's wrist neatly.

The thief didn't even react, only heard a crisp 'click', which was the sound of dislocation of joints.


The severe pain hit, the thief's face turned pale, and he screamed on the spot.

Feng Qingcheng took the money bag from his hand and threw him on the ground like a torn rag.

Turning around, she was about to tell her son to leave, but found that the thief's accomplice had already raised a dagger and stabbed the little bald head in the back of the neck.

Cangli stood with his back facing him, and his attention was all on Feng Qingcheng, and the child's vigilance was not that high, so he didn't know the danger was coming.

And Feng Qingcheng was afraid of accidentally hurting him just now, when he hit the thief, he deliberately avoided a long distance.

At this moment, even if she puts on her wings, she can't fly over to save him immediately.

"A Li!!!"

Feng Qingcheng's heart clenched fiercely, watching the dagger fall, but she couldn't do anything.

And at this critical moment, suddenly a long black shadow was thrown out from the peach forest behind Ah Li, and slapped heavily on the accomplice's body.

The accomplice fell to the ground on the spot, spit out a big mouthful of blood with a 'wow', and then completely remained still.

"Monster, monster..."

When the thief saw this scene, his face turned pale with fright. He didn't care about the pain of the broken hand bone, so he screamed in fear and ran away.

Feng Qingcheng rushed forward with lingering fear, hugged Cangli, looked left and right, and when she found that he was not injured, she was relieved, "Ah Li, you scared me to death!"

Cang Li blinked his big eyes, turned his head to look at the accomplice who was lying on the ground, with a bit of bewilderment on his white and tender face, "Mother, what's wrong with him?"

Feng Qingcheng stared at his dying accomplice on the ground, and then recalled that something in the forest had seriously injured him just now, but everything happened so suddenly, she didn't even have time to see clearly what it was that injured him just now .

No matter what was in the forest, it was a fact that they saved Cangli.

Feng Qingcheng touched his bare head, and said warmly, "A Li, you stay here and don't move, I'll go in and have a look."

Cang Li grabbed her hand, "Mother, Ah Li will go with you."

Leaving the little guy outside the woods alone is really worrying, Feng Qingcheng nodded thoughtfully and said, "Okay, let's go in together."

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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