The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 204 Kill it and eliminate harm for the people!

Chapter 204 Kill it and eliminate harm for the people!
Feng Qingcheng walked a few steps away, as if thinking of something, she quickly turned around and picked up the dagger on the ground.

She held Cang Li in one hand and the dagger in the other, and walked into the woods step by step.

Since this wild peach grove has not been taken care of for a long time, the branches and leaves are very lush, and the vision in front of it becomes darker when I enter it.

The hazy moonlight spilled down through the gaps between the branches and leaves, and I could barely see the road under my feet clearly.

From the moment she entered the wild peach forest, Feng Qingcheng inexplicably felt a chill down her spine, as if there was something terrible lurking in a dark place she didn't know.

She held the dagger tightly, turned her head and told the little guy who was following her, "A Li, follow me closely, don't..."

"Mother!" She had just finished speaking when Cang Li interrupted her, pointing at the nearby bushes with her fleshy little hand, "Look quickly, what is that?"

Feng Qingcheng paused, turned her head and looked in the direction of his finger.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

I saw a red python lying on the grass, its long body hidden deep in the bushes, if you don't look carefully, you can't even see it.

When Feng Qingcheng looked towards the giant python, her eyes just happened to meet the pair of green vertical pupils of the giant python, she was shocked suddenly, and her legs became weak uncontrollably.

If it wasn't for Cang Li's support, she might have fallen down on the spot.

Cang Li raised his tender white face, his big black eyes were full of concern, "Mother, what's the matter with you?"

Feng Qingcheng took two deep breaths, and pulled Cang Li behind her, "A Li, it's dangerous over there, don't come close!"

Cang Li scratched his bald head, his big eyes flickered, and asked in puzzlement, "Mother, where is the danger?"

"Hey! Hiss!"

Feng Qingcheng moved her mouth, and was about to speak, when a soft sound of a boa constrictor spitting out a letter suddenly came from her ear.


Feng Qingcheng looked at the blood-red Xinzi of the giant python, and felt her scalp go numb, and screamed uncontrollably.

The next moment, she pulled Cang Li up, turned around and ran towards the exit of Wild Peach Forest.

However, before the lifted foot touched the ground, a blur suddenly appeared before the eyes, and the long body of the python lay across the path, blocking their way.

Feng Qingcheng was naturally afraid of snakes, and the blood on her face faded completely. She retreated instinctively, but saw Cang Li walking closer to the boa constrictor step by step.

Feng Qingcheng quickly went to pull him, "A Li, don't go over there!"

Cangli was very courageous, he looked closer and looked again, pointed at the python's tail and said crisply, "Mother, the big snake is injured!"

Feng Qingcheng was stunned, overcame the fear in his heart, lowered his head and looked along the sacrificial body, and found that many gravels had been embedded in the flesh of the huge snake tail, and the dark red snake blood flowed out.

The giant python's huge triangular head was lying limply on the ground, and its vertical pupils were eagerly looking at her, showing a bit of pitifulness.

The position of Feng Qingcheng's heart twitched inexplicably, and there was a trace of sympathy from a certain angle in her heart.

How crazy!

Did she feel compassion for a boa constrictor now?

please!This boa constrictor was an accomplice in the case of the skeleton corpse, and it also swam into the other garden of Feng's house to put all the blame on Aunt Feng's body. Now it deserves to be injured like this!

Taking advantage of the fact that it is injured and unable to move, let's just kill it with one knife and eliminate the harm for the people!

Thinking of this, Feng Qingcheng raised the dagger in his hand and was about to stab it.

Cang Li watched her movements, and the expression on his little face changed, "Mother! What are you going to do?"

Feng Qingcheng took it for granted, "Kill it, and eliminate harm for the people!"

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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