The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 210 How about using a chamber pot?

Chapter 210 How about using a chamber pot?

Cang Yanlei smiled slightly, and asked a seemingly irrelevant question unhurriedly, "Princess, where did you pick up this boa constrictor?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't understand his intentions, but she told him the process of encountering the python truthfully.

At the end, she emphasized again, "No matter what, I still don't think this boa constrictor should be kept."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Cangli clenched his small fists to show his position, "Mother, when we were on the mountain, Master often taught us to repay every little favor we receive. From now on, Dabai is my benefactor. If I am here, I will also go when it goes.”

This little guy actually threatened her?
Before Feng Qingcheng could speak, Cang Yanlu said again, "Even if the concubine can't trust pythons, can't she still trust the judgment of this hall?"

"Yes, mother, you have to trust us!"

The father and son sang together, and Feng Qingcheng's head was bombed one after another by them in turn, "It's alright, alright, I promise it's okay!"

"Ah Li knows that mother is the best!" Cang Li hugged her waist affectionately, rubbing his face on her body.

"Don't be too happy, I will put the ugly words first, as long as this snake has any bad motives, I will drive it away."

Of course, if the circumstances were serious, she wouldn't mind using a killer to avoid future troubles, but she didn't say too much in front of the little guy, lest she scare him.

Cang Yanwei looked at her, with a slight smile in his dark eyes, "Princess, don't worry, if the python dares to make any changes, the hall will personally kill it."

He kept the boa constrictor, in addition to wanting to find out its former owner, he also wanted to find out what was abnormal about the boa constrictor's blood.

A month ago, the Gu poison on his body was inexplicably cured, and he couldn't find the reason after thinking about it.

Until Cang Li mentioned the python rescued him to him, a bold idea flashed in his mind—maybe the one who cured him was the python blood he swallowed by mistake!

This idea seems absurd, but upon further investigation, it is not impossible.

The owner of that boa constrictor domesticated it. Apart from killing people, maybe its biggest use is as a medicine primer.

Feng Qingcheng looked at the man's handsome face, and was silent for a few seconds before speaking again, "All right, then it's settled."

Seeing that she turned around and was about to leave after finishing speaking, Cang Yanlu suddenly let out a muffled snort, and from an angle that Feng Qingcheng could not see, he quietly gave his son a wink.

Before Feng Qingcheng arrived, the father and son had already negotiated a deal, Cang Yanli agreed to keep the python, and tonight Cangli would find a way to let Feng Qing stay in Dongyuan overnight.

Cangli received his signal and immediately raised his voice exaggeratedly, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Cang Yanlu waved his hand at him, "It's okay, I want to go to the bathroom, but got up too quickly and accidentally pulled the wound."

"Father, Ah Li will help you go to the toilet! Oops! Father, you are too tall, Ah Li can't reach it!"

Feng Qingcheng saw that Cang Li was speaking loudly like a trumpet, and couldn't help but said, "Cang Yanli, your waist injury should be healed?"

"Princess, don't worry, this hall can do it alone."

Hearing the rustling sound behind her, Feng Qingcheng turned her head and glanced at the head of the bed. Seeing that the man was about to get out of bed while holding his waist, she made a pertinent suggestion, "It's not convenient for you to move now, or use Chamber pot?"

The man's tone was firm, "My hall goes out to use the toilet!"

The existence of a chamber pot is equivalent to a spittoon in the 21st century to the people of Yuncang Kingdom. How could Cang Yanli, as a dignified prince, be willing to use that thing?

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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